• Member Since 16th Sep, 2015
  • offline last seen Mar 4th, 2020


I have gone to find myself. If I get back before I return, please keep me here.

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  • 265 weeks
    A Poll (poll closed)

    Hello everyone! I do so hope that the day finds you well and in good health. I myself am doing better, as I 've gotten most of my computer troubles sorted out for the most part. However, unfortunately when my computer decided to kick the bucket, it took with it the latest chapter for Spider Quest, which leaves me to rewrite the whole thing from scratch. However, instead of letting myself get too

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  • 266 weeks
    Something I Found

    So first a quick update on my computer situation: I took in to see if anything was salvageable, and apparently there was something wrong with the hard drive that they did not have the means to fix without ordering in and installing a brand new one, which would have been rather costly Getting anything off the old was essentially out of the question without it costing even more. Needless to say I

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  • 266 weeks
    My Computer Died

    And it took with it a whole bunch of writing.
    Unsure if I'll be able to salvage any of what was lost. Thankfully I had some my writing and other files saved onto flash drives, so the blow is not debilitating. Still, it doesn't feel good to know that some of the stuff you've been working on is possibly just gone.

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  • 270 weeks
    I need to manage my saved comments better

    Made a quick change to the authors notes, including another comment that helped shape the direction of the latest chapter. Sorry for any inconvenience.

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  • 270 weeks
    Special Thanks and a Question

    Hello everyone, good to see you. Dilos1 here to make an announcement regarding Spider Quest, my latest story on Fimfiction. I must say, I was quite surprised at the amount of feedback that I got when it went live, as I was wholly expecting it to only do okay in terms of views and comments. Fast forward a couple of days, and I simply cannot adequately describe my thanks that you all took the time

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Displaced Group Rules Are Weird · 6:35pm Dec 9th, 2016

Hello everyone. I have something to tell you all regarding my story that may or may not effect it.
A little while an Admin of the group, whom I will not name out of respect, came to me through the PM t ask if Hollow Shades was currently crossed over with anything, or if it ever would be in the future. My response was that it was not, and likely would not be crossing over with other Displaced stories in the near future.
Following this the Admin informed me that due to this, my story did not count as "real" Displaced story, and thus would be removed from all of the folders it was in. If you look you can see for yourself that Hollow Shades is no longer a part of the Displaced group, or its sister group The Renegade Displaced.
I of course was confused by this, as my story did follow much of the same formulas that constitute a Displaced story, aside from the lack of endless crossovers, and I made this known to the Admin, but apparently it was not good enough.
The Admin then informed me that it can still be part of both groups if all I ever did was have it cross over with another Displaced, even if I just made one up on the fly. My response was that it already was sort of crossed over with my other story, Legacies of the Displaced, by way of a passing mention. I was told that was a stretch.

So yeah, apparently Hollow Shades, which has been a part of the Displaced group, not to mention the Quality Works folder, for about a year, it does not count as real Displaced story.

On the upside, progress on the next chapter has been steady if slow going, so there's that to look forward to at least.

Report Dilos1 · 676 views · Story: Hollow Shades ·
Comments ( 38 )

Well thats a stupid rule. Also ty for no crossovers crossovers have ruined many good displaced stories.

I didn't know you could go past full retard.

If it was midnightchaos than this could have been partly my fault I have been discussing the 'crossover ruin most stories thing' but apparently 'inspire' means required.

The whole crossover thing is getting ridiculous anyway almost all stories are in a giant clusterfuck of crossovers with way too op characters.

4333979 Displaced leadership has about as about as much brain power as a sun dried tomato. Apparently they now have gotten worse.

4333980 It's alright. I don't blame you. Just a little salty is all.

Um yah I call bullshit on that. In our lore crossovers won't a thing till one displace made a token and there are many displace stories that don't have crossovers that say they won't do them. If I was you, I would go to midnightchaos and tell her what happen. That adam can't do that. Like at all.

To be honest, I don't think it really matters in the long run of things, at least regarding your story itself. It's an astounding story of suffering revolving around base instinct and misconceptions based around assumptions made in knee-jerk reaction to something new and potentially dangerous, an accurate portrayal of the human psyche, or perhaps the psyche of all living things.

However, regardless, that's rather unfair to your story. There should be a folder dedicated to Standalone tales that do not crossover at all rather than being removed entirely.

Whoa whoa whoa whoa.... whoa. You mean to say that crossovers are necessary to be considered a Displaced story? Damn, I always wondered why those guys always insisted on shoehorning those despite them just about always being completely irrelevant to the story being told if not an outright derailment of it, while also forcing the authors to slow way the fuck down in order to accomodate it. I almost always end up dropping a story once one crops up.

I've always appreciated that you've focused on your story, and if some jackass wants you to start throwing in speedbumps because of an arbitrary and stupid rule, then I'd suggest just rewriting the prologue and just rolling as just a crossover. Because let's be honest: the "Displaced" tag is hardly a mark of quality.

Sounds like they just want to be the next Chess Game of the Gods, it's probably not gonna happen. All the crossovers was a big part of why CGOTG died in the first place, the amount of effort required to follow the canon of 10 stories at once was ridiculous.

Oh well. As reasons for getting kicked out of a group go, "your story isn't bad enough" is as flattering of a reason as it gets. She is aware that those are widely considered one of the most annoying and obnoxious things about the entire genre, right?

Ok, so after rereading all of the rules and lore and stuff, I didn't see anywhere where it said crossing over was required. Even Midnight's topic called "Guide for New and Old Members" says nothing about them being required.

4334074 I'm just as confused as you are. In our conversation I told the Admin that it could be viewed as unfair, but the response I got was, "Without that, its merely an HiE with a small bit of completely and utterly unimportant lore."

4334068 Well, I wasn't necessarily "kicked out", my story just got deleted from the group folders. Still, it's a little hard not to be at least a little salty about it.

4334088 Maybe you should try taking it up with the other Admins that run the group, after all your story didn't go against any of the rules for a Displaced Story, maybe the one that you encountered either is starting to get high on their high horse or are incompetent and shouldn't be an Admin for failure to read the rules that was laid down.

4334088 4334068
I actually just found this forum post where Midnight actually tells everyone what constitutes a Displaced story. However, she also admits that it's supposedly an unspoken requirement, not an actual written one. At least, I think that's what she's implying.

It's one of the reasons I left the both groups including the reviewer group as well. Hell my displace story is still the folders of both groups and not crossed with anything and I have yet to receive a pm about. Granted it hasn't been updated for a few months but still.

If anything just look at it this way, your story is to good and proves you can make a good displace while not following the norm. Rage views was tearing into their quality folder months back and actually made the admins remove some because of it! Count yourself lucky.

Hold up, never mind. Just took a closer look at the front page of the group, and one of the rules listed is that all submission must eventually be part of a crossover.

4334122 your story is too good for that dying group anyway:twilightsmile:

4334127 Why thank you kind sir/ma'am.:twilightsmile:

Well, that is just plain retarded and that is me saying that. What the bloody hell happened to "technicaly, each being taken from it´s home plane and planted into a version of Equestria counts as a 'Dimensional Misplaced' or 'Displaced', for short" gig? Urgh!:facehoof:

Your Hollow Shades has all that, MC visiting a Con (even for different reasons than the main body of our chars), a/the Merchant being a dickweed and pulling a fast one on Angie, transformation into a different creature upon warping to horseland.

Seriously, whoever that Admin was, he/she/they make me question their mental health cause this sounds like a massive case of "Bullshit" to me. Makes me considering my future in this particular group.

Anyways, their loss cause Hollow Shades is and will ever be a great story, lables of as whatever it exactly qualifies nonwithstanding.

4334122 My phone can't read the front page of groups. My bad.

It's not like getting kick out of that group matters anyway.
Anyone who was going to find it by looking in there would have Likely read it by now if they were ever going to read it.

And if you really do need even more people seeing this story, then getting featured again will do that just fine.

4334349 Well, the final chapter and the epilogue are both almost done, so it should not be too long before that.

Don't sellout, luv. Stick to you're idea. You're the author here.

4333974 That made me chuckle Shocks.

4334587 Don't you worry about me. I shall continue even in the face of adversity.

4334594 Which we thank you for.
I prefer the League of Humans Acting Villainous route anyway

the admin was being picky, snooty and highly subjective in his definition of a 'displaced story' that may or may not be true depending on how you are looking at it.

That was what she told me too.
"Without crossover we would be HiE with lore"

4334835 I'm afraid that if this keeps going the way it is, a lot of other good authors and their stories are going to be alienated from the group altogether.

...I will be frank. I have no idea how crossovers are essential to a displaced story when quite literally the main driving point has been the merchant shenanigans and the consequences thereof, commonly with the villain shenanigans, rather than crossovers. This is coming from the guy who has read a large amount of displaced stories, and I can say that a lot of stories crashed simply because of crossovers.

Midnight Chaos is probabbly one of the oddest people at this point, to me. Especially when he/she appears to claim that they are essential when...Auric Fulcrum and his shenanigans are one of the true examples of Displaced stories that...Barely used any crossovers at all, according to my own memory. Especially so in comparison to various others stories. And that's just one example of many that thrived quite effectively.

A majority of Displaced stories end up being better by using a -lack- of crossovers rather than, you know, any crossovers at all. Hopefully the Displaced group gets itself sorted.

I wish you luck in the story you're writing, so far, it has been one of my most favourite stories to read.

4335478 Thank you for the support. I actually just got done PM'ing Kirito, the founder of the Renegade Displaced about it, and he said it was actually fine for my story to be added to that group.

4335486 Good to hear about that! Hopefully it gets added once more. Though, I see you doing well without being tied to it just as easily.
That seems to suggest, though, that Midnight Chaos is acting out of turn to say the least. Hopefully you get an apology for the trouble at some point since it seems to be fine from quite a lot of people's views, even Kirito.

Well first, to the admin who deleted your story:


Secondly, I am so glad that you didn't give in and turned the story into a crossover smorgasbord mess. I've read a couple of displaced fics and almost all of the end up with crossovers, convoluted style globe, protagonists with Mary Sue level powers that make the ponies look like background decoration in comparison... should I continue my rant?

Hollow Shades has a smooth crossover story, and has such a good premise that I didn't even realize that it was a Displaced fic. In fact, calling it a Displaced fic may be a disservice. Your stories deserve better.

I'll be looking forward for the final episode of this tale. Hopefully Angela the Wraith gets a happy ending.

I've read several displace stories, and quite frankly I find all the cross-over's somewhat confusing. I just wanna follow the one in the current story, not this and this fellow in dozen other's. Hard to keep up with everything...

4341740 Same here. I believe that a crossover with another can be done well, I just don't think it has in a way that doesn't feel forced or contrived.

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