• Member Since 28th Nov, 2012
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Do not let perfection be the enemy of good.

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What would you do if you saw something in the sky that wasn't normally there? Most people would probably ignore it, go about their lives as usual. You are no ordinary person though, are you? No, the curiosity nags at you, ever blinking and twirling up in the sky. Perhaps you'd ask a friend, point it out to them?

And what happens when they don't see what you see?

You might, reasonably, think they simply don't see what you do. You might, also reasonably, start asking a few of your other friends what they think about it.

Say, perhaps, you do all of this, but the thing in the sky only seems to appear to you. Is someone else in on a prank? Are you being punked? Punished, perhaps?

Maybe you're losing your mind? It's not like you'd know for sure...

Would you?

This story takes place before Twilight becomes an alicorn, and after Discord's rehabilitation.

Chapters (4)

Octavia, going on a rather extended tour with her orchestra, has charged Vinyl Scratch with the care of a human that she's been caring for: Anonymous. At his size, the ponies and their world is amazonian to him. Not only is the human smaller than Vinyl, but she must care for him until Octavia returns. Normally, something that wouldn't be a problem for a unicorn, but an accident from years past adds a strange twist to her endeavors.

I don't know, I suck at descriptions.

Chapters (4)

A collection of short stories about Anonymous being in an Equestria where one or more (if not all) of the ponies aren't so small. Anonymous human in Equestria story.

Chapters (4)
by Nether

You, Anonymous, have been in Equestria for six months. Your attempts to get home have left your hopes of returning home dulling, but you'd been growing attached to this bizarre place. Talking ponies, unicorns, magic; it was all growing on you.

Most of the attempts to get home stemmed from a certain Twilight Sparkle, who would test out one of many spells she thought would send you home. This time though, something had happened.

Something terrible.

This is a 2nd person point of view Anonymous in Equestria story. If you don't like those kinds of stories, it's probably a good idea to move on. This story also contains unwilling gender transformation, not as a fetish. There will be no sex in this story, but plenty of innocent Pinkie discovering... things. Yeah. It's got Pinkie, what'd you expect?

Chapters (1)

Short story about a Roomba causing havoc in Equestria. I'm told it was entertaining, but I don't think that's the case. Either way. Read at your own risk.

Rated teen for the language.

Chapters (1)

Anonymous is a college student who's lack of sleep is starting to affect him.

When the lines between dreaming and reality are blurred, how can you tell?

Chapters (1)

Anonymous is transforming against his will into something unknown. This is a short tale of chaos mixing with genetics.

How would you react to suddenly becoming another species against your will?

Chapters (1)

A Bioshock Big Daddy wakes from his stasis in Equestria, and subsequently adopts an unwilling Apple Bloom as his little sister. This is the short tale of the events that followed his awakening.

Chapters (1)

Rated teen for the language.

Vinyl is killed at a concert. In her death, she tries to make amends with a pony she'd never quite seen eye to eye with, Octavia.

What happens when your best friend dies, and comes back as a ghost?
This shorter story is based around that idea, along with a brief look into a ghost's existence.

While this story does revolve around Vinyl's death, I'm aiming for a bittersweet ending, so bear with me.

Chapters (3)