Wildemount, an ancient land torn apart by war and lorded over by two great powers, the Dwendallian Empire and the Kryn Dynasty. With many people caught up in the machinations of the two nations, there are plenty of stories to be told around this storied land. But as the War of Ash and Light looms on the horizon, things are not going to be easy for them.
From around Wildemount, a group of unlikely heroes come together in the town of Talonstadht near the ruins of the destroyed nation of Draconia. Their stories may yet change the face of Wildemount however, if they can work together at least.
Now its their turn to roll.
This story re-imagines the Mane Six and others as characters in the Dungeons and Dragons setting of Wildemount. Also a bit of a crossover with the popular webseries Critical Role, but knowledge of that is not necessary.