• Member Since 18th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Mar 15th, 2023


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Found 4 stories in 44ms

Total Words: 295,834
Estimated Reading: 19 hours


After a date with Rarity gone awry, Spike is in an inconsolable mood. When a stranger offers a solution to his heartaches, he must accept.
Little does he know that he has surrendered his heart to a changeling: A rare, but most disastrous theft. It is up to those closest to Spike to retrieve his heart, and discover how far they are willing to go in order to protect it.

Chapters (10)

It had been a fall much longer than a few feet. It had been a fall from divinity. That crucial blow had damaged so much more than just her horn. It had shattered her reality. When a kingdom beckons and a queen prepares for battle, how do you pick up the pieces?
Three weeks after the royal wedding in Canterlot, the sun hangs pale and dim in the sky above Equestria. Luna captains the royal guard while Shining Armor is on his honeymoon, and she governs Equestria while Celestia wanders the castle grounds both day and night, searching for answers only she herself can provide.
Meanwhile, veiled by lies and deceit, a shadow looms over Equestria once more, determined to sink its fangs into the most loving kingdom of all.

Many thanks to Sergiovan!
He does all the readings. Proof, pre, post, alpha, cake and exclusive reading. He also edits, leaves feedback, is a bank of ideas, is a great present for children and adults alike, and comes with his own food and incorporated microwave.
And many thanks to Leonhard too!

Chapters (6)

The Great Tragedy. The night an era ended. The night the skies stopped turning. The night the Canterlot palace, along with all of its occupants, was utterly obliterated.
Nopony knows how it was done or by whom. But they do know that one unicorn stood at the center of that calamitous explosion, and they know that Twilight Sparkle survived where two immortals had perished.
Twilight awakens in a world a shadow of its former self, abruptly thrust into the fallout of a disaster she remembers nothing of. Faced with a foe that is perhaps more familiar than she might realize, Twilight must find a way to restore her broken world and carry on the legacy of her beloved princesses.

Huge thanks to my proofreaders Some Person (chapter 1-12) and RazerWrites (chapter 12-14). The story would have been much worse off without them.

Chapters (20)

This story is currently being rewritten (although the revamp is currently on hiatus).
All present chapters are subject to change!

From the initial settling of the world by the mighty alicorns to the fall of the cruel tyranny of Discord and the rise of Nightmare Moon, the world of ponies has always been dictated by the actions of the immortal ones.

Discord struggles to find meaning in a world belonging to his enemies, Luna despairs over the night that is so thoroughly detested by her peers, and Celestia must choose sides in a neverending battle between chaos and harmony, light and dark, and love and duty. This is their story.

This is the complete reboot of the very first story I wrote for FIMFiction. The original can be found here.

Chapters (4)