• Member Since 1st Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 15th, 2012



Sorry for being dormant · 1:48pm Nov 27th, 2012

I would start out by apologizing to any of my readers out there and anybody else who reads these blogs. I'm terrible sorry for being dormant for awhile. I had planned to have two stories published by now but life suckerpunched me hard. Though I'm back on my feet and working on the stories when I can. The sequel it my first story, Revenant Soul, is in production as well as a new cross-over story. Both the first couple chapters are being edited and hopefully I can post them before I go on another

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R.I.P cyber_pony13 don't know where he is but he will be missed

Edit: 5/8/2019

R.I.P still, Still being missed

84017 no prob and thx for the follow

Hey thanx for joinin' ma group:pinkiecrazy::rainbowdetermined2:

Well to hello to everyone hear. For those who are reading my story thank you for taking an interest and if not then tell one of your friends, cause they may like it also. Anyways I'd like to know if my chapters so far have been too long or not long enough or do they need more (insert what you think). Let me know the readers is what is important.

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