• Member Since 7th Jun, 2017
  • offline last seen 10 minutes ago

Dr Sharaz Jek

Cynically Pretentious Hedonistic Nihilist...and those are my nicer qualities!

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Found 5 stories in 22ms

Total Words: 12,057
Estimated Reading: 48 minutes

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Knowing her time is limited, the Sphinx summons the one person she can trust; Somnambula. She entrusts her secrets and power to her in the hope it will put her at peace.

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This story is a sequel to On the Road: A Beatrix Belladonna Tale

Trixie has been training her daughter Beatrix Belladonna for quite sometime in the hopes she'll one day carry on her legacy, but can she take the pressure?

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Equestria, devastated by war, now offers few opportunities. However Trixie strives to take care of her daughter, certain that she'll meet back up with the unknowing father someday.

In pursuit they head from one place to another, collecting what bits they can, and training little Beatrix Belladonna in hopes she'll one day follow in her footsteps.

My 50th story! Continuity is set between the stories Shining's Force 1&2, but neither are required to read this.

Chapters (1)

Forced to leave her comfort zone, Sunset Shimmer humors her friends, only to unexpectedly discover a romantic partner. Over time she builds a relationship with the mysterious gothic beauty, Inky Rose. But how will she react when their relationship suddenly comes to an end?

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What happens when Pinkie learns she can break the fourth wall and bend the laws of reality itself? And how will her closest pals react when she shares this truth with them?

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