• Member Since 30th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 3rd, 2015



I'm still alive?? O.O · 2:47am May 22nd, 2014

Hello there I am- uh, name's not important but people who have read my fics know me as Spitfire, love that name, and to those who have been around looking for me I just want you all to know that I haven't forgotten about the series...believe me I really do want to get back into this and just keep on writing I just don't know why I've been away for so long...I hope its not laziness, how long have I been away? I don't even remember, I've lost track of time but it doesn't feel that long since I

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Comments ( 3 )
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513217 maybe they're fixing things.

512781 I haven't gotten any messages, they didn't let me send messages either.

hey, have you been getting you messages? cause for some reason, Fimfiction isn't letting me send messages. :fluttershysad:

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