We finally have a layout of the surroundings in the Equestria Girls world. We can even tell where each of the Human girls live, and where certain other places are. This will certainly be helpful in the future.
We finally have a layout of the surroundings in the Equestria Girls world. We can even tell where each of the Human girls live, and where certain other places are. This will certainly be helpful in the future.
We have new designs for some characters we know getting the Human makeover. First off is Daring Do.
Anybody wish she looked more like Rainbow Dash like she does in Equestria?
And Starlight
Two new Equestria Girls music videos have just been made, but are in Russian dub. Russian or not the music and singing is still awesome.
This person is open for requests: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/935083/any-requests
Ever since I read A Friendship to Remember, I've been curious to see how the story would be adapted to animation. I admired the expansion of the lore and the world building. Needless to say, I'm happy to see the franchise get its obligatory beach episode. More Trixie never hurts either. The magical threat this time around was definitely the most insidious to date, even if just one step away from the mind control of the first two movies. Just seeing poor Sunset motion her human hands
Joker here. Just thought I'd drop in and talk about my plans for my Firestorm project. First off, I scaled back the project's M rating to a Teen rating because the combination of the title, the Sex tag, and the M rating might cause people's heads to go to the gutter. I'll let you connect the dots on that one. Although, I will say that Sunset Shimmer will still need fireproof langerie and a lot of aloe vera.
Hello, everyone. Well, I’ve uploaded The Coming Firestorm, so hooray! It’s been up for an hour now, and we’re sitting at 29 views, a handful of favs, and 2 likes to one dislike. Whoopie.
Just posting this here, so people on here can vote as well :D https://www.deviantart.com/bpassion91/poll/I-ll-be-writing-an-MLP-tf-story-for-Halloween-what-should-it-be-7905729
My Wattpad story the darkus brawler of CHS is a Bakugan battle brawlers x MLP eg story, I would of course modify the original story and post chapters that are done and the chapters I get done with on Wattpad will need to be edited. So I want some feedback to see if I should.
Joker again. Just thought I'd provide an update on The Coming Firestorm. Progress on the second chapter is coming along okay at the moment. I've just had Firestorm explain his quantum splicer, and say that without he ran the risk of going kaboom, as in, a nuclear explosion, without it. Needless to say, this scares the shit out of the Human Five. I also plan on having Firestorm separate into Rex and Kilroy for the first time in this chapter, as well as explore their new abilities. In case I
Turns out he can do a bit more than I originally thought. Apparently, he can do more than just shoot flames and fly. This is a list of his comic book powers:
Density Control: Elements tied to the Firestorm Matrix have complete control over molecules and as such can change the density of solids, liquids and gases to as light as hydrogen or as heavy as uranium.
Greetings Gotham, Joker here! Just thought I'd drop in on you all and share what I have in mind for chapter 2 of The Coming Firestorm. Long story short, it'll basically cover Rex and Kilroy getting used to their new partnership and the world they're now trapped in. And of course, Sci-Twi starts poking around in things she doesn't understand. Also, Pinkie Pie throws a party for Firestorm after the Elements of Harmony follow him to Sunset's mansion (I'll explain that in a moment) and essentially
One with Apple Bloom becoming the Green Lantern of Sector 2013 (because Equestria Girls came out in 2013.) Babs Seed would be a Sinestro Lantern/Yellow Lantern, Sweetie Belle would be a Blue Lantern and Apple Bloom's side kick, while Scootaloo would become an anti-heroic Red Lantern.
But, I still need the right partner to aid me in the endeavor. Anyone interested?
Greetings Gotham, Joker here! Well, I've decided to resume work on The Coming Firestorm. You know, that one experimental Displaced I was working on a while back but got stuck on so I shelved it? Well, it's coming back, but I know for a fact that I can't do this thing alone. So, hopefully, Hopelight will be willing to help out, but if not, then I'll have to do a cattle call... again. Hopefully there will be some people willing to help out.
That's all for now. Stay perky.
Greetings Gotham, Joker here! Well, now that I'm back and ready to get the ball rolling on my projects again, I thought I'd drop in and unviel my latest upcoming Equestria Girls project, one that actually isn't a Displaced, although it does star a male OC who's actually from that universe... one who becomes this universe's version of...
I finished episode 9. I just got to work typing it, and I love it. I'm going to put it up and it'll be live in a few minutes to an hour.
So yeah... looking forward to it.
That story was so well received I've decided to work on it for a bit. As of now I'm working on episode 3 and should have it up by Tuesday at the latest if I work like this.