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Remember SOPA? · 2:08pm Mar 13th, 2014

Well, it's happening again. We have 6 days to get over 50,000 signatures to stop it. AGAIN.



Tell other people.



Comments ( 44 )

I'd vote but according to my knowledge you can only do this as an U.S. citizen which I ain't. So, silent approval of this petition from my side I guess. Unless someone can clarfiy if you can vote on that in my situation.

Comment posted by Jatix deleted Mar 13th, 2014

Goddamn, this is like a nasty fungus infection that keeps on flaring up no matter how much ointment you use.

Fungus? More like a parasite. :trixieshiftleft:

...Why do they have to be so fucktarded? :facehoof:

SOPA goes against Freedom of Expression and the Fair Use Act. President Obama will never sign it into law. I'm not saying you shouldn't sign the petition, as that could help, but as unconstitutional as SOPA is, it could mean the end of Obama's Presidential career to sign it into law.

1922757 Let's just hope you're right :pinkiesad2:

Tis not a vote. Whitehouse.gov petitions do not force the government to do anything, reaching the signature goal merely guarantee's a response from some functionary in the administration.

He's already a lame duck, this time period is exactly when presidents sign stupid bills like this.
The folks that need to be convinced this is a bad idea are the senators and representatives who pass such drivel.

1922585 You can still sign it, even if you're not a U.S. citizen.

Eh, I don't worry about this bill. It and it's degenerate cousins keep coming back, but they always get voted down because the people in power know that the voters don't care for it.

Ok, this is getting ridiculous. We need to start impeaching some of these legislators for them to get the message that no one wants this, EVER. The day this is signed into law is the day America impeaches every congressman who signed the bill and the president.

i've done all i can.

Don't worry, I'm pretty sure every major internet community is very aware of this. (I would vote if was American, though)

I signed, just to be on the safe side.


If there's one thing politicians love shitting on more then the constitution, it's the people they claim to represent. And since I know the NSA is reading this too:

You guys suck. All of you. You are just terrible. In fact, you don't even deserve vowels. You're trbl.:moustache:

Its never going to happen. Congress will never approve of the bill. Either way, having people talk and demo things on the internet is free advertising, so anyone who would attack uses of their own product is a fucking moron.

Would these people please just sod off. You aren't going to win, stop bringing this bill up. :rainbowlaugh:

You are quite right. But your support is appreciated.

Comment posted by Brony God deleted Mar 13th, 2014

1923309 I am Canadian and I oppose SOPA for if it were to pass in America then it would be imposed in Canada because America's rulers don't care about Canada's sovereignty

Already signed, way ahead of ya!

If I post this in other story's is it consider advertisement?

1922597 You should make your own post(with a link) for the petition for your followers. When I signed there was a little under 30k, and it said it needed 100k.

I've already pasted the link in like 10 stories let's see if that helps

Would love to help, but apparently you have to be American to sign, so I'm just going to sit down here in Australia and get pissed off if they manage to ruin my internet from the other side of the world.

1922879 Unfortunately, you're wrong. Politicians really don't give a damn about the 'voters', unless said voters make loud enough noises about a thing. They will, for the most part, go along with the almighty dollar - and they are being leaned on, very very heavily, by media corporations and their lobbyists. Millions upon millions are being spent to try to sneak this through, and they're going to keep trying until something forces them to stop.

1923363 it's less that America doesn't care for Canada's sovereignty and more that Harper is sucking up to the Americans, the big corporations, and the money. He's seriously a cancer on Canada that needs to be removed.

1924147 The sad truth is that many politicians only care about the special interest groups like the major corporations, banksters, and lobbyists who pay them and make sure that they stay in office to pass the bills they want not the people and also if Harper does the right thing and oppose SOPA then he might be removed from office and be replaced by somebody who will comply with SOPA if that is SOPA is passed in America

Politics: what stupid people do to appear smart to other stupid people...

There's the thing, though; that almighty dollar. A position of power nets politicians the ability to gain more of it. Sure, bribes can come in real handy, but they're seldom, if ever, substantial enough that the loss of said politician's political power is worth it; that loss also incurs a loss of a more 'dependable' income, plus the loss of the power that comes with the politician's position.

It's not just about money with politicians; sure, money plays a big role in it, but politics is often a social game as well; a way of saying 'I'm better than all of these other rich people'.

49K/50K guys. We're almost there....

1927412 its out of 100k...

1929955 well its goin pretty fast. only like 35k left...

It's been a month since it was made, and it's only got 63K/100K.
Again, I reiterate:

1931523 its been getting like 10k a day for the past few days. 49k 1 day ago (your first comment) 66k now. It's gonna be close.

Hopefully they are gonna feel pretty dumb when sales go down the toilet as people lose interest in many things because there will be no fan communities...

Still, I'm worried with only 2 days left.

We got all the signatures

We are VICTOUROUS!!!!!!

1936345 did it say your adopted at the end? :D

It was the best I could find. Or maybe I'm lazy.
Either way, it's mostly positive at the very least.

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