• Member Since 4th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 26th, 2022

Whirl Wind

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Found 5 stories in 32ms

Total Words: 212,351
Estimated Reading: 14 hours

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Bold Character, Whirl Wind's son, has an interesting life after the war. Gangs have taken up residence all over Equestria. One night he is approached by a familiar pony who offers him a chance to be more than just a writer. (Slight gore, nothing too major.)

Chapters (6)

Whirl finds himself in a mess and need the help of his friends to get him through this tough time. He starts to come out of his shell and seek new friendships in places one would never think to look. (Has yet to be proof read, but any mistakes usually go unnoticed unless you are looking for them.)

(Sequel to: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/82761/this-means-war . Which is a sequel to http://www.fimfiction.net/story/82759/quest-for-the-holy-gr-tea-cup . Which is a sequel to http://www.fimfiction.net/story/61252/whirl-wind-sonic-flare-in-nightmare-night

Chapters (10)

After the tragedy that occurred in Canterlot, Whirl Wind finds himself under the control of King Sombra and the Elements of Harmony are encased in dark crystals! It is up to the others to save Whirl Wind and defeat King Sombra!

(Sequel to http://www.fimfiction.net/story/82759/quest-for-the-holy-gr-tea-cup . Which is a sequel to http://www.fimfiction.net/story/61252/whirl-wind-sonic-flare-in-nightmare-night )

Chapters (9)

After Nightmare Night Sonic Flare finds himself in the dog house because he broke his wife's favorite tea cup. In order to redeem himself he must go to Canterlot where the cup was made and get a new one. But something happens that nopony could have foreseen.

(Sequel to: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/61252/whirl-wind-sonic-flare-in-nightmare-night )

Chapters (4)

Whirl Wind and Sonic Flare are preparing for Nightmare Night! When they get there, craziness ensues and they find themselves helping Princess Luna hunt down foals!

(This is my first fic so I made it short. More to come of Whirl Wind and Sonic Flare getting into more madness.)

Chapters (3)