New chapter!! · 7:39pm Jul 5th, 2017
I know it's a day late, but it's finally up! Enjoy. 😉
I know it's a day late, but it's finally up! Enjoy. 😉
Hey everybody!
The newest chapter of Mistress of the Everfree Forest just came out!
Chapter Six is an unusually lengthy one, and I am thinking of implementing a longer word count, from about 5000-10000, into my future chapters. Possibly. Maybe. Probably going to be too lazy...
Very sorry it took so long to write. I've been overwhelmed with schoolwork lately and have only just found the time to write.
Yeah you guys read that in your feed correctly. The newest chapter of Crystals are Hard to Break is up now! Take a look. Leave a like/dislike. Comment if ya can!
That's right, I'm now in the progress of writing a new chapter to Afterlife. However it won't come out tonight, as it's not complete, and then I need to make sure it makes sense to read, as much as I can at least. So tomorrow night, so about 24 hours ish from now.
Wooo! Hello everypony! Great news! The story I was working on has passed moderation and was allowed to be submitted, which means you all can now see it! Yeah! :3
By the way working on 2nd chapter. Will be done by either in 2 hours or tomorrow afternoon.
The newest chapter for 'Among The Pegasi ' is up and ready for you all to read, and that means that now there are only two chapters left in this story before it ends, it's been a blast writing this story and hearing from all you lovely people about your thoughts on it.
I am happy to say I'm finally feeling better. As for that, Chapter 3 of 'Under your wing' has been started! Now I'm hoping this chapter will be a longer one so it may take a little longer to finish than the other chapters. Though it will be worth it! This chapter will have the main story progress a lot more and hopefully get to some of the more romantic parts.
Rainbow Dash Learns Shine Spark (RDLSS) Chapter Two is out now! It took a while, but I got the motivation to finish it!
Rainbow Dash Learns Shine Spark
The next wave of chapters are coming this month, no new chapters from AAE but however, four more chapters for AAE:SH which will be released on: Dec. 3, 10, 17, and 31. There won't be any new chapters on the 4th week of December, and coincidentally all the new chapters are all coming on thursday, I hope for everyone a wondeful and safe winter this year.
The new chapter has released - but some bad news has cropped up for Meo. Do read the Author's Notes to find out more - tl;dr, she has covid. Do wish her well, please!
Hope it makes up for the months of silence on my part.
Hello, everypony. It's your man Cavalryunit001 and I have a great announcement regarding the next chapter of BTROAH. For starters, it is finally complete. It's a chapter even more massive than the last one, one that's loaded with fights and frights alike - a fitting combination given Halloween is just around the corner. Now that it's cleared the revision and proofreading stage, I am happy to announce that I will be releasing this lastest chapter tomorrow, October
Like the title says I got a new chapter out, check it out and tell me what ya think!
Yes! I finally did it! Though it turned out kinda different than my original vision, but still. It’s out right now! You can check it out here!
Sorry for the accidental post that happened a couple of days ago.
The Edit button is right next to the Publish and I clicked it on accident.
Hope this chapter satisfies you all, don't forget to comment! It is what keeps us writers motivated and I want to hear your thoughts.
I released a new chapter of saving the king. Go read it!