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Calm Wind

We writers do not speak. We do not hear. We have no songs. We have no pictures. We only have scripture. From words we bring images. From words we bring emotion. From words we bring life.

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So... chapter 129... · 10:16pm Jun 30th, 2016

So yeah... here's the deal. I've been working on it pretty hard over this week and last and... i wasn't exactly paying attention to something.

I'm nearing the last i'd say... 1/4 of the chapter and i'm heavily enjoying it because im working with a certain character i've missed writing for (Because i still wanna make sure anyone who's not caught up is spoiled xD)

As of last night i pushed back from the computer, confident i was about 75% done with the chapter...

Then i looked at the word count...

26000... :twilightoops:

And... yeah... wow... I've got another chunk left still. at the current pace it is more than likely that it will be longer than chapter 126.

Now i know i said i wanted to keep things neat and tidy ending the third story arc on chapter 140... but after noticing the last few chapters have all been very long, im saying to hell with it, BUT BEFORE I DO THAT... i wanted to pose this question to all of you.

Chapter 129 is interesting... and i think half the reason i didnt realize how long it was getting (not paying attention aside) was that it only has 2 scenes.

The first is roughly 2,300 words long, detailing something briefly away from what happened at the end of chapter 128... and the rest of the chapter is literally ONE BIG SCENE... detailing the return and confrontation with you know who. which brings me to why i am hesitant and wanted to get the general opinion first.

Since it is literally all one scene, it was very hard to find ANYWHERE where i could cut it off cleanly and realistically. I found only ONE spot where i personally felt comfortable possibly separating it, but even that spot will be an incredibly abrupt stop in the middle of the action. Said spot is at the 20,700 word mark. Meaning i'd be very close to already finishing the next chapter and have it posted very soon after, changing what could easily get close to being 40000 words into something thats split into two 20000ish parts.

so the choices are...

A). super long, single scene, confrontation with a certain pony that might even tip over chapter 100 in length...


B). i deal with the fact that i poorly predicted my chapters and lengths AGAIN... and split up the chapter into two 20000 word long chapters, and you'll have to put up with an awkward and random cut off that would would make dragon ball Z blush.

I would be fine with either. in TRUTH... i would prefer option A since thats how i outlined and mapped the chapter... but i understand that long chapters can be intimidating and am more than willing to break it up to make it easier if you so wish.

A. will mean it will be probably around a week till the next chapter.

B. will mean a new chapter sooner with another chapter soon after that, but there will be an awkward wait in between them.


Comments ( 46 )

my vote B I am willing to weight for the second part of the chapter to be posted.

i'm in for a long chapter! even if it means waiting a week! so i'm up for A.

i don't want to point any hooves here but this art work is vary interesting as there is a little thing defiantly missing.:pinkiegasp:

If it means avoiding screaming from a cliffhanger, option A please :raritywink:

I'm already this far in your story so me, afraid of a big chapter?!? PUH-LEASE !! Bring it on, i'm ready!! :rainbowwild::pinkiehappy:

Superlong chapter. As much as I want it all out now, I can go with waiting another week.

*love that picture BTW*

And when are you going to feature the more recent fan-made additions to the Wonderverse?

The whole purpose of chapters is to bracket scenes together. An awkward break in the middle of a scene can spoil the immersion in it. I would recommend option B even if it upsets your original plans. Better to adjust those plans than affect the story negatively.

Bigger chapter would be a good one I think especially from what you mentioned.So...bring up the big guns:pinkiehappy:

A! all the way!!!:pinkiehappy:

I cast my vote for option A.. besides I would hate to start swearing at my monitor again due to cliffhangers..:twilightblush:

*Mashes the A button so hard it breaks*

I'm A patient Being,:twistnerd: But...
A part Of me Wants Updates, Which Sounds Selfish And For The Sake of NOT being Selfish,:scootangel:
And Using My Hallmark Traits Of Personality, Or HTOP. [Not Really,:rainbowlaugh: Actually Please NO.:flutterrage:]
I would Rather Be nice and wait For A Big *ss Chapter Over more updates:twilightsmile:
That is my say in the Matter,:eeyup:

with you know who.


but i understand that long chapters can be intimidating

After reading this story, I have no clue what 'long chapters' mean anymore :rainbowlaugh:

I think it's clear that I'm goin' with A :derpytongue2:

Besides, this is Nightshade! Ya gotta have a 'special' chapter for her after all the crap she's put our beloved characters through :trixieshiftleft:


By that logic I think you meant A. xD

That's what I'm leaning towards anyway. I just thought I'd ask first :)

xd, looking over the comments, I find myself in the rare (for me) position of being in the majority. A, all the way. I love big chapters. Of course, that might be because I love reading so much (and I read fast).

I think I need a raise...

2 scenes!? Dear lord... those are my usual checkpoints for editing.


By that logic I think you meant A. xD

It's early in the morning here and I cannot brain yet. Must have coffee.... :ajsleepy:


I DO have one HR line to change POV briefly in the long scene. That was where I considered breaking it off so that would probably work ;D


Oh, cause that makes it so much easier! XD

I like cliffhangers, they keep me wanting more which, in turn, keeps me reading the story, not that I was going to stop. This story ROCKS!
One the other hand, long chapters are also enjoyable, especially with awesome stories like this. They give you more to read, which is also great with stories.

I'm gonna go with option A.

>Looks at both options

I would go with option A. I rather not have a cutoff because then you have to peice things together.

I am going for A! Can I have a Twister scene?


It's not a matter of if i can put one in, it's a matter of if he's outlined to appear :derpytongue2: I'm not making this up as i go.

The only problem I have with chapters longer that 15k words is that I don't usually have time to read them in one sitting. But i just download the whole thing into my word processor which allows me to bookmark it if i have to stop half way through. a suggestion for anyone else who has the same problem.
So yeah, I vote for [A]

26000 words? What's wrong with that?

Option A! I've been waiting way to long for this character to return! Besides...anyone who's been reading this monster probably has no clue what 'long chapters' means anymore...including me...

So...A! Bring out the big guns! I am ready!

Option A because I'm not sure I can stand ANOTHER cliffhanger. The ones we've had in the past have been extreme nail biters.

4059266 Ok! Well I will be happy if he does appears!

i want to see nightshade creampie soarin

4059427 inb4 that fixes his magic completely.

B, Non chapter should take more than 2 hours to be read, yes i'm slow.

I am a speed reader and I love long chapters since most updates I get of other stories are barely over 1 or 2k words. I'm going for the first option. It seems you really want to stay on track, and that just seems like the best option to me. FimFiction does have a bookmark feature for this kind of reason.


hate to say it but based on the general opinion so far it's going to be A :twilightblush:

I can sympathize with you though, i may write fast, but im an incredibly slow reader as well, it takes me REALLYU long to proofread these chapters, even though they are my own words. My general reading speed if im reading a standard sized novel is about... 30 pages in an hour (depending on the density of the page, if its like a tom clancy novel where description spans 50 pages at a time... yeah im snailing through that.)

So i apologize ahead of time, i know your pain well

4059713 it's ok, at least its july so I have a lot of free time

2 individual chapters would be a good thing, that way you could read them on individual days rather than lose your place.

I am really impatient..
Go for B I can handle cliffhangers:rainbowdetermined2:

I love A-- because i LOVE long chapters. :rainbowwild:


But i also love B, because despite the sort of weird wait there'll probably be, it'll be like two chapters coming in quickly. :twilightsheepish:

But... i think A will be better as it's how you designed the chapter. But both will be FINE.... :twilightblush:

:rainbowwild: is looking forwards to the chapter either way XD :pinkiehappy:

The pony eclypse finishes reading calms blog and frowns menacingly. "Short chapters? Cliff hangers? Oh we'll just see about that my fine fuzzy friend!" Heading over to his workbench he casually rips the grinder off the corner, the stone just the right grit to hold the authors nose to. Heading over to the fire pit he sets it down and tosses some fresh pine and hickory to hold hoofs to. "Oh yes my l'il blue buddy, if it's inspiration you need, we can ininspire. motivation? Well, we can manage that in massive amounts as well." The old nightwing begins to patiently ponder, casually considering his collection of quotes and including a few of his most inspiring and insideous inuendos. As he gazes at the citranella candle, he thinks perhaps he could entertain himself, delighting in calmwinds many soon to be facepalms and exaspirated sighs as the naughty nightwing waxes poeticly (Spelling not withstanding). "And now for the final piece of the puzzle" he thinks to himself. Grabbing an old appliance box, he writes a simple sentence in the inner side and tapes a green glow stick to the lid. It says option b is not one of your available options. Taking the big box and a few other props as bait, he sets the trap infront of the authors front door. Eclipse sets the box on its edge, propped up by a stick with a string tied to one end. In the interior of the trap, he places a 25lb dumbell, a copy of mares and muscle resting on the handle facing outwards. Slightly before the mag but not blocking the picture of the finely figured filly posing flirtatiously, he places a high protein bananna smoothie. "Dare thee interupt a perfectly good scene with my favorite nemesis will thee? Ha! Me thinks not!" As eclipse heads around the corner to wait patiently he thinks to himself. "Ya know, it would probably be a lot easier just to respectfully request option a, but not nearly as much fun!" >;)

Me, impatiently waiting.

Seriously though, do what you think is best. I don't care either way. I guess, pull my leg, I would choose option A for a challenge.

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