• Member Since 27th Jun, 2012
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I write pony words. Millions of them. Some people actually think they might be worth reading. I am very thankful for that. Also, I have a Patreon now?

More Blog Posts558

  • 6 weeks
    My birthday

    Today I turned 32. For reference, when I started on this site, I was a simple college student. Now I'm married with 4 kids. Time does fly.

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  • 8 weeks
    So last week...

    Child #4 was born. One Mr. Robert Finnick "Finn."

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  • 16 weeks
    So I asked Gemini AI...

    To summarize the story TD the Alicorn Princess. The result I got was... interesting.

    1. Fimfiction story: This story involves Peter Westmoore, a responsible college student, who is transported to the magical land of Equis and transformed into an alicorn princess named TD. He faces challenges adapting to his new life and ruling his nation.

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  • 26 weeks

    As many of you well know, I'm a father of three. A four-year-old, a two-year-old, and a one-year-old. It's pretty great. Can be difficult, but overall a pretty big blessing. How my wife takes care of three kids five days a week is beyond me, as I have a hard time taking care of them two days a week when my wife goes off to work.

    So yeah...

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  • 38 weeks
    Editing help

    Yes, I'm calling out for editors again. I want to submit a story to the Cozy Glow contest, and I want to make sure that the story I just wrote for it is good, or "wow, that's a jumbled mess of ideas, far too mean, and the ending is terrible."

    Let me know if you'd like to help. Any extra eyes would be highly appreciated.

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Future updates may be delayed for a bit... · 4:34am Jul 4th, 2013

Hello all of my wonderful readers, it's BronyWriter here with one of your favorite kinds of blog posts!

Now, looking at the title may give an indication as to what this blog post is about, but "Why?" is probably your big question.

1. I'm starting a new job at Boston Market tomorrow. It's going to be a lot of hours this month to pay for the trip I'm hopefully taking to BronyCon in August.

2. My laptop was broken.

I'm writing this on a communal computer in my home. As such, I am not the only one with access to it. Now, how, may you ask, did I break my laptop? Well, it was right in the middle of updating Wanderings of a Non-Brony. I was about three seconds away from hitting publish when my brain hit the reset button and I had a gran mal seizure.

That's not what my face looks like this time (that happened last time I had a gran mol seizure a few months in January) but that's the idea (and yes, that is me. Hello.) So, I rolled off of my bed, banged up my face like that, and landed on my laptop which destroyed it. Whoopsies. I am perfectly fine, though. No injuries to my brain.

So, between the two, I'm not sure how much I'll be updating in the near future. I hope a lot, I really do. I might be able to, but without a laptop it's going to be difficult. I promise that I will still update when I can.

Thank you for your understanding and your support! It means so much to me!

Report BronyWriter · 391 views ·
Comments ( 44 )

Seizure? A legit seizure? Fuck dude... I've seen that before with my father...

Are you ok?

~Skeeter The Lurker

1186695 Oh yes, a legit seizure. and yes I'm fine.


That shit's rough. Take your time, dude. We can wait.

Well, I can, at least.

~Skeeter The Lurker

shit dude that looks like it hurts i got one of those when one of my friends picked me up and accidenaly dropped me on my face but damn

Ooooh, so that's what you look like, without all the blood. I like to imagine that you smashed your face against the laptop, took a facecam photo, and posted it here before going to the hospital.

1186720 That's actually rugburn and post-hospital. Like I said, this is from my seizure in January, but the same thing happened to me yesterday injury-wise.

1186725 DAYUM, that's a hell of a rugburn. When I was four, I fell and got a small rugburn on my hand. Then it scarred. And it's been there for almost thirteen years. Rugburns are fucking weird.

1186731 That's even slightly healed.

Holy fuck bro, thank God you're alright. Have gotten that checked out? Also the laptop thing sucks, really, I feel very sorry for you. I would probably cry if my laptop broke. Good luck with everything!

1186710 Do be a dear and eleborate upon that story. I know I for one, would love to hear it.

That head injury does't look serious but still, can't be too careful.
I'm gonna do what I usually do when things are delayed! :pinkiehappy: Read Non-Brony in.... oh.... :twilightoops:
Hmmmmm This is gonna be a problem... :pinkiecrazy:

Damn, I am glad to hear that you are doing alright.

Sucks to hear about your laptop but it is completely understandable. Take all the time you need.

Best of luck with your new job!

Congrats on the job dude.

1186755 Well we were bored and he was stronger than me he picked me up and started running around with me in his arms than he dropped me on the concrete and my face forcibly slid on the concrete i could have died since in the angle he dropped me I could have snapped my neck. it was fun:pinkiecrazy:

Take as much time as you want we can wait!

That is all kinds of fucked up! :pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp: I do hope you get better, including recovering from any and all injuries you currently have from this and hopefully ridding yourself of seizures for the rest of your life.

Take some time off if need be, and to get a new laptop, and don't fret about us. I doubt your fans will be going anywhere and i for one will mos def be sticking around for your triumphant return. :rainbowdetermined2:

1186732 You should regularly put some kind of ointment on it or something, because if you don't, it will scar, and you don't want a scar that big on your face, there's a size limit to how sexy a scar is, women want fight scars, not massive rug burn scars.

*reads gran mol sesure*
*actually spelled grand mal*
*symtoms are fucked up as hell*
I am so sorry.
Hope you get better. :|

Take as much time as you need. There's a fic I have been following for years. It started 12 years ago, and is still in progress. I still routinely check for updates on it.

We can wait.

Also, are you on some sort of medication for your seizures? Did they used to be more frequent than they are now?

Good gravy... I'm so sorry about that, man.

Congrats on the job! Sorry to hear about the seizure, though. Best of luck on your recovery and I hope you have a happy 4th tomorrow. :pinkiesmile:

(and yes, that is me. Hello.)


No injuries to my brain.

That's good to hear. I know seizures can do that, so it's no surprise to me that you'd want to relay this. Hope you recover fully soon!

I can't even begin to imagine what getting a seizure must be like. The very thought of it terrifies me to no end.

Just take your time and try and get better. We'll be right here.

Oy vey my condolences. Get better soon! If you don't mind, that is. :fluttershysad:

"Dude... you look awesome! "

"Sorry to hear about the seizure, but it's nice to know you're still alive. And on one of the possible best chapters yet... life, it better be a bloody good punchline."

"I'd offer hugs, but then I'd seem gay."

"...your not?"

Awww shit! That came totally unexpected.

I just want you to be okay, that's all, so don't worry about some fucking updates.

wow, though i can't say you look that bad, still a pretty face to me :pinkiehappy:

None of us are goin' anywhere in no rush, pardner.
At least, this one ain't. :ajsmug:


im going to Bronycon too! Maybe ill see u! Yay!:pinkiehappy:
Sorry about your face.:pinkiesad2:
Dont worry, the bruises will disappear with time.

Congrats on the new job, sorry about your laptop, and damn you look cool. I wish I looked awesome.

Just looked up what it was and I must say you're pretty unlucky to have had a second one. Try to take care of yourself

Damn, that sucks! Glad you're ok; that's the most important part after all, :twilightsmile:

Since I always imagine TD looks just like you with red hair, now I get to imagine TD in more detail and a wicked cool bloody face! Seizures look painful and good labtops are expensive, I'm sorry dude.

Sheesh mate. Glad to hear yer okay, albeit a bit more battered. A friend of mine also has to deal with grand mal seizures so I can at least sympathize with what you went through. Forgive this as it's a bit of a dim query but have you found any medical aid to prevent seizures? sorry if that's too personal.:unsuresweetie:

1186968 Honestly, they aren't that bad. It's just like falling asleep during the seizure. When you wake up (provided you haven't hit your head on anything or something like that) your feel groggy and you throw up, but it's really not too bad. after the seizure and you don't remember anything from it.

Sorry to hear that man, hope you get better.

1187362 Not at all. We're trying to get the dosage on my epilepsy meds right. I just had an EEG a few weeks ago.

Grats on the job and I hope you get better soon.

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