• Member Since 18th Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen May 14th, 2016

Wonder Dash Rock


Ok I've got somthing to say..... · 5:00am Mar 7th, 2014

Ok, this is to people who don't treat other people fairly. You shouldn't do that. It's not fair. People work really hard on their stories and they don't really like it when someone says really mean stuff about their stories. If you don't have anything nice to say don't, say it at all.

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Report Wonder Dash Rock · 307 views ·
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Hey people I'm gonna start working on my next chapter!:raritystarry: Also I would like to say that as a little spoiler. I am making a story about my fan character.

Well I'm not done with it. The chapters will get longer.

1003047 just did I like it short but like it :twilightsmile:

Hey, just passing through.

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Ok I've got somthing to say..... · 5:00am Mar 7th, 2014

Ok, this is to people who don't treat other people fairly. You shouldn't do that. It's not fair. People work really hard on their stories and they don't really like it when someone says really mean stuff about their stories. If you don't have anything nice to say don't, say it at all.

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Report Wonder Dash Rock · 307 views ·

Ok I've got somthing to say..... · 5:00am Mar 7th, 2014

Ok, this is to people who don't treat other people fairly. You shouldn't do that. It's not fair. People work really hard on their stories and they don't really like it when someone says really mean stuff about their stories. If you don't have anything nice to say don't, say it at all.

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Report Wonder Dash Rock · 307 views ·