• Member Since 27th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen April 23rd

Andrew Joshua Talon

A fellow traveler...

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Short Hand: Doctor Whooves 2 · 12:12am Sep 1st, 2020

The Doctor's Muffin TARDIS comes to a landing in a grassy field near a lake. In the distance are mountains. And overhead the sun is blood red and the skies are dark and ashen. Shepherd steps out and coughs.

Shepherd: "Well... It looks like home... But during a forest fire or something."

Doctor: "Yes. The atmosphere is heavily polluted with smoke. But everything else seems fairly normal... Though the Hume levels seem slightly off."

Shepherd: "What would that mean?"

Doctor: "Well, Hume levels are relative to every reality. Depending upon how 'real' a reality is! Your reality has a very high Hume level as you have no magic, whereas Equestria has a lower level thanks to all the magic! And I use technology to manipulate Hume levels to travel between realities, so it's all quite relative! Heck, your reality might have discovered reality bending while you were gone!"

Shepherd: "Highly unlikely... I hope." *Pulls on a gas mask* "I'm going to go check up over the ridge. My neighborhood should be there."

Shepherd goes up to check while Ditzy looks around nervously.

Ditzy: "I don't like the looks of this place, Doc. Or the smell. That doesn't smell like normal smoke."

Doctor: "I suppose not... It smells... Almost like burning flesh..."

Ditzy: "And what's that buzzing noise?"

Shepherd comes running back over the ridge as fast as his legs can carry him.

Shepherd: "START THE SHIP!"



Doctor: "WHY?!"

A massive horde of humans, all screaming as they burn alive, runs after Shepherd. The Doctor blinks.

Doctor: "Oh. That's why."

Shepherd dives into the TARDIS after Ditzy and the Doctor, shuts the doors, and it takes off as the burning humans scream and beat on the sides of the ship before it vanishes.

All three are left panting inside the control room.

Doctor: "... All right. In my defense, how was I supposed to know there was a spontaneous combustion zombie apocalypse on this Earth?"


Comments ( 9 )

It’s 2020! Don’t tempt fate like that!

...Lit, yo.

It would have been funny if they were all dressed in 70s night life. Then you could name that world shard "Disco Inferno"

Huh. I actually have an RPG stat block on hand for "undead spontaneous combustion victim."

All Flesh Must Be Eaten? That's a fun one, especially when the ZM forgets to properly balance the encounters for the playertype. So overpowered that entire game. So much fun. And the multi-attack rules get _brutal_ if you specialize hard enough.

Nope, just combusted. After six Bestiaries and all the incidental additions in adventure paths, Pathfinder 1E has stats for just about everything.

IndyShepherd: Burning zombies. Why'd it have to be burning zombies?

I really hope they don't put those in the next Left 4 Dead game

(... Huh, very interesting apocalypse scenario actually, pretty unique!)

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