Horse Voice at BronyCon 2018 · 6:09pm Jul 14th, 2018
Guess what, bronies.
Against all odds, the Canadian Delegation--GaryOak, Reia Hope, and myself--will be at the big one again this year. Gary's doing three panels, and what do you know, it happens that I'm on one of them.
Research is Magic! -- Saturday, Midnight - 1:00 AM, Hall of the Sun
Panelists: GaryOak, Shakespearicles, GaPJaxie, and Horse Voice
"Doing research is an essential part of writing, and it is important to know your material. Fandom authors are here to help you use your knowledge to draw a reader in."
... And it's at midnight. Dang.
Still, it could be worse. We might have been placed opposite Scribbler. Then we'd end up talking to an empty auditorium.
Now, a lot of people's eyes glaze over when they hear the word "research." This is because modern education trains people to think of learning as a chore. But we intend to break through that barrier, because of two simple truths about learning:
1. Learning is a form of recreation, if you're doing it right.
2. You've already done it, probably without meaning to.
So, if you want to meet me in person, there you go. And this time, it's easier than looking for a weirdly-dressed person in a crowd of weirdly-dressed people.
Bon voyage, everyone!
Here's hoping I can spot your vest at the opening ceremonies again. We'll see about the panel. It sounds fascinating, but midnight...
Just don't mistake him for Jake the Army Guy. That's an oopsie you'll never live down on either side of the equation.
No pressure. That's what Quills & Sofas is for.
Nah, it's easy to tell us apart. I'm the good-looking one.
This man listens to Korpiklaani, obviously he is a gentleman of refined tastes.
I'm really disappointed I won't be able to hang out with you again this year. Have a great time!
Here's hoping I can sneak away to Trixie's party!
Impeccable musical taste =D. And this is one more blog post tempting me to go...
Dang. Not this year for me, I'm afraid. Enjoy the con, and the panel!
Same here. Next year, perhaps.
If not, I'm sure I'll see you in passing as you run around putting out fires.
Aww. But BC will still be there next year.
Nice! I'll be going to BronyCon this year too. Hope you have fun!
+1 for good music taste (although I see no Iron Maiden patch, so I'm not sure what's going on there).