• Member Since 28th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 10th, 2013


Ive just returned to my dwindling life on the internet and taken up writing fanfiction, i'm still in need of a proofreader and would appreciate any help


Ideas and a poll · 11:57pm Mar 9th, 2013

To everyone that has been enjoying my story "Pip's new home"

Starting with chapter 7 ive been thinking about adding in a few adventures with other ponies and i would love to hear peoples input. here are my ideas and id like if a few of you could comment on which one you would like to see in the story

Mrs. Harsh-Whiny as Pip's private tutor

ghost hunter Pinkiepie

Where Pip and Luna were durring the royal wedding

Twilight sparkle and spike visiting Celestia

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436850 any time man :eeyup:

Thanks for the favorite, friend. :rainbowkiss::heart:

386681 Yeah, I'm just gonna wait until you send me the chapter back before submitting it. Right now it's a little on the short side


any time man, i should have chapter 2 done by tonight

Hey man, thanks for editing my story eh :raritywink:

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