• Member Since 26th Jan, 2017
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Some Leech

I...I am a monument to all your sins...

More Blog Posts44

  • 7 weeks
    Small Announcement

    Hope y'all are having a fantastic weekend!
    I wanted to let everyone know that I've included some deliciously spicy content on a Pride Month Art Pack!
    Six shorts for contributors and an extra big, extra meaty story for those who get the delux option!

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  • 48 weeks

    If y'all have been following me long enough, you probably know I'm not one to make frivolous blog posts - with that out of the way, I'm in a bit of a pickle.

    Before you to getting too concerned and/or aroused, I'd like you to know that there's nothing seriously wrong.

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  • 64 weeks
    Pinkie Art Pack

    To those of y'all who might be interested, I wrote a story for a Pinkie Pie themed art pack

    Artwork included by such talented artists as @Aer0Zer0Ri2k, @DDemon7000, @Elicitie, @Forsaken3d, @Hentype, @Sanyo_2100, @Snudd2, @DibujitoArt, @GodoffuryN, @imaaahorny, @Libido_mlp, @LegendOfLinkArt, @PurpsYoshi, @SpindlesX, @Weloost

    Go to Aer0's twitter if you want the details (@Aer0Zer0Ri2k)

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  • 68 weeks
    Acceptance Details

    So here's the skinny on the story. I'm gonna publish a chapter a week, so the following may involve spoilers. I tried to include the major kinks/fetishes for each chapter, but I may've missed some. I can't understate how depraved this collection is. I regret nothing.

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  • 80 weeks
    Happy 2023

    First and foremost, happy Insert Applicable Holiday Here!

    With that out of the way ~ how are you glorious folks doing?
    Not gonna lie, it's been a relatively rough start to the new year.
    Had various bullshit hitting the fan, the persistent grind of life, and the omnipresent challenge of whatever obstacles fate decides to hurl at me - that said, I've been staying busy with writing.

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    38 comments · 1,021 views

Happy 2023 · 1:54am Jan 8th, 2023

First and foremost, happy Insert Applicable Holiday Here!

With that out of the way ~ how are you glorious folks doing?
Not gonna lie, it's been a relatively rough start to the new year.
Had various bullshit hitting the fan, the persistent grind of life, and the omnipresent challenge of whatever obstacles fate decides to hurl at me - that said, I've been staying busy with writing.

Got a few larger ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) stories in the works, several of which being multi-chapter fics, so stay tuned for that goodness.
I've also got at least two anthologies that are reaching giga-levels of lewdness that are steadily™ reaching completion!

Anyhow, I just figured I'd drop y'all a line to check in on everybody!
I hope y'all are doing well, having fun, and staying safe out there!

By the way, do y'all have anything in particular you'd like to see from me in the future?
I stay pretty busy with work (40+ hour a week job) and commissions, but I'm interested to hear what y'all are into!

That's enough rambling from me for now.

As always, I thank each each and every one of you.
Every comment, upvote, and view keeps the fires of my resolve fueled.

Cheers and here's to a great new year of possibilities and ponies,


Report Some Leech · 1,021 views ·
Comments ( 38 )

Happy 2023. I hope your year goes better.

Many thanks
If it weren't for the hard times, the good times wouldn't be as sweet!

Keep on keepin’ on! It’s always a bit of a grind this time of year. I love your fics, please keep ‘em coming! Hope your year gets better ^^

Your definitely my favourite author on this site, so I'm hopping the year go's great for you. And as for a particular thing I'd like to see from you in the future. More Diamond Dogs, and King Sombra, (preferably breaking in young mares. ;3 ) is something you really can't go wrong with. :twilightsmile:

Trust me, I have 20+ stories loaded and primed for uploading - not to mention two novels I'm working on.
So help me, if it's the last thing I do, I'm gonna keep pumping out a story every week until the sun burns out.

no I will not make my 2023 gay

I'm pretty sure I've got some Diamond Dog stuff in the pipe - regardless, I'll do my best not to disappoint!

Great to hear from you!! Hope your year goes well!!

As for what I'd like to see, more anon x pony preggers stuff, zephyr breeze x any mare is good too. Maybe a sprout cloverleaf clop story?? Guy needs love

I look forward to what you write!!

Happy 2023! I can only hope for more Kirin's in this year :pinkiehappy:

Happy 2023 I hope you have a wonderful year! I’m ok got super sick but I’ve had plenty of time to continue my drawings! Something I would love to see is Celestia X bat pony, I don’t really see a lot of those. Can’t wait to read more of your fantastic fanfic’s! :pinkiehappy:

MLP fanfic novels I'm guessing, or original novels?

Lesbian, Anon X Pony, and Zebradom are some of my favorites! Happy 2023 😃

Oh fuck, an update from the best lewd author here! Fuck yeah!!!
In regards to the real life bs, I hope it blows over quickly! Good things are coming, or so help me 🔫
As for future content, futa x futa is always good >:3c (oh and of course cock worship)
Keep writing, and keep living!


Princess Luna becoming a looner with a straight lover.
Or Pinkie. Or Cheese. Or Party Favor. (Though Cheese has a thing for popping beachballs. Plastic beachballs and pool toy inflatables fans are adjacent to looners, and many of them are sensitive non-poppers, the same as looners).

Moondancer being a lonely single looner.

Scootaloo's love of graceful dancing leads her to idolize the famous Sally Brand.

Happy New Year, I hope things start looking up for you in the future.

You're one of my favorite authors on here cause not only can you write well but you actually finish what you start.

As for what I'm into a multi-chapter romance fic with Luna as the love interest. :rainbowkiss:

But I'd be happy with just about anything romantic from you. :twilightsmile:

I hope it goes well for you too! My 2023 began with me being possessed by the draconic brand of horny for a week and it only released me after 40,000 words of material I would never show my family had been produced

I'm not sure if I'm relieved or sad that it didn't get featured like some of my other stories did because I don't know if I want to be encouraged to keep doing this or not lol

This year, I hope to finish all of my unfinished ones, for better or for worse

Glad you've still got'em cumin leach, lookin forward to more this year 🤟

One story a week is more than we deserve.

Write when the inspiration hits.
Take a break when you need it.
Take care of yourself. And happy new year.

Happy 2023, I'll be honest I started reading your fics early last year and a large part of my motivation to write came from seeing how passionate writers like you are about whatever interests you no matter how strange or lewd. I eagerly look forward to any stories you give us and just want you to know how much I appreciate your efforts to give us such fun stories. If I were to suggest something, a story with Rarity would be nice, I've found myself weak to Ojou-samas and damned if Rarity doesn't feel like one. Nonetheless I hope all goes well for you and thanks for your hard work!

Happy 2023! All the best for the future!

I just want you to have fun.

Both. There's a pretty large, pun intended, Cadance story I've been working on.

God - the list of things I've yet to release and/or are still working on is pretty bananas.

Hope your year goes better mr leech, can't wait to see what you've got in the wings!

Comment posted by Mithrilos deleted Jan 8th, 2023

Its nice to see your are still that much active and willing, even while being so busy with life at the same time. Kudos and respect to that :)
I hope 2023 will be good omen for you of course !
And since you asked about what kind of content.
Simply Princess Celestia and her amazing butt getting what she deserve once and for all (Which mean lots of love and attention :raritywink:)
All the thing like butt worship, teasing and anal stuff to seal the deal.

I already have very little stories like that in my bookshelves, but having one from you would be great !

Looking forward to whatever you will give us. Take care !

Cadance with who? 🥺

For the one I mentioned, Shining

You may just be the biggest workaholic on this site.

I thank you for your continued commitment to the site and continued uploading of interesting new fanfics. Happy new year, and may luck find you in your every endeavour.



Shining nearly forgets their anniversary, so he brings Cadance a big bouquet of 24 inch heart balloons that they bounce and grind on together.

Hope you have a good 2023 :twilightsmile:

Still here.
Still horny.

I wouldn't mind seeing you try your hand at one or more of the following pairings:

Spike x Smolder
Spike x Ember
Gallus x Smolder
Gallus x Silverstream
Gallus x Gabby
Autumn Blaze


Spikey officially belongs to Emziko now.

Though Spike teaching a class of young dragons how to control their breath around ponies, and dragons discovering their love of shiny things extends to rubber orbs of joy would be cute. derpicdn.net/img/2017/11/9/1582105/full.png

By the way, do y'all have anything in particular you'd like to see from me in the future?

Anon x Griffons and/or hippogryphs. Never enough of those around. The utter lewdness of uncensored hands-holding-talons action, as filtered through your particular brand of depravity, cannot be understated.

My favorite one-off character design from the show was Saffron Masala, there’s so much potential there it hurts.

Write one about a futa Aryanne.

I'd easily rate such a tale nein out of eleven:trollestia:

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