• Member Since 7th Oct, 2012
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Skeeter The Lurker

All my favorite colors, my sisters and my brothers... Hate the sig? Report me. Bullies get ignored, no exceptions. You know who you are.

More Blog Posts271

  • 14 weeks
    Thank you (again)

    Gonna be honest, $2185 is far more than I expected to get from that GoFundMe.

    And frankly, typing out the words "thank you" feels just way too... Simple? Condescending... ish? Just plain not enough?

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    13 comments · 287 views
  • 15 weeks

    I'll just lay it all out.

    I do not have a car.

    I cannot get to and from work.

    I am more or less broke due to low paying job and so many bills.

    Due to credit issues, I do not qualify for any emergency loans.

    My car was uninsured due to the company I had deciding not to tell me there was an issue with payment and just... cancelled it. Cause why not at this point.

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    9 comments · 930 views
  • 15 weeks
    I can't win

    Got in an accident.

    Car's completely fucked.

    I'm fine, I think. Hospital right now. But I seem ok by EMS standards.

    Woulda been better if I had bit it, frankly. Cause now not only am I broke, I now have no car.

    ...I just want it to end. Please?

    I can't take much more. I can't.

    7 comments · 212 views
  • 22 weeks
    2024, about as good as 2023. Which was sh!t.

    Screw 2023.

    Miserable year for me.

    Started with an asshole walmart employee getting me fired, to me being exhausted with two jobs, which didn't last so back to one job, to me barely being able to get by on my meager paychecks.

    And on top of that, my severe eczema was persistent and I was unable to find a solution because... No money and so on.

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    20 comments · 1,149 views
  • 120 weeks
    Spare a dime for your Lurker

    Hello Legion, it's been awhile, hasn't it?

    I've never been good at this kinda thing, and while I could go on about my antics as of late, I won't and will just come out and say it.

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    19 comments · 1,948 views

The "What I've Been Doing" slash Ask Me Anything Upcoming Blog! · 11:15am Aug 25th, 2013


Prevent Skeeter from Panicing Over His Upcoming Trial By Fire Job Interview!

For those of you who bother to talk to me in Skype, you will know that I often lament over my troubles and worries.
For those who don't... Well, I am the single most cheerily depressed person you'll meet.

Why am I such? TL;DR version for you all:

Or: crap that would get anyone down.

However! My being the ever eternal optimist that I am, have sought out the brighter side of life and persevered! With ponies, of course. I have finally, after days, weeks, months of searching, have finally found a job interview! With Walt Disney World, no less. Yes, I live in Florida. Yes, I live in Orlando. No, I will not tell you more.

The interview casting appointment -why they call it that I don't know-, should you be curious is set for August 30th @ 2:30pm. Which means I will be there at 2p. Because I am always early. No, she did not say that. As a result, I have begun to enter the 'panic' phase of the job hunt.

This is where you come in, my beloved followers! What is it you do to calm yourself before such a thing? How do you prevent yourself from dissolving into a pile of boneless carbon? Movies? Books? Games? More ponies? Please, tell me, I really would like to know.

But, moving on, you'd probably like to know what I've been up to lately, huh? Probably not, but eh. I'll tell you anyway.

First off, I've have been working on compiling -slowly- the letters and stories from The Mailbox.

If you haven't been to that group, I highly, highly recommend it as some the best in the shipping fic biz head this thing up. And, oh, how they play the characters is a sight to see!

Second... Readings!
Yes, that's right! I have decided to try my hand at doing readings of fic by all of you lovely, lovely authors on this beloved site. And not just ones on this site, but also ones on FanFiction.Net as well. Hopefully. What do I have planned for my opening reads? I'm glad you asked!

Spellbound Fireflies by bats
Growing Pains by Peroth E.
And Believing Stories by TypewriterError

To name a few. I've got my eye on a few more, of course, but for now those will be the ones I do first.

Third, games!
I've been, as of late, playing a lot of Team Fortress 2 and Sid Meier's Civiliztion V. And I have been having a blast with them. I have not been able to play TF2 for the last few days as my controller I've been using is being borrowed at the moment. And before any of you say something about that... I'm on a laptop with a trackpad and no mouse, the controller is easier. Also. Ghandi is a dick in Civ V and if that bastard has nukes...

He will f'king use them nonstop.

Fourth, I have been working on a new story! A Daring Do fic, which I hope will be a hit with you all. Please don't ask for details as it is nowhere near ready to be seen by the public. I only have chapters 1 and 2 done, if that, and no editors to touch them... Yet. Well, ok, I do know a few who'd probably help if I ask, it's just not ready for that yet.

Fifth! My hobby of pre reading fics for you all. Like I said in my profile, you need a look to see if it's good? Ask me! I'm more than happy to help out. And be sure to hit me up in Overly Extensive Editors. I am listed as pre reader there and will read most anything you drop on me.

That's about it for crap I've been doing, let us move right alone, hmm?

At the time of writing this blog, August 25th, it is now officially 14 days until September 8th. Now, while that date may not be a special as say, September 11th, it is to me as it heralds the day I was born.

Yes, that's right. My birthday is on that day. And I will be celebrating 27 years of life on this glorious planet! YAY ME!

So, I figure, why not have a special blog, hmm? Five days before my birthday on the 8th, I'll post a special blog with a link to a Gdoc forum where you can ask me a question of your choice. So, on the 3rd of September, look for that blog and ask me whatever you desire! I will answer them all. I might even do it in a vlog, no less. What fun that would be, eh?

So, there you have it. What I've been up to and AMA future blog!

~Skeeter The Lurker

Report Skeeter The Lurker · 313 views ·
Comments ( 20 )

Can i add you on skype Pwease :rainbowkiss:

Anywho. i usually listen to music to help me chill out :twilightsmile:

Or i found that watching something super funny helps too

Like this


Skype? The info's all on my profile page. Right at the top.

~Skeeter The Lurker

Congrats on the interview bro!

Also, if you need an editor, I'm here if you need me. God knows I owe you for all your help.

Oh god, for that job, all I can say is "Confessions of a Disney Employee." It's fine for a few weeks, then it goes to shit, at least from what I heard...
Eitherway, Congrats, my man!

Love from Arty! :heart:

If you want to play some TF2, my steam is MasterChiefPettyOfficerJohn117.:raritywink:

I don't know much about those things, but if you need to cheer up a bit I know some jokes that are as horrible as they are hilarious. Here's one.

Out of everybody in the world, I like to pick on people with erectile dysfunction the most. Why? Because they can't stand up for themselves.

When I try not to panic I go to my comfort zone and watch something generally that'll put my mind at ease. For different people this is different things, but for me personally it's certain shows like Firefly, Doctor Who, Fullmetal Alchemist, etc. Other things that help are playing games with friends non-stop and laughing with the sods at our incompetence at everything we do (btw if you wanted to try a game of Civ V I have the game too, and yes, Gandhi is a fucking asshole). Lately my incompetence has been directed towards Sonic & Sega All Stars Racing Transformed. I've lost count of how many times I've called the person in front of me a 'sack of shit'.

And a reading of Growing Pains? That I would love to see, but say goodbye to free time :rainbowwild:


Dude, no worries on that. Like I said, I'm the eternal optimist.

I'm rock bottom, I got no where to go but up!

~Skeeter The Lurker


I'll keep that in mind, man!


I worked at walmart for six years. I've no delusions about that place.


Helluva name, look for an invite soon.


I already have chapter 1 and 2 done. Reading it... Is SO not for the faint of heart.

~Skeeter The Lurker

Congrats on getting the interview!:twilightsmile: As a side note, never play with Gandhi on any Civ game: His words are backed by nuclear weapons!:trollestia:

1307502 Thanks! Btw, even though I'm premium, I'm still not very good, so I can make good target practice if you're stressed. :raritycry:

To clam yourself before the interview:

Remember that you are capable of doing this job. That's already out of the way, and if they're interviewing you, they've already realized it.

They just want to see if you're someone who won't be a pain around the office / set/ whatever. So: your goal is to not be an ass for fifteen minutes. That's it, everything else was already decided.

No Jesus, no weird hobbies (no ponies), no cat stories, no bad smells, and definitely no racism / sexism / etc. Also, and this is the hardest part: try not to be nervous. It makes it look like you have no social skills. Just come in like you sit down and talk to people all the time. It's okay if you don't have rehearsed answers to their questions; if they're testing you they want to see how you react to surprises.

Act like you want the job (not a job, this job, so know what the job is), like to work, won't get the place sued, and can hold a conversation with a stranger without being creepy.

I'm an HR administrator, and this is the third job where hiring people is a major part of my responsibilities. HR is what I do, and the only ways to blow an interview are to freak out the interviewer or make it seem like working will be an inconvenience for you. Good luck! :raritywink:







I love you. You have no idea what that little tidbit means to me.

Thank you. truly.

~Skeeter The Lurker

1307502 Wait I screwed up! It's MasterChiefPettyOfficerJohn-117! I forgot the dash! My profile pic is a mask, half red, half green. Can I please know your Steam name so I know who to accept?


It's... On my profile page.

But: SkeeterTL or thesuperdot

~Skeeter The Lurker

Happy B-Day! And good luck on the interview! What I do before an interview is I get into the mindset of looking forward to talking with the interviewer. For me, this works by preemptively enabling open and confident communication. Not sure if it'll work for you, but that's why I don't get nervous in interviews anymore. To this date I've had about a rough estimate of 52 interviews. Not sure if that number is low or high. Besides, half that number came from '10 and '11 trying my darndest to find something decent where I live.


The birthday is Sept. 8th, bud, but thanks anyway!

And that seems like some good advice.

~Skeeter The Lurker

1308712 No problem! Hope it works out for you!

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