• Member Since 2nd Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen Aug 24th, 2022


Writer, dreamer, human being trying his best.


Spontaneous Fanfic Update! · 5:11am Sep 6th, 2021

It's been over a full calendar year, and I randomly decided that today was the perfect day to return to "Rainbow Dash, Please Report to the Principal's Office"! A new chapter was just posted today, and I plan to have one more chapter -- the *final* chapter -- out in the next couple days.

Thanks to everyone who's read this story so far, your support means everything. I hope anyone who reads the story now enjoys it. :pinkiehappy:


"Rainbow Dash, Please Report..." is now on TV Tropes?! · 11:44pm May 14th, 2020

Wow. I was today years old when I found out that Rainbow Dash, Please Report to the Principal's Office has its own TV Tropes page! That's awesome! Really big shout out to whoever made it (their username is fragglelover on TVTropes, I don't know if that corresponds to anyone's username on this site), cause this is pretty damn neat!

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Adagio Dazzle HATES Trigonometry · 10:59pm Aug 27th, 2019

Oh, she really does.

Come check out my latest story, updating regularly!


S.M.I.L.E. For The Camera! Character Guide · 4:14pm Aug 19th, 2019

A Series of Great Ideas (Or Not) was led by the Unicorn Squad, comprising of Shining Armor, Flam, Starlight Glimmer, and Rarity. But for the sequel, S.M.I.L.E. For The Camera!, I wanted to take a different approach. Since the premise of the story is "A Guys Night Out Gone Wrong," I chose to focus on five stallions who I thought would work well together, both comedically and realistically.

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A Series of Great Ideas (Or Not): Sequel! · 1:28pm Aug 16th, 2019

It's happened. A Series of Great Ideas (Or Not) has a sequel!

TS.M.I.L.E. For The Camera!
Shining Armor and Flam just want to crash a wedding. Instead, they get kidnapped, accidentally form a boy band, and stumble into the affairs of a secret spy agency. It's not quite what they had planned.
TheGuineaPig45 · 13k words  ·  7  3 · 502 views

This story tells the tale of a wedding-gone-wrong. Shining Armor and Flam decide to crash Lyra and Bon Bon's reception, but end up getting involved with the enemies of Equestria's secret monster agency, S.M.I.L.E.!

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A Series of Great Ideas (Or Not): The End? · 7:23pm Aug 14th, 2019

The final chapter of A Series of Great Ideas is out!

Writing this story has been such a pleasure, and I am so thankful for the positive reception and love the story has received. It has been amazing getting to write something so outside of my normal writing comfort-zone, and I couldn't be happier with how it turned out.

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A Series of Great Ideas (Or Not): Writing · 11:22pm Aug 12th, 2019

Writing "Great Ideas" has been quite the interesting experience.

As a writer, you typically plan out an entire story from beginning to end. Sometimes, you don't fully have the middle, but at the very least, you have a clear starting point and ending point.

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A Series Of Great Ideas (Or Not): A Night in Shining Amour · 4:12am Aug 8th, 2019


Chapters 15 and 16, titled "A Night in Shining Amour - Parts I and II," are probably, along with Chapter 9, my favorite chapters of the story.

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A Series of Great Ideas (Or Not): Character Breakdown · 8:54pm Jul 30th, 2019

"A Series of Great Ideas (Or Not)" has quite the cast of characters, between the two leads, Shining Armor and Flam, and the supporting cast, which includes Starlight Glimmer, Rarity, among others. Here's a breakdown of the main cast, a.k.a. The Unicorn Squad.

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A Series of Great Ideas (Or Not): WHY? · 1:40am Jul 30th, 2019

This story is crazy.

Shining Armor and Flam wake up in bed together, having kidnapped Apple Bloom without any memory of doing such, and go on a quest to restore their memories and set things right.

Along the way, they make some friends, some enemies, and learn a thing or two about themselves and each other. All while going on an over-the-top, absolutely crazy adventure of deception, love, and trying their best (though that often fails).

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