• Member Since 11th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen 50 minutes ago


Comments ( 6 )
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Thank you so much for adding 7 x 13 = 28, DUH! to your favorites! :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the fave!:moustache:

Thanks for the fav! :pinkiehappy:

Having seen your comment on the discussion thread of “Daring Doubt”, I thought it wouldn’t hurt to show you this story I made:

EA Moment of Truth
At the end of "Daring Doubt", Ahuizotl revealed after touching the Truth Talisman that he was a Jungle Guardian who was tasked with protecting the artifacts of the River Basin. However, was that really the truth he was spilling? Or somehow...a lie?
A Man Undercover · 5.4k words  ·  82  36 · 2k views
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