• Member Since 5th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen Dec 19th, 2023


  • TFallout: Equestria - Memories of Yesterday
    Lucky Shoes struggles piecing together the fractured past of an enchanted plague suit in a war-torn Equestrian Wasteland, discovering over 1000 years of struggles working to stop a darkness even the stars fear.
    Kaptein · 7.2k words  ·  9  2 · 1.3k views
  • TOne Year Later
    A year has passed since Twilight was forced to leave a dying Spike to an elder dragon, without being granted the privilege of knowing his fate. Worried on how she'll cope after the utter silence, she fears what might be waiting for her one year later
    Kaptein · 14k words  ·  497  14 · 6.7k views
  • EA Thousand Years of Regret
    On her 1000th anniversary of her rule, Empress Luna reflects on the achievements of the Equus Empire - and reflects on her greatest failure 1000 years ago and why she doesn't deserve any of the love or adoration her subjects give her.
    Kaptein · 4.2k words  ·  113  2 · 2.3k views
  • EDying Flame
    After sending reports to Celestia, Spike falls into a coma. Fearing it's her own fault, Twilight goes to the Princesses and eventually ends up before an Elder dragon and realises she may have failed as a caretaker, a friend and as an older siste
    Kaptein · 10k words  ·  855  38 · 11k views
  • EThe Paragon Guard
    The most elite and powerful guard directly in charge of Celestia's safety. They share a powerful sisterly and brotherly bond brought forth by the nonsense and antics caused by Celestia's sheer presence. Follow their day-to-day life.
    Kaptein · 21k words  ·  231  6 · 1.9k views
  • TThe Stranger
    The Princesses puzzle over a strange mare with no memory and two large horns growing on her head. Meanwhile, a reclusive stallion haunted by his past realises that it has come to catch up with him.
    Kaptein · 13k words  ·  9  2 · 570 views
  • TForgotten Whisper
    Twilight is haunted by nightmares of actions done long ago. Unable to sleep, she seeks comfort where it all began. Pinkie suffers anxiety attacks and doubts if she really is the Pony she thinks she is - her thoughts driving her to where it all began.
    Kaptein · 2.4k words  ·  43  3 · 1.6k views
  • TAn Unending Chill
    A mysterious winter overtakes the whole of Equestria, ponies becoming bitter and hateful. Twilight and her friends try to find the cause, while simultaneously dealing with the refugees flooding into Ponyville.
    Kaptein · 7.5k words  ·  8  2 · 550 views