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Technical Writer from the U.S.A.'s Deep South. Writes horsewords and reviews. New reviews posted every other Thursday! Writing Motto: "Go Big or Go Home!"

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Something Wicked This Way Comes · 9:20pm Mar 26th, 2015

I find myself rather excited about some things that may just be coming around the turnpike. Lots of announcements coming in this one, folks. We've got prequels in the works!

Shadow Pony
First of all, I've decided to add a fourth story to my current projects. I only do this because the story is set to be short, a mere five chapters or so. For those of you who have read my story Lightning's Bolt, you may recall that near the end my OC Fine Crime tells a short, metaphorical story to the filly Keen Arrow in an attempt to dissuade her from making a very bad decision. As is strongly inferred, his tale is based on actual events in his life.

Shadow Pony will be the truth behind that tale.

As of now, I'm hoping to have the story ready in about a month. That's probably pushing it, though, so I'm only listing it as tentative to my schedule. This one will be one of those 'it's ready when it's ready' stories. Yeah, I know, how weird of me.

A Dark Knightmare
Co-conspirator and former lima bean Danger Beans has been working hard to create an epic, gritty MLP/Batman crossover in the form of A Dark Knightmare. He recently came to the conclusion that he needs help, and so he's enlisted yours truly to be his editor and assistant story planner. I have to admit, I was skeptical when he first suggested this to me. I'm typically not all that into crossovers.

Then I read the first three chapters and saw his outline. Holy smackerdoodles, this looks like fun. It's an ambitious project, and far larger than I had expected from him.This is going to be a long, hard process, but I think it's going to be well worth it.

Twilight's Inferno
Speaking of The Bean, did you know he was my editor for Twilight's Inferno? Well, he's so taken with the story that he asked early on if he could write a prequel for it. We've been doing a lot of brainstorming lately, and the more and more we develop it the more and more I'm loving it. The Bean is planning a Bioshock tribute centered on the city of Dis, and unless he does something out of left field I'm fairly confident his story will be made canon to the No Heroes/Fleur/Trixie vs. Equestria combined universe.

Production may begin as early as May, but with all the focus on A Dark Knightmare it may be longer.

How many of you know of JawJoe's breakout hit story, Twilight Sparkle: Night Shift? This is somewhat old news, but I figure it's worth sharing anyway: JawJoe is now working on a distant prequel, Monsters. He asked me to give the first few chapters a look, and I'm thinking it will be a big improvement over its predecessor. I always love it when an author decides to expand upon the world created in one of his stories, and JawJoe's not disappointing me in this regard. I don't know how long this story will remain in development, but I'm definitely looking forward to its release!

Also, Decadence continues to be one of my all time favorite fanon villains. And no, I'm not talking about the one from the comics.

Reddux and Them
In a few short weeks, my adventure story and No Heroes prequel Reddux the Tyrant will be over. It's got two more chapters left, three if you count the epilogue. I am a bit saddened by how it's received practically no attention, but at the same time I started the story purely for my own enjoyment, so I can't say it's unexpected. I'm glad that those who are reading it think so highly of it, though!

Anyway, as soon as Reddux is completed, I intend to start work on the remaining four stories of the Them-verse. It'll be great to finish this project, which was originally meant to be a significant collaboration between RainbowBob and myself. Alas, fate intervened (violently) and Bob had to kick the can my direction, and only now will I finally have the time to finish the job. For those of you wondering, the four stories will include: Becoming Them, Worship Them, Origin of Them and End of Them. And yes, those last two are probably what you're thinking.

Now with more royalty!

Update Schedule

Reddux the Tyrant Chapter 18: March 28 or 29

The Gentle Nights: Audience of One Chapter 19: April 4 or 5

Shadow Pony: Tentative April 25th

Total Word Count: 1,183,000 (+5,000) over 25 stories
Follower Rank: 408th (+5)
Overall Ratings Average: 95.04% (+0.04%)
Highest-Rated Story (Not Counting Stories at 100%): The Gentle Nights @ 99.15% (+.02%, 17 Weeks)
Story with the Most Votes: Tyrant @ 1915/53 (16 Weeks)
Story with the Fewest Votes: Sweet to Eat: Tales of Nightmare Night @ 23/1 (7 Weeks)
Longest Story: Trixie vs. Equestria @ 144,000

Report PaulAsaran · 407 views ·
Comments ( 8 )

OK, two questions/comments: 1. Wait, prequel? I thought that he was making a sequel, that is to say, it took place after Twilight's Inferno. 2. "Decadence"? I don't remember anyone named that in the comics. Can you please tell me what comic issue she/he appeared in?

Guess who's back?? Will definitely be looking forward to Shadow Pony and the Inferno prequel. Once I finish the Griffon War Memoir series(Which I highly recommend if you haven't read them) I will be starting on Reddux the Tyrant and Frequency. See you there!

Hey I like Reddux and Gentle Nights. I don't know if I could survive another twilights Inferno though. That one was such a huge kick in the ol' feels department that I'm still remembering the literal hell Twilight went through and it breaking her. And chewing her up, and spitting her out. Like Sunset Shimmer near the end.

Site Blogger

1) No, you're way off. The Bean's story will be taking place many millennia before Twilight's Inferno, before even the birth of Celestia and Luna.

2) I've been told that in the alternate universe presented in the IDW comics there is an evil version of Cadance called Decadence. It's just what I've heard, though.

Welcome back! I look forward to your commentary on the stories as they truck along.

I don't think The Bean's going to make the prequel that harsh. He might, I can't say for sure, but I can say that his story won't be like Twilight's Inferno in its delivery.

2913797 Trixie vs Equestria is essentially the sequel to Twilights Inferno and even that is a huge kick to the nads in some spots. Trixie goes through less of a literal hell and a far more 'beat the hell out of the blue unicorn' kind of hell. Good story.

Site Blogger

My music wishlist just gained one more song. :pinkiehappy:

I squeed several times during this blog post. Is it bad that I'm such a huge fan of yours that I ranted about this blog to my brother who just shrugged me off?

EEEEEE fanfiction!!! >3<

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