WOW. · 12:13am Jan 24th, 2013
My new story is a smash hit guys! I never expected it! It's not very popular, so I've really gotta step it up, but I just might do it!
My new story is a smash hit guys! I never expected it! It's not very popular, so I've really gotta step it up, but I just might do it!
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I deleted the ones I didn't finish, they were just dead weight. It just keeps me less stressed. I'm just gonna work on new projects and commit to them this time. Also, I was out of ideas for the three stories I deleted.
What happened to your story archive? I only see two stories.
Your story is beautiful.
Also, just as a heads up, I live on the east coast with an electronics curfew of 7:30, so if you're in a different time zone, then after 4:30, 5:30, or 6:30, depending, you won't get anythin new for the rest of the day. Sorry!
I'm sure I can fix it. My stories tend to get better as they go along.