• Member Since 18th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen February 16th

Rarity Belle

A Dutch gentleman of leisure, living for pleasure, since mirth is my measure. Writing stories that are (mostly) unique and psychological of nature and visiting conventions whenever I can.


Expanding my horizon · 8:58pm Aug 30th, 2016

The time is now finally there. Finally there to do something what I've been saying to do for a long time. If you remember a previous blog of mine, I said that I was kinda done with MLP fanfics. Hence why I expanded my horizon of writing gibberish. The first story to see that light of day, is the story that I wrote to not write Blood Curse Hunters

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Galacon 2016 aftermath · 7:56pm Aug 2nd, 2016

So here I sit in my 23rd year,
How I wish I was at a con right now,
It's been five days since we drove away,
and I just made home yesterday,
Celestia damn them all!

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Done with MLP:FiM fanfics? · 8:30pm Jun 27th, 2016

Well, kinda, sorta, maybe, not entirely... This needs a bit more explaining, I'm afraid.

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BronyFair 2016 · 9:00pm Apr 5th, 2016


Hearth's Warming Con 2016 · 11:50pm Feb 29th, 2016


HWCon 2016 prelude + BCB2's fate · 8:49am Feb 26th, 2016

With every single thing, I forgot that there was a con this very weekend! The only Dutch MLP convention is going to start in about 7 hours from posting this little blog. Months of preparation and trail and error, but now it's finally going to start! Time flies when you're busy as a bee. The final day has come, the hours tick away and I'm ready for it.

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Cancel Blood Curse Boutique 2? · 2:51pm Feb 19th, 2016

That's the question that I'm having over the past few weeks already. Ever since I began writing it, I had that question. That question of if I wanted to write a sequel to it. A question that takes way too much of my time and I evade with every ounce of my body. I've made an entire story in the past three weeks (which was supposed to be a side project) just to not work on BCB 2.

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BCB2 has begun! · 9:54pm Jan 15th, 2016

Finally, finally, finally, after months of waiting, writing and anticipating -all added with a nice big pile of speculation- I can safely say that the writing of Blood Curse Boutique 2 has finally seen the light of day. With just over 60 chapters and a story that is hopefully equally as compelling and interesting as the first one, I hope I can live up to the first one.

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Holiday shutdown · 3:51pm Dec 23rd, 2015

With the coming of the holidays literally around the next corner and me still having no new job, I'm a little bit stressed out and my writing is suffering under it. So with that, there won't be any updates until the first or second week of January 2016.

I also want to wish each and every one of you happy holidays and a very good 2016 to come.

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Report Rarity Belle · 383 views ·

So there was this little package · 6:40pm Oct 14th, 2015

A little (or big) package was delivered at my home today and, it was bigger than I had expected it to be. A lot bigger, in fact. Normally I don't show these here, but I felt that this one was a bit more special out of all the other packages I usually receive in a month's worth of time.

(Batman be for scale)

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