• Member Since 13th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 21st, 2017


I'm a Catholic whore, currently enjoying congress out of wedlock with my black Jewish boyfriend who works at a military abortion clinic. Hail Satan, and have a lovely afternoon.

More Blog Posts347

  • 350 weeks
    Moving On

    Hey everyone.

    I'll cut right to the chase: this will be my final blog post. I'm leaving. For good.

    Yeah, I know I've said that in the past, usually when I was in the middle of an immature meltdown, but this time the circumstances are much, much different.

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  • 352 weeks
    WTF casting agency?

    So the newest trailer for the MLP movie came out. Looks good. Still not sold on the animation style, but still looks alright.

    However there is a major problem I have with the movie already: the casting of Taye Diggs as Capper.

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  • 355 weeks
    "Ponies: The Anthology" might be the worst thing ever

    There are a few things in the world whose very existence is an affront to humanity. Rape, for instance. Genocide. Pedophilia.

    And then there's "Ponies: The Anthology."


    Avoid these hour-long abominations at all costs. Go watch something that's actually funny and creative, like Uno: The Movie. Don't waste your time or brain cells on that other filth.

    Fuck. Just...fuck.

    2 comments · 390 views
  • 358 weeks

    For a conniving asshole by the name of Barrobroadcastmaster. Dunno if he has a page here or not, but it's likely. Avoid at all costs unless you want to be sucked into the supermassive black hole of stupidity that is American conservatism.

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  • 359 weeks
    what is life anymore

    what is happening

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Unpopular Opinions - Round 2 · 2:04am Aug 17th, 2014

(SOME OTHER STUFF FIRST. If you're only here to see the opinions, scroll down past all this other nonsensical hogwash.)

So with move-in day next week, I'm going to be even more distracted than usual. I do feel bad because I keep promising you guys that I'm gonna update my stories or come out with new material. Just want you to know that yes, that is going to happen. I have a new story with a basic premise outlined that I've titled Hawkeye Delicious. So far I'm enjoying writing it, and I hope it does well when it comes out. I'm going to update Terminus, of course, and maybe even finish it in the near future. I've got some other stuff planned, but that's about it for now.

And now, the second round of Unpopular Opinions by BaroqueNexus:

1. Five Nights at Freddy's is the most horrifying game of all time
2. Vanoss > KYR SP33DY
3. Markiplier is best YouTuber, followed closely by Yamimash and jacksepticeye
4. I still don't see why anyone has a serious problem with Flash Sentry
5. I ultimately sided with Zimmerman
6. The hate between Angry Video Game Nerd fans and Nostalgia Critic fans is stupid. They should both focus their hatred on the Irate Gamer.
7. Yes, I still think bronies are technically furries.
8. I can't for the life of me understand why atheists are the least-trusted minority in America.
9. The people of Ferguson need to shut up and put their hands down. They're still not helping.
10. Dying is easier than living.

Report BaroqueNexus · 273 views · Story: Terminus ·
Comments ( 10 )

1. Five Nights at Freddy's is the most horrifying game of all time

Scarier than Sonic Adventure 2? D:

2. Vanoss > KYR SP33DY

idk who Vanoss is but I cannot fathom why people watch KYR. He isn't funny, and he's annoying.

3. Markiplier is best YouTuber, followed closely by Yamimash and jacksepticeye

No comment.

4. I still don't see why anyone has a serious problem with Flash Sentry

They're mad that their waifu is being taken from them by someone with next to no character (although to be fair, it's not like he had a whole lot of time to actually develop)

5. I ultimately sided with Zimmerman

This is probably your most unpopular opinion. I'm rather curious as to why you sided with Zimmerman though.

6. The hate between Angry Video Game Nerd fans and Nostalgia Critic fans is stupid. They should both focus their hatred on the Irate Gamer.

Don't even know who Irate Gamer is.

7. Yes, I still think bronies are technically furries.


8. I can't for the life of me understand why atheists are the least-trusted minority in America.

Because old white christian men.

9. The people of Ferguson need to shut up and put their hands down. They're still not helping.


10. Dying is easier than living.

This is a modified quote from House M.D. :rainbowwild:

2376185 I made sure to add "ultimately" to that one. When it all started out, I was a little bit younger but I still had the same mindset that I do now about what happened in Ferguson: we need to know what really happened before we can go forming lynch mobs and starting witch hunts. The only problem is that the Trayvon Martin case was a lot, lot more complicated than the Michael Brown case. The way I ultimately saw it, we were never going to find out the whole truth, based on the scant evidence there was. Only two people really know what happened, and one of them is dead. So while I don't think Zimmerman is completely innocent of any wrongdoing (I think he's a complete dumbass), I didn't see enough evidence to support the idea that he intentionally murdered Martin.

2376185 Also, try out Vanoss. He's like KYR but actually funny. You may not like his constant companion H20 Delirious (and to be honest I can totally see why) but others like I AM WILDCAT, SilentDroidd, and BasicallyIDoWork are well worth the watch. And let me just say this: SilentDroidd's outro song is fucking kickass.

Maybe people don't trust atheists because atheists don't trust the bible? Crazier prejudices have existed.

Also, Hawkeye Delicious. I have no idea what it's about, but on the title alone it sounds interesting.

10. Dying is easier than living.

Well, duh. :trixieshiftleft:

1. Five Nights at Freddy's is the most horrifying game of all time
--- No opinion. Well made on a low budget, that's for sure.
2. Vanoss > KYR SP33DY
--- ?
3. Markiplier is best YouTuber, followed closely by Yamimash and jacksepticeye
--- No comment.
4. I still don't see why anyone has a serious problem with Flash Sentry
--- People are stupid. He has as much characterization as Octavia and Vinyl Scratch, and look at how many fanfics those two get.
5. I ultimately sided with Zimmerman
--- I don't remember anything about this.
6. The hate between Angry Video Game Nerd fans and Nostalgia Critic fans is stupid. They should both focus their hatred on the Irate Gamer.
--- No comment
7. Yes, I still think bronies are technically furries.
--- Yes, yes they are. They should stop fighting each other. What is unique is that there aren't many non-anthro furry-type shows out there, in comparison.
8. I can't for the life of me understand why atheists are the least-trusted minority in America.
--- I'm atheist/agnostic. I don't really care, since I'm running to join the waitlist the moment cybernetics becomes affordable
9. The people of Ferguson need to shut up and put their hands down. They're still not helping.
--- Rioting is a stupid way to complain. Peaceful protests, sure. Burning and looting, not so much.
10. Dying is easier than living.
--- Dying: one bullet. Living: Taxes, social relationships, food, shelter, money, happiness.

1. Five Nights at Freddy's is the most horrifying game of all time

A game built solely around jump scares is still better than most horror games released nowadays.

6. The hate between Angry Video Game Nerd fans and Nostalgia Critic fans is stupid. They should both focus their hatred on the Irate Gamer.

Is there hate? As I recall, AVGN and the Critic are actually friends.

9. The people of Ferguson need to shut up and put their hands down. They're still not helping.

I thought the state replaced the cops with Highway Patrolmen and the rioting pretty much settled down.

2376782 Solely around jumpscares? I protest to that! It's built mainly around the tension of having to conserve power while making sure you know where everything is so that nothing sneaks up on you.

2376236 Thanks. I may need your help with cover art. It wouldn't be anything really complicated, but I'm still formulating a design.

2377185 And then suddenly SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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