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A JD Review - Avengers: Endgame (2019) · 4:44am Apr 29th, 2019

This one's for every life.

The time is here. The end of a journey. Avengers: Endgame achieved what I didn't think was possible for the MCU: a definitive ending for this saga. Twists and turns, life and death, war and peace, this film covers it all and does even more. This was a film long-time coming, and it paid off in the biggest way imaginable.

Without further ado... let's get into this. One last time.


They did it. Marvel achieved an ending for this beautiful saga. The Infinity Saga, it's called. Great ending. Beautiful film all around. I will say that I may have enjoyed Infinity War just a tad bit more... but this one seals the deal. Easily my second favorite Marvel film to date. The ingenious writing, the mind-blowing directing, and the indescribable ending is what makes this Marvel's most ambitious film to date. I didn't cry in Infinity War, but I did get teary-eyed in this one.

The film focuses on the Avengers this time around instead of Thanos, and it's honestly for the best. Thanos had his film, and now it's time for a last hurrah for our main Avengers. Still, I think it was very interesting what they did with Thanos in this one. Josh Brolin gives off another amazing performance, the CGI on him and pretty much the CGI in general is jaw-dropping. Ant-Man was a complete treat in this film, and Captain Marvel... well... she's kinda better...? Guess we'll cover that in spoilers.

10/10. Near-masterpiece in my eyes. Let's not waste anymore time.


You can't really talk about this film for long without diving into spoilers. Let's not hold anything back, shall we? This film shocked me, from the start with the Avengers striking Thanos at his home and literally chopping off his head. I was flabbergasted. The five year time jump also took me aback. It was interesting to see what life would be like in that amount of time. I was really looking forward to the Thanos vs. Captain Marvel fight, and was a little disappointed when she just completely manhandled him. We deserved a bigger fight between (though the final battle kinda makes up for it). Kinda. Carol is still that same character she's been in her solo film... little to no humbleness in her. Yeah, we're gonna change that for Part II.

The whole idea of time travel in this film can be a little confusing (it certainly sparked a huge debate between my friends and I that could go on for hours on end). The way the Russos and the writers handled the idea of time travel was kind of ingenious. Traveling back in time to various points where the Infinity Stones was also a nice touch with all the references to past films. The Avengers (2012) sequence was my favorite. Still, I felt they could've done a little bit more, shown more to the Marvel universe at different points in time. Little missed opportunity, but I could see why they didn't want to take full advantage. They don't have the resources.

Then the final battle. After Banner snapped his fingers with the new Infinity Gauntlet created and the Stones brought together again, everyone is brought back, but not before we get an epic showdown between past Thanos and the Big Three (Tony, Steve, and Thor). This was honestly my favorite fight in the film, with Thor handling both hammer and axe and Captain America wielding the hammer! So damn amazing! I literally couldn't feel my arms I was getting so many chills. Then when all the heroes came back from the snap... all of them facing Thanos' army... and then Captain America finally saying it.

Avengers... assemble.

I got a tear in my eye just from that. I waited so long...

Then we reach the end after the most epic battle in the entire MCU. Tony sacrifices his life and steals the Infinity Stones from Thanos... and then he snapped his fingers... killing Thanos' army and wiping Thanos from existence. Like poetry. And then... it came. It happened. Tony Stark gave up his life to save the universe. This was the moment I got really teary-eyed. Beautiful ending to his story, hell, the MCU up to this point WAS his story. Best character in the MCU, hands down.

Black Widow's death was also shocking. Though it's interesting that we'll get a solo film from her next year. Probably an origin story. Sounds pretty interesting. Steve Rogers going back in time to live with Peggy, have his dance, and pass on the shield to Falcon was simply perfect. Ending the film there was just... right.

And that was Avengers: Endgame. We did it. We reached it. And it was all worth it.


I could talk about this film for hours, but I don't got that kinda time. 10/10. Oh, and before I forget...

Y'all thought Endgame was mindblowing? Hehe...


Just wait for Part II of Infinity Era. See ya soon. :pinkiecrazy:

Report JDPrime22 · 971 views · Story: Infinity Era ·
Comments ( 73 )

That psycho Pinkie is making me nervous, man...

Didn't read the spoiler review yet, btw. Gonna go see it tomorrow in a reserved theater with a group of friends., and after I see it, you, me, and Humor are gonna have a LOT to talk about. That being said, the soundtrack is just breathtaking. Listening to it I can already tell its gonna be a gut-puncher

Amazing movie. I was worried they were gonna use time travel to do a big reset so I was relieved when they established that it's not possible to actually change the past.

I'll be sure to catch up on the 33 chapters of Infinity Era i still need to read eventually.

So Fucking Epic 11/10, though it’s a shame Thor got himself fat

I can't describe this movie with anything other than it is the most ambitious, marvelous and most ultimate culmination 22 years in the making. As for him, he's gone through a lot, experienced a lot... suffered a lot... he will be remembered amongst his fans and the whole universe for the ultimate sacrifice he committed... from genius, billionaire, playboy, weapons maker... to legendary hero of the universe. One may imitate his every move, his every mannerism, every feat... but there's one thing they can never duplicate, a name that will be remembered for generations...

He is Iron Man.

If there's more to Endgame that thrills me, there are a lot of scenes that extracted the profound laughters outta myself, these scenes, but not limited to:

1. Thor saying he went for the head (though it's a serious scene).
2. Hulk-Banner giving Scott his taco.
3. FaThor.
4. Rhodey smacking Star-Lord's face.
5. Scott becoming a kid, an old man, and a baby because of faulty time travel testing, and peeing in his own suit.
6. The "Regular-sized man" scene.
7. Korg playing Fortnite in a Hawaiian shirt.

You bite your tongue, Captain Marvel was awesome.

I shudder at the idea of ponies going to Vormyr... and I have this picture in my head of Twilight knocking Quill out on the way to the Power Stone.

Me in the theater:
Did they seriously just kill Thanos already? No... no, this has to be a trick. Like before! He's using the Reality Stone to trick them all- DON'T YOU DARE FADE TO BLACK DON'T YOU DARE FADE TO BLACK-

I'm going to try go and see it as soon. As I can I I just hope that the tickets doesn't get all sold out.

Well...WHAT R U WAITING FOR??!!! Start planning and writing soon!

Also, like i said, I agree with everything about this movie! Thanos, enjoy HELLFIRE!

after the new plan he concocted in the movie, he had it coming for all those past years.

Will you shut up with the hellfire thing? Honestly, your fanboy screaming here is getting real annoying.

Sorry, but just ignore me if i am such an 'annoyance' to you. It was hard enough that the Snap wasn't altered in the story, so forgive me to release a years worth of joy at the climax of Endgame. Honestly you seem to be the only one who makes a scene about me, everyone else seems to just accept me for who i am.

Look, I'm so glad all of this is over with the Mad Titan, but some people don't have ta push it.

I just can't help myself. I was truly overjoyed.

5051045 She didn't do anything important other than show up at the end.

5051086 I still have school bro. It's gonna be a while before I can settle down and get writing again.

5051012 It's the biggest gut punch. :fluttercry:

5051019 I was a little taken aback by that. Still, hilarious. :rainbowlaugh:

5051033 preview.redd.it/ph6tpojfd5y11.jpg?width=719&auto=webp&s=cb53e31d107ace9eed5c1c1eb3fb6031261b23ac

5051044 Not a fan of Fortnite, but that scene was great.

5051057 They wouldn't really need to. The Soul Stone isn't there in my story.

Yeah, and it was awesome.

As long as you've got a plan in that developed 'genius, playboy, philanthropist' mind of yours, take your time.:twilightsmile::raritywink:

Boi that movie was good , 11/10 for me . The final showdown was worth the 3 hours alone !

it's true that the death of Black Widow and Iron man were sad (especially the later) but since I don't feel emotions , I didn't even have watery eyes (sometimes I really wonder if I do feel emotions) ...

But if there is a thing that made me question my very existence , it's the fact that an ERA just finished ! I was born with the start of the MCU (well , no really , but 2005 is pretty close no ?) and those movies where a pretty big part of my childhood (how much afternoons did I "wasted" watching Iron Man 1 ? I probably can't answer that myself...) and knowing that there probably never will something else like this really makes me sad , first we "lose" the MCU then we "lose" MLP , how cruel this world is !

To conclude , this movie was less marking for me than Infinity War but was clearly on another level if we are talking Epicness . Like I heard somewhere else "This movie is basically the Popcorn lvl1000 movie , everything in it is made for you to feel emotions" and that's what makes it one of the best movie out there !

On another note , can't wait for Part II of infinity Era (don't overdo yourself because people ask for it tho) !

5051150 Oh, I got my own unique take on Endgame for Part II. It's gonna be VERY interesting. :ajsmug:


With what you already have done with the first 3 stories , I can't expect less from you :D !

This scene made me cry in the cinema, when Tony died I felt like I lost a good friend that I grew up with.
This movie was great.

5051175 We all lost a friend. :fluttercry:

Just saw it today with my dad. And just DAMN!!!
My moment of teary eyes (and frankly I didn't think I was going to get like that) was at the funeral and Tony's last message. I hope you still go for the path they did with the five year time jump. I feel like that was kinda needed, plus it gives time for Tony to have his family.
I look forward to what you come up with

5051266 It's gonna be interesting.

The final battle with the united armies of the universe is gonna be something to behold

You left out the best part. Thor... went for the head!

Was I the only one that saw Proxima Midnight morning Corvis Glaive in the background of Stark's snap.

5051356 Fat Thor was the true hero of the film.

5051360 Really? Damn, I gotta see the film again for that.

I got a little teary during Infinity War but this one. Holy shit. I broke down sobbing barely able to contain myself. It took every ounce of me to not fall down onto the snack-strewn floor and cry myself through the final fight.

The portals opening is where it got me first. Then Tony making his last move completely shattered me. I love this movie so much! :pinkiehappy::yay:


5051388 I had so many chills I couldn't even feel my arms. Don't ask me how it's possible because even I don't know.


It’s just a flesh wound.

I remember that
Thought it was a nice touch of her over his body right as they both fade

I look forward to seeing what you do with the story. I loved everything about Endgame, and I cried when Tony and Natasha died so I beg you to keep Iron Man's death and Captain America's ending in this story, because I think that would have the most impact on the mane six, especially Twilight and Rainbow Dash. That's all I want to be the same in my honest opinion. Otherwise, use the reality stone that you have in your head to completely redo everything else.

Just wondering, how did you like Nebula in the film?

I saw it too. Actually felt sorry for her, for some reason

Now begs the question, how are you gonna place Season 9 and even Equestria Girls: Spring Breakdown in your story now that we learn that there's a 5-year gap in the time frame (if you will place a 5-year gap in your story anyway)?

We still have the Fantastic 4 and X-Men coming in the future, and besides Shang-Chi would be a new player from the comics to enter.

I know that the MCU is not finished , it's just that after that movie , it will be completly different from what it used to be which is not a bad thing in itself . But it won't have the same effect that it used to have .


Paulli and MarioBrony: CIVIL WAR

Nebula in the film out of the 4 films she starred in, she feels most like a developed character

I will concede to the fact that Thanos' death is little underwhelming. Needed a bit more impact but overall... well I mean, it's Thanos. I can't help but eat that shit up

Captain Marvel's roll in the movie came off as the Disney execs forced a movie before they should have, told the Russo Brothers they HAD to have her in Endgame, and the boys just didn't know what the fuck to do with her, so they threw up their hands and said, "Oh fuck it, just have her at the beginning and end, for the rest of the film she can piss off."

Shush. That's not for you to know....

I am not interested.:ajbemused: I pass.

Just to clarify: are you talking about when Thor "went for the head", or when Tony made Thanos "bite the dust"?
I was talking about the former.

Maybe both? I mean killing the Thanos we came to know in Infinity War at the VERY BEGINNING of the movie kinda lessons the impact with dealing with a younger version of him later in the film, considering this is now a Thanos with none of the emotional weight or familiarity with the other characters on his shoulders, and him dying in the end, well, I don't know, I feel that they maybe could have done MORE? Maybe him getting half the stones and Tony getting the other half and so they've gotta grudge match it both trying to get the other half? I don't know.

Didn't really sway my feelings as much, for some reason. We've already seen that Thanos can take names with or without the Stones, so his past incarnation still felt threatening enough (especially since, if I recall, he kept the armor on this time).

I'm pretty sure the writers were aware of the concerns you brought up, and came up with past-Thanos wanting to just start the universe over as an attempt to fill the tensional void. But that's just me.

Either way, still loved the film!

Oh no, so do I, I think the film is great.

I just have some nitpicks

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