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  • 223 weeks
    New Audiobook by ThelifeonCloud9: All Nightmare Long

    Happy Nightmare Night, everypony!

    As part of this year's Month of Macabre, ThelifeonCloud9 has released an audio production of my story All Nightmare Long. (Trivia time: Cloud9 got her start in fandom audio productions four years ago, with a bit part in Scribbler's production of another story of mind, Holder's Boulder.)

    Check it out below:

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  • 235 weeks
    Audiobook Directory

    Over the years, several fandom YouTubers have created audio productions of stories from the Horse Voice bibliography. These are now very numerous, and so for the convenience of listeners, I have compiled them here.

    Many thanks to those who liked my stories enough to create these great renditions.

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  • 243 weeks
    You Are Not Alone

    This message is very, very late by the standards of the Internet. But my conscience won't let me rest until I say how I feel.

    A week ago, news broke that former fan-author Jetfire2012 had taken leave of his sanity and picked a fight with an entire crowd... with predictable and well-deserved results.

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  • 277 weeks
    Dear Ponies, Allow Me to Play You Out

    Here in Canada, tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day. And so for myself and other Canadian bronies, the timing of Pony's finale, almost to the day, is quite fitting.

    But really, who needs a red-letter day for thankfulness? This event may be bittersweet, but we can all be thankful for the good times, for the lessons that help us, for our creations, and for each other.

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  • 280 weeks
    My Interview at BronyCon: Slightly Less Cringey Than I Expected

    "Um, uh, uh, er, um, uh, y'know..."

    Surprise, everyone! One of my fans, Tyler Hinton, managed to find me at BronyCon 2019 and ask for an in-person interview. The result: About six minutes of me spilling my guts, interspersed with ten minutes of "um's." Luckily, Tyler edited the boring parts out, so my long, rambling answers don't drag on too much.

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Dear Ponies, Allow Me to Play You Out · 8:24pm Oct 13th, 2019

Here in Canada, tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day. And so for myself and other Canadian bronies, the timing of Pony's finale, almost to the day, is quite fitting.

But really, who needs a red-letter day for thankfulness? This event may be bittersweet, but we can all be thankful for the good times, for the lessons that help us, for our creations, and for each other.

It's a bright autumn day outside, not unlike one of those heady days in late 2011, when I would spend hours indulging in the fandom's creations, then take long walks with visions of ponies in my head. Starry evenings, fall colours, and brisk air have always made me think of Equestria. It was a balm for the spirit--the poor man's equestrian therapy. And I needed it, for at the time my life was a shambles. Words cannot describe how thankful I am for the show and its community.

I smiled all throughout the last three episodes. But I'm choking up now.

Having thought over ways to say an appropriate farewell to something that has soothed our hearts these nine years, I find that no mere words can suffice. So, I will let Nightwish say farewell for me, with a song that has always taken me away--to the land of Equestria.

All the best,

Comments ( 6 )

Meadows of Heaven...a quite appropriate imagine to describe and remember the most beautiful and friendliest place (for the most part!).

I. too, came to the land of Equestria at a very dark time in my life. Without that gracious intervention, I'm very sure I would not have found the friendships I have today among the the most amazing, inspiring and accepting people I've ever met.

Thank you for the songs and the comments you have shared over the past year, H.V. I look forward to seeing many more.

People keep posting about what they're doing to commemorate the show and little rituals like long walks they do. I'm going to feel bad if I have to blog about how I sat at home all weekend and shitposted.


I think THIS is the song I associate most with the show; that was not written within the show itself, or the fandom (apologies for quality, original was removed):

Hey apropos of nothing thank you for being my friend.

Oh I really do get what you mean.

I did get sad during part of the finale, and one scene legit makes me cry. But all those things had to do with seeing help characters had actually progressed. I guess I’d already come to grips a while back I about the chronology of the show itself ending. I still have the friends that I made within reach of the visitation and contact, and have plenty of fan works I STILL have to experience. I get more personally sad when I fans open up their hearts and pour the contents all over the Internet.


Glad I could help, in my own small way. Just wish I could do more. :heart:

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