• Member Since 13th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen May 6th, 2016



Final Chapter to Fluttershy's Animal Adventure · 4:30am Sep 15th, 2012

So I'm almost done placing the last chapter up, but I'm having trouble trying to upload it. I have it finished and ready to go but there is some error on my own side. I would like to to thanks those who have taken the time to read my story and I hope when this chapter is out, that I have enough time to get my next story out when I have the time.

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Working, working, working on it :moustache:

Yeah I will, the story will be finished up when I have the time, I will get started this weekend before my fall semester starts up. Again sorry if you haven't seen any changes yet, trying to refresh my mind on what Fluttershy or her friends will say in the end of the story.:fluttershyouch:

you ever going to update your story?

Ok, I'm Off on my California Trip for a week, I will be back and may come on to check up on things or so. When I come back from my Trip or so, I will have out a new Chapter and a new Series, I'll give you guys a hint. It has to do with a Pony with Bubbles on her flank :derpytongue2:

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