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Captain Unstoppable

"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." Sherlock Holmes

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BronyCon 2015 · 8:10pm Aug 12th, 2015

I cannot describe how much fun I had in Baltimore this year! I had been looking forward to this convention all year, and I was happy to say I was not disappointed, only in the fact that I now have less money that I would like on food. pony art, and a kick ass Discord flask that I used to drink all over the Con! I am a horrible role model!

While the con itself was fun, the best part was just meeting up with people I can only meet once a year and having such an amazing time with them that I am deeply sadden that we are all going our separate ways again.

For the rest of this blog I am going to talk about the individuals who really made this convention one of the best! If I miss you I am so sorry, but you truly made this convention something I have been needing and put me back in a place of inner peace once more.

Aquaman: I will say when I met Aqua last year I don’t think he could have cared much about my presence there. I gave him some fun ideas and we talked superheroes for a bit but besides that we didn’t really connect. After this convention though, I am certain in saying I consider Aqua a great friend. From eating at Uno’s, talking about his amazing story that is coming out soon, superheroes, and the potential of a very, very high achievement at BronyCon that did not come to be. Most of all, I have to say one of the best parts was just drinking with you and have such a deep conversation that was all started due to ‘Is it Gay to give a Unicorn a Hornjob?’. I can’t wait to see you next year and talking to you on Skype!

Wanderer D: I wish I could have had a better conversation when I was more sober, just because I talk more about myself than others and I am sorry for that. But I finally got to talk to the man, the myth, the legend himself! Even though having a conversation with you while I was drinking out of a Skyy Vodka bottle was probably not the best way to meet such a legend, I am glad we got to talk about OC’s and thinking mine could have been a threat. We need to sit down again and talk sometime!

Archonix: Holy shit! Arch, you are one of the coolest guys I have ever met and so much fun to talk to! Please, oh please make that Soarin Big Mac fusion! I will write the story if you draw the picture! Imagine the pure chaos! Then there was the fact that while Aqua and I were drinking Vodka and Coke, you just drank straight Vodka.

The best moment with you was when we were in the kitchen area and you were looking for something with sugar in it. Kind of looked like you were about to puke I believe, so I handed you a bottle of Vanilla Coke to which one of the best conversations I ever had happen.

“Wait, was there corn syrup in that?”

“Uh… ya?”

“Shit, I need alcohol” Arch then proceed to look in front of him to the drink he was making. “Oh! This will do!” Captain Unstoppable proceed to laugh uncontrollably for a good five minutes.

Drunk with Arch

CyborgSamurai: You dirty heathen! How dare you have a different ship than me! MacDash for life mofo!

But that beside, it was so much getting to talk to you and just hanging out! Even though you are a dirty heathen, I want to write that story with you! Can’t wait to see you again next year, but you need to work on your drinking my friend.

Steve: We have Aquaman, Jake the Army Guy, Sunny, Golden Vision, and myself, Capt. Unstoppable, and then there is just you. Steve… just Steve. It was great meeting you and having some fun conversations with you as well. I hope you can come out again next year!

Skeeter The Lurker : You really showed a interested in the story that I was working on, and that makes you just awesome in my book! So happy we got to have a full conversation and getting a picture with you! Sorry about your Celestia poster. Thomas the Tank Engine got his revenge.

TheMaskedFerret: Make me write… Make me write… Make me write… and screw you! You make a perfect part of my story after I sat there working on it for thirty minutes! You are an amazing person and I am so glad I got to become better friends with you! Can’t wait to talk to you on Skype again and forcing me, and so many others, to write. Also, thank you for introducing me to 50% off!

Tayman: Though we didn’t talk that much at the con, you were a super cool guy! But screw you and Sunny! You guys being so good at Mario Kart… being drunk did not help me!

Professor Plum: Plum, it was just great getting to talk to you and actually put a face to the name. It was so much fun talking to you in the hotel, even though I was pretty out of it when I did talk to you.

Cloudhammer: Man did you have a rough first night! So thankful that you brought all that food, drinks, and all the other items we might have needed, your a true bro! Sorry for having you play babysitter as many of us got shit-faced... and that house keeping dumped a lot of stuff on you.

Djthomp: It was so cool meeting one of the people who comments so much on my stories! I wanted to get a picture with you, but I could not find you at the end of the Con! I hope to see you again next year, and to get a picture with you!

Golden Vision: Shit posts. I think that is all I need to say about how awesome it was hanging out with you. Poor Noble, we used all his text messages for the month within forty five minutes of shit posting.

A Bag of Vicodin: Last year I think I had a very short conversation with you, and I don't think you really cared all that much. All is cool though, so glad to have met you again and this time having a real conversation with you.

Sunchaser: Stupid Canadian. You and your logic. Don’t you know that no matter what the United States of America is the best country ever, and no matter what we do is good! In all seriousness, it was great seeing you and I can’t wait again till next year.

Dusk Quill: Thank you so much for the Big Mac! Goring right on my desk! It was so cool seeing you again this year, even though the second we met you shot me… asshole… and then shooting Applejack? Jake is going to have your hide. It was great seeing you and I am looking forward to next year!

Jake the Army Guy: Jake. Hell, you should know most of the reason I come to BronyCon is to see you! Going to FOBcon with you, drinking, and talking about our OTP is always the highlight of the con for me. This year, I was so proud to make you an associate and soon to be Alumni brother of Pi Kappa Phi. I can’t wait to see you again next year, and bug the hell out of you on Skype. Auction bitch! We need to write it!

Now here are some highlights of the Con. The reading of 'Is It Gay to give a Unicorn Mare a Hornjob?’ between Aqua and Jake, Aqua taking a Rugby shot, and driving into the area where the riots happen with Tayman to go to a stupid Gamestop for a controller.

Thank you all for making this Con one of the best weeks of my life! I can’t wait to see you all next year! I hope to see two of my biggest idols there next year, Bad_Seed_72 and Mr. Maximus! I already booked the rooms for next year and I will be taking names again soon.

Here is some of the stuff I spent money on.

You all might have noticed that the pictures were not the best, I must admit I was drinking a lot of the con...

Report Captain Unstoppable · 345 views ·
Comments ( 13 )

I was in fact being rather restrained that night. Normally I only drink vodka the russian way - naked, screaming and waving a gun...

So far what I read is damn good! And meeting you again was so nice!

~Skeeter The Lurker


Wait, that's the russian way? I thought it was the only correct way for it...

~Skeeter The Lurker

It was so cool meeting one of the people who comments so much on my stories! I wanted to get a picture with you, but I could not find you at the end of the Con! I hope to see you again next year, and to get a picture with you!

You may just get the opportunity, there's a fair chance I'll be back next year.

Author Interviewer

Nothing has made me miss not being at the con this year than that shot with "Otterbein Lobby" in the background. I saw that both years, that and the Q&S room, and the place memory is just :(

3315392 Be there next year! How do you like the Iron Curtain art?

Author Interviewer

Needs more coat! :V

Next year friend, next year. Y'all motherfuckers will be graced by my presence. Hell, if the stars align, I may even be part of a fanfiction panel. I look forward to meeting all of you!

I'm glad you bitches had fun (One day, one day I wil got to 'Murica and Brony con, and ya'll will be so fucked up by my presence! I'd be the only female in with this group wouldn't I?

>.> I wish I could've gone

P.S - I preferred Free! to 50% off

3317582 No we got a few others. You could make a killing in the merch hall! Sell your art for like five bucks less and you would be able to pay for your tickets, hotel, and everything else in one day!

3317604 Na, I'm not comfortable enough to sell my art as merch. Heck getting me to draw in front of people I'm not good at (That and I suck at anything other than digital, and I can't do poses without refs #muchfail )

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