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Mythril Moth's Pet Peeves of Fanfiction, Issue #2 · 2:24pm Nov 30th, 2014

This covers fanfiction in general, not FiM fanfiction specifically...


When you post a story on the Internet, you want people to read it, right?


People aren't going to want to read it if it's sloppily written, full of misspelled words, capitalization problems, punctuation errors, bad formatting, missing words, and so forth.

Nobody's perfect. Every writer makes mistakes. But that's why proofreading exists.

If you just take a few minutes to go back and read the story you're about to inflict on the Internet, I guarantee you'll catch most of the mistakes you made! Then you can FIX THEM before other people have to see what a sloppy, haphazard job you did!

And another thing: Don't rely entirely on prereaders and editors. Frankly, most of the prereaders and editors people are using on this site? Shouldn't be editing alphabet blocks, much less thousands of words of prose. I don't care if you have the best editor on the planet. I don't care of J. Jonah Motherfucking Jameson is your goddamn editor. PROOFREAD. YOUR. FUCKING. FANFIC. YOURSELF.

Because if you don't care enough about what you wrote to take another look at it and see if you made mistakes, why should anybody care about reading it?

This also doubles as a pet peeve of FiMF's story approval process, because quite frankly, a lot of the stories on this site should be rejected for massive amounts of grammatical errors and blatant lack of proofreading.

Report MythrilMoth · 713 views ·
Comments ( 48 )

My first fanfic got denied because of lack of paragraph spacing, which I fixed and resubmitted it for. The grammar and such was okay for it being my first.

Thing is, I've seen stories with WAY WORSE grammar, spelling errors, lack of punctuation and spelling, etc. and that makes me wonder what the fuck was wrong with the mods for approving that shit when mine only had a lack of spacing?

2624801 I think only a few of the story approvers here actually bother with that. It's the only explanation for some of the things I've seen on this site. Like trollfics that are Google Translated from Russian, for example.

2624804 probably. Even still, that's not much of an excuse for them...

For what it's worth, I don't think I've ever used a proper editor for any story, aside from Changeling Blood, and that's a grey area, seeing as it was more of a first taste dealey.

And another thing: Don't rely entirely on prereaders and editors. Frankly, most of the prereaders and editors people are using on this site? Shouldn't be editing alphabet blocks, much less thousands of words of prose.

I feel like I should take offense to that last part...if the rest of it weren't true. At the very least, people should triple check to make sure there aren't any errors in the story description. It doesn't bode well if I'm reading the blurb solely written to entice me to read your story and there's an obvious mistake there.

I can see where you are coming from however I tend to over looks some grammar or spelling errors simply for the sake of a good story. Also the site encourages writing if they are to critical they might lose the support of newer members.

2624830 Too lazy to even proofread your own comment...in reply to a blog about proofreading...Jesus CHRIST. :facehoof:


Same here. My first fanfic got rejected TWICE for the very same reasons!

"Oh come on, that was over a year ago!"

There's a comma missing there. :rainbowkiss: The flow is too rushed without it.

Making me open your stories to find errors and finding an utter lack of them... I see what you're trying to do. :ajsmug:

2624881 I'm not perfect, but I do proofread my stories. Usually twice. And, well...semi-professional editor here, so there's that.

My biggest problem is comma splices. I try to eradicate them to the best of my abilities, but some invariably sneak through and I don't find them for MONTHS.

(Also, contrary to popular opinion, "Oh" should not necessarily always be followed by a comma. :trixieshiftright:)

2624833 Taking the name Jesus Christ in vane. You are a real piece of work.



so many fanfics here have been given the boot off my read list because of grammar things that were so glaring, i couldn't even concentrate. theres a reason we have spell check if you cant find an proofreader or the like....


Also, contrary to popular opinion, "Oh" should not necessarily always be followed by a comma.

Absolutely correct! It just seemed more natural in the dialogue to take a little pause there. :eeyup:

I'm not perfect, but I do proofread my stories.

I'm pretty sure that, if you were to read a story of mine, you'd likewise be able to find some errors. :twilightsheepish:


Another comment you've failed to proofread. :facehoof: Just stop, you're embarrassing yourself.

Maybe he doesn't follow your religion. Nothing wrong with that.

2624936 I don't follow any religion. I just try to show respect to everyone.

2624902 It's "vain", not "vane". A vane is that thing you put on the roof to tell what direction the wind's blowing.

This should be a hint to fanfiction.net users.


When I say "you're embarrassing yourself," I'm not saying you feel embarrassed, that would be presumptuous. What I mean is you're making yourself look like a fool to the rest of us. I think someone needs to proof his understanding of the English language.


You mean like you did by telling Moth he's "a real piece of work" for using a euphemism?

2625336 Um..it was Eternal Shadows that said that, not 20 Percent. 20 Percent is being cool here. :fluttershysad:


My bad, I was in a rush to get to work and clicked the reply button on the wrong comment. :twilightoops: I guess that makes me the asshole. Fixed now though.

2624991 Just, get out. Right now. It's obvious you don't care about what this blog was saying. Just save everyone here a few braincells and leave.

2625554 Simple mistake, happens all the time. :twilightsmile:


Unfortunately, a reply starts as a string of random numbers so there's no way to proof it unless you refresh the page, which I didn't.

2625589 Yeah, it's a quirk of the system...

2625592 The funny thing is though I still want to think of you as a good person. Just one whose understanding and tolerance for the mistakes of others is rock bottom.

2625654 Yep, that's exactly me. A good person who doesn't suffer fools. :twilightsmile:

2625893 Makes it hard to see you as a friendly person or a good personality. You are a good writer that I have seen, but you seem like a pour role model. Which is sad I really like your stories and clearly you don't give a shit about mine. I do still value your opinion.

2625901 Not here to be a role model, just here to enjoy writing and reading MLP fanfiction.

2625907 So you don't want your stories to motivate others and you really don't want people to see you as a friend or inspiration is that what you are saying?

2625909 I'm saying I'm not here to be seen as a role model. What people do or do not choose to see me as is up to them.

Because, you know, this is a site for writing stories about cartoon ponies. Why would ANYBODY come here actively seeking to make themselves into a role model? :ajbemused:

2625924 It is not so much as you seek it is more how you present yourself to those who might see you as inspiration. Let me tell you a little sense someone may get from this blog.
1. Your grammar is bad I hate you get off the site.
2. You suck at spelling your a waste of time get off the site.
3. You maybe be mentally challenged or handy caped I don't give a crap get off the site.
4. Your stories are not to my liking get off the site.
5. I don't like period get off the site.

These are just a few ways that a basic person can see this. This is not helpful criticism this is simply bashing those who might not developed to a point you consider your level. Just because their stories have flaws does not mean they are lesser then yours. In time they could be a hundred times better.

2625937 "A basic person", huh? No, this is how YOU see it. And frankly, nobody really cares, least of all me.

Can you please go away now? I'm not interested in your bullshit, and neither is anybody else.

2625959 Very well I guess there is just some people who you will never reach. Best of luck to you and I will still wish you the best.

Yes, that would be nice.

I haven't done much editing or proofreading, but I think I'm half decent at it. I tend to double or triple check my own writing. Sometimes I have to read it out loud to keep myself from skimming over things. Of course, not everybody appreciates the errors being pointed out in the comments on their story, but oh well...

Not following a religion is fine, but being knowingly disrespectful is questionable.

Something of a disrespectful euphemism at that. Thankfully there aren't any Christians lining up to chop your head off like there might be on the radical islamic side if you were to insert the F word somewhere in between parts of the Prophet's name.

Maybe, but he's not the only person on here who doesn't suffer fools. Role model to whom and of what sort?

People may read out of/into something what they will, that's not under anyone's control. If you have a rage-quit moment over someone else pointing out your poor grammar you have issues. Especially if you know it and aren't even trying to improve. I have yet to see anyone tell anyone to get off the site over grammar or spelling. If someone reads that in, they are reading it in. Numbers 4 and 5 are usually intentional and unsubtle and while unfortunate are as a good a reason to stick around.

If no one points out that they could be better or suggests ways in which to achieve it, I fail to see how it is likely that will ever occur. Sometimes you need people to tell you that something is not the masterpiece you think it is, even if the truth (however unlikely) happens to be that it is a steaming pile of crap. Plenty of people will call something good enough and never even think of improving it. Even the best authors are prone to that last thing. Sure, they write well, but few are the authors on here that produce something that a wide range of people acknowledge as pretty darn good.

@Eternal Shadows
It'd be nice if you could be a bit more respectful and least try to spell things correctly and use decent grammar instead of being careless or blatantly including errors to be intentionally annoying.


There are two reasons I've followed Moth:
1) Because the majority of his stories are awesome.
2) Because his opinions largely reflect my own. (So speak for yourself when you criticize his public relation skills, you're not my voice.)

For the record, I think you're reading into this wrong. To me at least, it doesn't seem like Moth is saying if you have issues with spelling and grammar you should be euthanized. He's offering ways to improve those habits, not just criticism. And he's doing it in a way that I at least, find entertaining and engaging.

2626054 I am not mad nor am I angry toward anyone. I simply voice my opinion as so many has voiced theirs. The difference is mine do sink up with anyone else naturally that makes me the fool. Well had it been on my blog post others would respond to your comment comments such as these as the fool. It is simply away on looking down on some one. You see I am a support was even a firm support of Moths still am regardless of how he thinks of me. He does not need to take any value in my opinion just like I don't have to take value in his. That is the wonderful thing about fandoms. We are all but one small fish in a ever growing pond.

2624804 On that note I will apologies if I made it sound like your opinion did not matter. I will say it carries no more weight then all those who think differently. Just because we don't like something that is said does not make it bullshit. I can form a list of things I think is bullshit and we can compare I don't think either of us will like the results. I am sorry my thoughts where not to your liking. I am not sorry for thinking that way. I am hoping we can find neutral grounds. It would be a nice place without adding more hostility.

2626054 Also for the longest of time I saw his stories as a inspiration. Not for the grammar or the spelling but for the way he tells the story. I am sorry I don't agree on his views with this particular subject. However I don't think any less of him. Originally I just wanted to give my opinion as a follower.


People aren't going to want to read it if it's sloppily written, full of misspelled words, capitalization problems, punctuation errors, bad formatting, missing words, and so forth.

This is technically not my opinion. But it is stated as though it is. It would be better said. There are people will not to want to read it if it's sloppily written, full of misspelled words, capitalization problems, punctuation errors, bad formatting, missing words, and so forth.

I am not bashing him, I am not judging him. I am simply giving my opinion as he did his and everyone else did as well.


I think this conversation has gotten away from you. Your last few comments are replying to things no one was talking about.

2626152 *Sigh* I was not even here to start anything actually I simply wanted the chance to get to know Moth. I liked his stories I can't agree with his views and I don't feel like I need to. I am not trying to bash him for his opinion either. I simply would like to know if he considers any others. I see that clearly he does not like my opinion, he does not respect them or me. Granted I still respect him my methods on getting to know people is trying to see all sides of anyone. I am guessing I won't get that chance.

Post publish editing is fine, so long as they willing to modify the live version post-edit.

It might be fairer and more truthful to say that people are less willing to put up with a mediocre story if it is riddled with errors. Sufficiently awful writing may confuse the reader and cause them to stop reading because they can't follow what's going on. That statement, as is, is valid advice if even 3/5 potential readers choose not to read because of it.

2627242 I can't argue with you on that... I had a little chat with Moth I think I may have miss understood the message behind the post.

Couldn't have said it better. This is a plague and it must be dealt with

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