• Member Since 27th Feb, 2012
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Satisfies Values Through Friendship and Ponies.

More Blog Posts6

  • 36 weeks
    Friendship is Optimal is Science Fiction

    On this 11th anniversary of the release of Friendship is Optimal, I’d like to remind everyone that it’s a piece of speculative fiction and was a product of it’s time. I’ve said this before in other venues, but Science Marches On and FiO did not predict how things have turned out. The world looks very different.

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    32 comments · 2,083 views
  • 88 weeks
    Friendship is Optimal 10th Anniversary

    10 years ago to this day, I started publishing Friendship is Optimal to FIMFiction. What a decade it’s been for both the story and for AI progress.

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    17 comments · 1,378 views
  • 164 weeks
    One More Honorable Mention

    The results are in. Congratulations to the winners.

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    3 comments · 1,507 views
  • 399 weeks

    Friendship is Optimal just broke 3,000 upvotes. I'd like to thank each and every one of you who enjoyed my story. I never imagined that it would ever be this popular or spread as far as it has.

    Thank you for making my numbers go up!

    16 comments · 1,169 views
  • 556 weeks
    Anyone want to play Pokemon?

    My friend code is 2595 - 1224 - 6063.

    Please leave your friend code in the comments if you add me, so I can add you back. I don't know what type I'll show up in your Friend Safari.

    7 comments · 1,069 views

3,000! · 11:32pm Nov 27th, 2016

Friendship is Optimal just broke 3,000 upvotes. I'd like to thank each and every one of you who enjoyed my story. I never imagined that it would ever be this popular or spread as far as it has.

Thank you for making my numbers go up!

Report Iceman · 1,169 views · Story: Friendship is Optimal ·
Comments ( 16 )

Congratulations, man!

It is a seminal classic of the pony genre.

I looked at it at 2996 and thought -- this is getting close to 3000 -- and yep here it is.

In the spirit of that, second story?

Author Interviewer

dang :O gj

Happy 3000!

Thank you for creating it and inspiring the rest of us.

I can certainly imagine it! Friendship is Optimal was the second FiM fic I ever read, so it was likely partially responsible for all the other pony stuff I've said and done. Also, it's still one of the best works of literature I've seen.

Congrats; it's well deserved!


Seriously though man, FiO was amazing. Thank you for writing it.

Neat. Friendship is Optimal is one of the best things to come out of pony fan fiction, so congratulations.

I really need to read that story again.
It's so gud:heart:

4321269 is your satisfaction level rising through friendship and ponies?

Celestia is Best Pone afterall:heart:

I'm definitely glad you wrote it! Friendship is Optimal is what led me to discover the world of ponies in the first place! :twilightsmile:

It also makes for such an excellent backdrop to explore ideas relating to the singularity, and reading everyponies' interpretations has been great. Additionally, it has even led me to discover the joy of writing, so that's a triple blessing of satisfaction for me! :yay:

Fluffy, zero-stakes 2k word Pinkie/Dash slice-of-life when?

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