I try with Rainbow Dash, but... · 4:34pm Nov 26th, 2016
...she's still 6 out of 6 on my mane 6 scale.
...she's still 6 out of 6 on my mane 6 scale.
Rainbow Dash Learns Shine Spark (RDLSS) Chapter Two is out now! It took a while, but I got the motivation to finish it!
Rainbow Dash Learns Shine Spark
So, I've decided to resume work on Sonic and Rainbow Dash: Endless Possibility. This'll be fun.
It was a late Friday afternoon, Rainbow dash had just got done with track practice. She wanted to see if Fluttershy was still in the science lab. The rest of the crew had left early saying they would meet the two at Twilight's house for the sleepover. Rainbow Dash thought were on the awesome time they were going to have at the sleepover while she made her way toward the labs. She notice the door was already open. She stood there watch her crush of almost a year do her animal whisper thing.
Rainbow Dash: "Are you a SPY?"
Rainbow Dash: My life is Ruined!
Rainbow Dash: "20% Coole-*Vomit*"
Rainbow Dash: "I lost..."
Rainbow Dash: "Time to take out the adorable trash"
Rainbow DashL "Now careful [CENSORED]
I'm an utter noob when it comes to drawing poni, but some helpful tutorials on the internet helped.
I drew lots of RDs since I'm still a beginner but I will expand in time to come. It's also in preparation for a biiiiiiiig project I have planned. So stay tuned folks
Ahoy Everyone!
Just to let you all know, Episode 14 is still in the works. However, given that it is so interconnected with Rainbow Rocks, as well as making changes to parts of that movies story, I'll be taking a bit of time with, as well as Episode 15. In the meantime, enjoy this piece of art of Peter and Dash having their first race by the lovely ScribbleCate! - https://www.deviantart.com/scribblecate
Well, not exactly.
Unfortunately, a lot of RL stuff got in the way during August but most of it I've cleared. I actually have an art trade that has me writing a non-pony story in return. That I'll need to finish first but after that, most of my attention will be on finishing Brayside Crush. I'm not optimistic about getting a chapter out this month but more so finishing the series by year's end.
Rainbow Dash: *Snoozing...*
And then Future!Rainbow Dash appears in a thunderclap!
Rainbow Dash: "AH!"
Future!Rainbow Dash: "DASH! YOU'VE GOT TO LISTEN TO ME! I'm from the future!"
Rainbow Dash: "Really?!"
Future!Rainbow Dash: "Yes! And don't ask about Daring Doo spoilers, you'll just be sad!"
Rainbow Dash: "Okay! So, why have you come to the past? Is there some terrible post-apocalyptic future you need me to avert and save all of Equestria?!"
Finally making some headway again. I just finished the first draft for Brayside Crush Chapter 12. There's really only two major events left to write, the day of the festival itself and the aftermath. That means I will be able to put out at least Chapter 10 sometime in October once it goes through my editing.
I can't express my thanks enough, the immediate response to 'Butterfly Kisses' has been overwhelmingly positive, thank you all so much, that really does mean the world to me!
I'm really glad you have all enjoyed the first chapter of it, and don't worry, much like Be Mine, there will be more to come!
I just finished chapter 1 and now we just wait for it to be approved! I'm working on figuring out where I want the next chapter to pick up and can't wait to write more for you all!
Peace and Love :)
Hi I'm AJXDashie but I regularly go by GayPinkiePi3 or even just Sierra! I'm going to be writing a AppleDash fic and releasing the first chapter once I can pick a name for it. I'd love community involvement and if you have any ideas at all to share please let me know and I'll see if maybe your idea will hop into the story.
Dashie likes that, doesn't she? I've got to say id like it too~
Greetings Gotham, Joker here! Well, just thought I'd drop in and say that the band is back together! That's right, VampDash and I are working together again. The project is entitled "The Blades of Celestia." In this story, Rainbow Dash, Rarity Belle, and Applejack are agents of a clandestine black ops group known as "The Blades of Celestia," who basically kill corrupt politcians and things like that. Here's what you can expect:
Fell in love with this song...
in 10 seconds flat.
No really. I strongly suggest you to listen to the song. It's awesome as hell.
Lookie there, that's an AU I've wanted to draw for some time!