• Published 6th Mar 2013
  • 21,714 Views, 1,447 Comments

A New Home - APoeticHeart

A young human child abused by his father wishes to live in a new home, and wishes for someone to love him.

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Chapter Three: Introducing Toby ( Re-Written )

As she approached the bridge to cross into Ponyville, Fluttershy stopped and turned to look at Toby “Now sweetheart, before we get into town, I’m going to hide you underneath my mane, okay? I don’t want the other ponies to scare you or make you feel nervous by staring at you.” She gave him a warm smile and nuzzled his cheek.

He let out a giggle and blushed “Okay Fluttershy, I understand.” He carefully curled up onto the mare’s back so she could lay her mane over him. As the smooth, wavy hair brushed against his face, Toby let out a small giggle.

Fluttershy smiled softly at the sound of his laugh He’s such a precious child and very polite when he speaks. I just hope I can find out what happened to him. She frowned a little as she saw that he was nice and covered by her mane before trotting across the bridge.

As she entered into town, some of the towns ponies greeted her with either a wave of their hooves or nod of their heads in which she returned. She made her way toward the Carousel Boutique when a familiar voice caught her attention “Heya Flutters, what’s happening?” She looked up to see a cyan pegasus with a rainbow-colored mane and tail slowly hover down beside her.

“Um…. hi Rainbow Dash, how are you?” She gave a warm smile to her fellow pegasus and friend. She swallowed a bit awkwardly as she felt light shaking on her back “Um… I was on my way to see Rarity if you would like to follow me.”

Rainbow simply shrugged her shoulders “Sounds cool too me, I’m off weather duty today anyways.” She chuckled, but as she stood beside Fluttershy she noticed something sticking out from underneath her mane. Being curious she asked “Hey Fluttershy, what’s this sticking out of your mane?” She reached to touch at Toby’s leg.

“No wait Rainbow Dash don’t…” It was too late to respond as Toby let out a little scream after being touched and he fell off her back and onto the ground with a thud. Fluttershy gasped as she turned to look down at the fallen child “Oh my goodness, Toby are you okay?” She leaned her head down to gently grasp at the collar of his shirt with her teeth and lifted him up onto his feet.

Rainbow chuckled nervously “Heh.. sorry Flutters.” She rubbed the back of her neck and looked curiously at the little boy “Who's the little guy and what is he?” She carefully trotted close to him and placed a hoof on his shoulder “Are you alright kiddo? I didn’t mean to scare you.” She then ruffled his hair.

Fluttershy finished brushing the last remaining dirt off Toby’s clothes and looked at Rainbow, sighing heavily. She carefully lifted Toby by his shirt collar again with her teeth and turned to set him on her back. She turned toward Rainbow Dash “Rainbow Dash, this is Toby. Toby this is Rainbow Dash, one of my best friends and…”

“And the fastest flyer in all of Equestria!” Rainbow shot up in the air and shot a couple of poses “The one, the only, the awesome one, Rainbow Dash!” She chuckled and hovered back down onto the ground and placed a hoof on his shoulder “It’s great to meet ya little dude!” She gave him a wink and reached up to ruffle is hair.

Toby giggled at the ruffle of his hair and smiled “It nice to meet you too Miss Rainbow Dash.” He hugged at Fluttershy’s neck as he sat on her back.

A curious expression washed over Rainbow’s face “Miss Rainbow Dash?” She lightly scoffed and shook her head “There’s no need to call me Miss kiddo, Rainbow Dash, or Rainbow is just fine.” She gave another playful wink at him and looked at Fluttershy “Well, if you two are going to the boutique, I’m ready.” She hovered in the air and looked at the child curiously “Hey Toby, have you ever been flying before? I could take you for a…”

“No!” A squeal escaped Fluttershy’s lips as she placed a hoof against her mouth. She looked back at Toby who jumped a little at her sudden outburst “Um… I’m sorry sweetheart.” She then looked up at Rainbow Dash “Um… Rainbow Dash… um… I just don’t think you should take him for a ride… um… just not yet you know. We all know how fast you can fly, and I’m afraid it will scare him.” She turned her head and smiled warmly at Toby.

Rainbow shrugged her shoulders “Eh, alright Flutters. I’ll wait til’ the little guy gets used to being around here, but I will take him for a flight.” She smirked and then hovered close to Toby “And I promise you will love it kiddo!” She ruffled his hair and hovered back in the air.

Fluttershy nodded “Okay Toby, let’s go see if Rarity will make you some new clothes.” She nuzzled his cheek, and then turned to head toward the Carousel Boutique with Rainbow Dash following in tow.

As they approached the boutique Fluttershy reached a hoof up to knock on the door. Soon the sound of a happy humming could be heard “Coming!” The sound of a regal, elegant voice rang from inside as Toby hid under Fluttershy’s mane.

The door opened with a light blue aura surrounding it, revealing the fashionista with a warm smile on her face “Oh good morning darlings.” She greeted the two mares and stepped to the side “Please, please come in, I was just finishing up my latest outfit for a client of mine.” She motioned them to enter with a hoof.

Rarity led the two through the living room “Would you two like some freshly brewed mint tea? I was just about to put on a pot when you dears arrived.” She smiled warmly back at the two “You two can take a seat in here while I go fix it. It will be done in just a jiffy.” She giggled as she trots into the kitchen.

Rainbow and Fluttershy trotted toward the sofa when the shy pegasus stopped “Rainbow… um… how do you think Rarity will react to Toby?” She looked back underneath her mane “Are you okay dear? There isn’t need to be afraid, I promise. Rarity is a very kind and polite pony, and I’m sure she won’t mind making some new, clean clothes for you.” She nuzzles at his cheek.

“I’m sure Rarity is going to love the little guy Fluttershy. I mean look at Spike for Celestia’s sake, he’s a baby dragon, and she always calls him her ‘little Spiky-Wiky.” She speaks in a cutesy, mocking tone.

She smirks and chuckles “So don’t worry Flutters about her liking the little dude.” She climbed up on the sofa and laid down.

“What little dude Rainbow darling?” Fluttershy let out a slight squeal at the returning unicorn. Rarity levitated three cups of mint tea in her magic “Who might I ask are you talking about dear?” She gave Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash each their cup.

Fluttershy bit her lower lip “Um… well Rarity… um… I would like for you to meet somepony. Um… however… he isn’t quite a pony.” A deep, nervous swallow traveled down her throat.

A beaming smile spread across the unicorn’s muzzle “Oh? Of course darling, I would be delighted to meet this new acquaintance of yours. If he’s not a pony, then what may I ask what is he exactly?” She looked at Fluttershy curiously.

Fluttershy placed her cup of tea down on the side table next to the sofa and carefully lowered herself to the floor, tucking her legs underneath her. She turned her head back toward her mane “Okay Toby, you can show yourself.” Rarity watched as Fluttershy nuzzled into her mane.

Arching her brows in wonder, Rarity soon saw the little boy climb out from underneath her mane, off her back, and onto the floor. She beamed as she noticed he only came up to the top of her forelegs as she could see. She beamed at the sight of the child “Oh my! Fluttershy dear, he is absolutely precious!”

Fluttershy nodded and smiled warmly at Toby “Toby sweetheart, I would like for you to meet Rarity. She is another good friend of mine and also the top clothes designer here in Ponyville.” She looked at Rarity “Rarity, this sweet little colt is Toby and I discovered him on my doorstep this morning.” She noticed Toby standing still as a statue and could sense that he was nervous.

Rarity could tell that he was nervous so she carefully lowered herself to the floor so she could be somewhat eye level with him. With a warm smile, she spoke with her elegant yet soft tone “Well Toby darling, it’s a great pleasure to meet you.” To ease his nervousness, she carefully reached out her hoof and took one of his small hands in it “Please don’t be afraid dear, I’m not going to hurt you. You’re a darling little thing, you know that?” She gave him a wink and reached up with the other hoof to rub the back of his hand.

He blushed as he felt the warm, soft fur of her hoof rub at his hand. He looked up into her sky, blue eyes and softly spoke “Hello Miss Rarity, it’s nice to meet you too.” He blushed at the comment “Thank you Miss Rarity.” He gave a soft smile.

“Oh my, such manners you have for a young one Toby. I truly appreciate you calling me Miss, but that is unnecessary dear. You may just call me Rarity, all my friends do.” She gave him a warm smile, but as she looked at him more carefully, she noticed his clothes were worn and dirty.

Fluttershy smiled at the two interacted with each other, but she noticed Rarity’s look of careful concentration and sighed heavily. Carefully, she placed a foreleg around the boy’s shoulders and looked at the unicorn “Rarity… um… I was wondering if you could… um… if it’s not too much trouble… if you could make Toby a new pair of clothes?” She bit her lower lip.

“Ask no more my dear, I would be more than honored to make this darling little one a new set of clothes.” She gave Fluttershy a warm smile and looked at Toby as she carefully stood back up “Toby darling, would you be a dear and follow me for a bit?”

“Yes Ma’am.” He spoke respectfully as he looked up at Fluttershy who gave him a nod that it was okay. He walked behind Rarity as she led him to a set of three mirrors with a short pedestal in front of them.

Rarity carefully placed a foreleg around the boy’s shoulders “If you don’t mind dear, just step up here and I’ll take your measurements so I can get started on your new outfit.” She smiled warmly down at him and stroked his head with a hoof. He nodded as he carefully stepped up onto the pedestal “If it’s not too much trouble Toby, could you stretch out your…” She touches an arm and he nodded as he stretched out both arms.

She levitated some measuring tape, a pencil, and a notepad over so she could begin writing down his measurements. After writing all the information down, she gently rubbed his shoulder “All done sweetheart, you did a marvelous job.” She looked over at Fluttershy “Fluttershy darling, how about you take Toby upstairs and prepare a warm bath for him?” She gave a warm smile to her pegasus friend.

“That is a good idea Rarity, thank you. Rainbow would you…” As she turned to look at Rainbow, the cyan mare was already fast asleep on the red satin sofa. She giggled a bit and looked at Toby “Um.. does that sound okay with you Toby? I’m sure you’ll feel a whole lot better and refreshed.” She reached up and stroked his head.

He blushed at being stroked along his head by her hoof as the feeling brought back memories of the care his mother used to show him. He looked up at her and nodded “I would like that Fluttershy.” With that said, Fluttershy leaned forward to let him climb onto her back. This time, he placed each leg on each side of her and hugged her neck instead of hiding underneath her mane.

As she turned to head toward the stairs, Rarity spoke up “Oh Toby dear, if a lady may ask, what is your favorite color?”

Toby turned to look at the fashionista “My favorite color is red Rarity.” He gave a soft smile.

She returned the smile with a firm, yet acknowledging nod “Thank you darling. Now go and get your bath, and after you are done, you will have a fresh new pair of clothes waiting for you.” She trotted up to the pair and gently patted the boy on the back.

A thankful expression washed over Fluttershy’s face as she spoke softly “Thank you Rarity.” The white mare simply nodded as Fluttershy turned and trotted upstairs. Once upstairs Fluttershy trotted into the bathroom and started the bath water. She made the sure the temperature was just right, not too hot, not too cold as she dipped her hoof into the tub.

After allowing Toby to climb off her back, she looked down at him with a warm smile “Sweetheart, I’ll just be right across the hall in Rarity’s bedroom when you are finished, okay?” She stroked his hair “Just knock on the door once you’re done and we’ll give you your new pair of clothes.”

“Okay Fluttershy, thank you.” He looked up, returning the smile as he watched Fluttershy turn to trot out of the bathroom and carefully shut the door. As he was starting to prepare to get in the bathtub, a thought ran through his mind Fluttershy is so caring toward me that she reminds me of Mommy. A soft smile crept across his face, but it soon turned into a frown and he sniffled I miss you Mommy.

Fluttershy trotted across the hall to Rarity’s bedroom where the unicorn mare was working diligently on the child’s clothes. The unicorn caught her entering in the corner of her eye as she concentrated on the clothes “Oh Fluttershy darling, I think Toby is going to love these clothes! I can’t wait for him to put them on! “She giggled excitedly.

Fluttershy gave a warm smile as she trotted over in front of Rarity’s bed and laid down “I’m sure he will Rarity.” She let out a heavy sigh which caused Rarity’s ears to twitch with curiosity. After adding the finishing touches to the outfit, she hung the clothes on the rack near her bedroom window and trotted over to lay beside Fluttershy.

With a concerned look etched over her face, Rarity placed a hoof on Fluttershy’s shoulder “What is the matter dear?” She rubbed at the pegasus’ shoulder soothingly “Is it about Toby?”

Another heavy sigh escaped Fluttershy’s lips and she nodded “Well, to be honest Rarity, it is.” She turned her head and looked outside at the clear blue sky “He is indeed a precious little colt, but that’s it, I don’t really know what kind of creature he is. He’s not a pony and I don’t know where he came from. He just showed up on my doorstep and I just couldn’t abandon him without any shelter.” She felt tears sting her eyes.

“Shh… shh.. try to relax dear, you done the right thing. We might not know what kind of animal the little one might be, but I can assure you that bringing him into your home showed that you truly are the Element of Kindness.” She patted Fluttershy’s back.

The yellow mare sniffled and turned her attention back to Rarity “Thank you Rarity, that means a lot.” She gives a small smile, but that soon turns into a frown “Also, I believe there is something deeply bothering Toby.” She felt the prickling of tears return to her eyes.

Rarity looked on concerned for her friend “Oh? Well, he seems like just the sweetest little thing I’ve ever met darling. What do you think is bothering him?” She continued to rub at Fluttershy’s back.

“I really don’t know to be honest Rarity, but when I mentioned about finding a way to get him back home, he immediately hugged me around my neck and started to cry.” A heavy sigh escaped her lips “Then when he spoke about his mother, he took a short pause and I could see the sadness in his eyes.” She reached up with a hoof to wipe at a lone tear rolling down her cheek “I want to say something to him, but I just feel I should wait until he is ready to talk.” She sniffled.

“I believe that would be for the best dear.” Rarity gave a warm smile as she took her hoof off her friend’s back “If there is something bothering the little darling, it would be best if he speaks about it without us trying to push him.” She carefully stood up and levitated the finished outfit “I’m going to go see if our new little friend is done with his bath.” She trotted out of her bedroom.

As she trotted across the hall, she gently knocked on the bathroom door “Toby dear, are you done with your bath?” She smiled warmly as she waited for his reply.

“Yes Ma’am, I am.” He spoke from inside and Rarity carefully hung his clothes on the hook on her bathroom door.

“That is marvelous sweetheart. I’m just going to hang your clothes outside the door and when you are done, just walk across the hallway to my room.” She carefully turned and trotted back into her room and smiled warmly at Fluttershy “He’ll be out in a little bit, and we’ll see him in his new ensemble.” She beamed with glee “I can’t wait to see him in it Fluttershy! I’m so proud of myself! I just hope he’ll like them.”

“I’m sure he’ll love them Rarity. You make great and comfortable clothes.” Fluttershy returned the smile “After we get done here, I was thinking about taking him to meet the others. Would you like to join us Rarity?”

“Oh, that sounds like a grand idea Fluttershy. I bet the girls will just love him!” Rarity beamed with glee as the two heard a loud yawn come from the door and they saw Rainbow trotting “Well it’s good to see you’re finally awake dear. Did you have a good rest?”

She smacked her lips after yawning and nodded “You bet Rares. I got to admit, that sofa of yours is very comfy. Feels like sleeping on a cloud, but just a little.” She chuckles and looked around “Hey, where’s the little guy at?” She scratched the back of her head.

As soon as she asked that, Toby walked out of the bathroom and across the hallway, stopping in the doorway to Rarity’s room. The three mares turned to see the newly dressed boy and Rarity gasped “Oh my! Toby darling, you look absolutely dashing!” She beams as she trots up to him and runs her hoof over any creases that may be remaining to smooth them out “Do they feel soft and warm enough dear?” She reached up and stroked at his hair.

“Yes Ma’am, they are very soft and warm. Thank you.” He stepped closer to her and wrapped his arms around her foreleg, giving it a light hug.

“Aww.. well you are very welcome darling.” She leaned her head down to give him a kiss on top of his head and wrapped her other foreleg around his back to return the hug. She felt tears form in her eyes at the gesture, but restrained herself from crying Such a precious little colt he is. I wonder though what could be bothering the little darling. Maybe in time, he’ll feel like telling us.

The outfit consisted of royal blue jogging pants, black sneakers with red laces, royal blue t-shirt, and to complete it, a red hoodie. Toby just smiled and was in awe at how his favorite color was incorporated into the pair of clothes.

Rainbow Dash trotted over to the boy and ruffled his hair “You look awesome little guy!” A soft smirk crept across her muzzle as she reached her hoof down to pat at his back. She looked at the other two “So where are we heading next?”

“Um… if it’s okay for me to say Toby… um… you look adorable in your new clothes.” Fluttershy trotted up to him and stroked his hair, and then turned to Rainbow “I was thinking about introducing him to the others.” She gave a warm smile and looked down at Toby “How would you like to meet our other friends sweetheart?”

He looked up at her with a soft smile and a simple nod “That sounds nice Fluttershy, I would like that.”

“Sounds like a cool plan to me!” Rainbow smirked and hovered in the air “I’ll go on ahead to gather Applejack and Pinkie Pie, and we’ll meet you at the library.” She saluted with a hoof and zoomed out of Rarity’s opened bedroom window.

Rarity let out a low growl “Grr… why can’t she ever depart from some pony’s residence without being all dramatic.” She shook her head and then smiled warmly at Fluttershy and Toby “Well, darlings, if you are ready to go to Twilight’s, I certainly am.” She turned and led the way out of her bedroom, Fluttershy and Toby in tow.

When they reached downstairs, Fluttershy turned to look down at Toby “Sweetheart, would you like to ride on my back or maybe walk beside me on the way to Twilight’s?” She gave him a maternal smile.

He thought for a bit “I think I’ll try and walk Fluttershy.” He returned the smile. Fluttershy simply nodded as they followed Rarity out of the boutique.

As the two mares and child were trekking through the streets of Ponyville, there were some murmurs and stares from some ponies who saw the boy following behind Fluttershy, keeping hold of her tail. He noticed the looks he was receiving from the towns ponies and he started to nervously shake. A frown crept across his face Why are they looking at me like that? He tried to shake away his thoughts as the three approached a towering tree that appeared to be a giant treehouse.

Fluttershy turned to look back at Toby with a warm smile “Well sweetheart, we’re here. This is the Golden Oaks Library, the home of mine and Rarity’s best friend, Princess Twilight Sparkle.” A rosy blush appeared on her cheeks.

“Indeed darling, I’m positive that Twilight, Applejack, and Pinkie will all think you are absolutely adorable just like us!” Rarity beamed as she reached a hoof up and knocked on the door.

Suddenly the door opened to reveal Princess Twilight Sparkle “Oh hello Fluttershy and Rarity, please come in. Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash are here, and Spike is in the kitchen preparing us some cookies.” She gave a beaming smile before turning to trot back inside as the three entered with Toby still trailing behind Fluttershy with her tail over him.

“Howdy yall!” Applejack tipped her Stetson hat toward the two while she sat in the center with the library with Pinkie Pie beside her who had a wide grin plastered on her muzzle “Ah heard that ya found quite the interesting critter Fluttershy.” She gave the shy pegasus a curious glare.

“Yep, yep! Dashie came by Sugarcube Corner while was making a super special spectacular scrumptious delicious triple chocolate cake!” Pinkie Pie giggled happily “She told me that we got to meet the little wittle thing!” She clapped her hooves together excitedly, earning a chuckle from the others.

Twilight rolled her eyes at Pinkie’s giddiness and turned her attention to Fluttershy “Yes, we all would like to meet this new creature you’ve discovered Fluttershy.” She gave a warm, soft smile “And it would be great to learn about a brand new species here in Equestria.”

Fluttershy bit her lower lip as she turned her head to look at her tail which shielded the child. She turned back to look at the three mares “Um.. okay, but he is very shy around others.” She softly spoke “Toby sweetheart, it’s okay, there is nothing to be afraid of. The rest of my friends would like to meet you.” She leaned her head toward her tail, peeking through the strands of light pink hair, and gave him a warm smile “They are very nice, I promise.” She nuzzled his cheek and lifted her tail over him for him to come out from behind her.

He slowly walked to her side and looked at the three new mares while Rainbow Dash and Rarity sat on the opposite side of the rug. A nervous swallow traveled down his throat as he lifted a hand and waved “Hi there.” He spoke ever so softly as if it were Fluttershy speaking.

In a flash Pinkie Pie zoomed toward the child and lifted him up in her forelegs “Aww… He is such a sweet, little, wittle cutie wutie!” She brought him toward her and nuzzled his cheeks, a beaming smile spreading across her muzzle “Hey there little sweetie! My name is Pinkie Pie and I love to throw parties. Parties with lots of cakes, cookies, ice cream, games…” Suddenly Toby was lifted out of Pinkie’s grasp by Applejack.

The country mare placed Toby back down on the floor and turned toward Pinkie “Pinkie, simmer down! Ah know that ya love to meet new ponies, but ya need to tone it down some around a little feller like this.” She placed a foreleg around the young boy’s shoulders and looked down at him “Sorry about that sugarcube. Pinkie can be quite, let’s say rowdy when it comes to meeting new ponies here.” She chuckled a bit.

“You’re just being a party pooper Applejack!” Pinkie stuck her tongue out and looked at Toby “Hehe.. it’s nice to meet you though you little cutie! Maybe you can come by Sugarcube Corner and help me bake some cookies, cakes, and other tasty, delicious, and fun treats!” Pinkie began hopping around the circle of friends, causing Toby to giggle some at her antics.

Applejack rolled her eyes and returned her attention back to the boy “Anyways sugarcube, mah name is Applejack and it’s a darn tootin’ pleasure to meet ya little feller.” She rubbed the top of his head lightly with a hoof and tipped her hat to him “Ah live on a farm called Sweet Apple Acres with the rest of mah family. Maybe someday, if you decide to stay here for a while, you could come pay a visit and Ah could show you around.” She patted his back and returned back her place on the rug.

Slowly, Twilight stood up with her wings outstretched “Hello dear, my name is Princess Twilight Sparkle and indeed, it is a pleasure to meet you.” She trotted over to the child and placed a hoof on his shoulder “There is no need to be afraid sweetie, we are all pleased to meet you, and welcome you to Ponyville.” She rubbed from his shoulder down his arm in a comforting manner.

As he looked up at Twilight and the other two mares, he gave them each a soft smile “It’s nice to meet you all, my name is Toby Mason.” He then saw a short and stout dragon enter into the den area of the library “A dragon!?” He immediately hid behind Fluttershy’s foreleg and shook like a leaf.

“Yep that’s me. Spike, the coolest dragon…” He paused as soon as he saw the frightened child “Oh, uh... Hi there little guy.” A look of confusion mixed with concern etched across his face as he scratched the back of his head with a claw.

Fluttershy looked down at the cowering child behind her foreleg with a frown “Oh sweetheart, please don’t be scared. Spike may be a dragon, but he is the nicest and cutest dragons in Equestria.” She turned to Spike “Spike, this little one is Toby.” She pointed at the frightened boy with the free foreleg.

A blush formed on Spike’s cheeks as Fluttershy called him cute, but he shook away the blush and walked toward the boy “Hey there Toby, I’m Spike. There isn’t any reason to be afraid of me, I’m a cool and friendly dragon.” He reached out a claw to Toby for him to shake.

Toby looked up at Fluttershy who gave him a warm nod to let know that it was okay. He turned back to look at Spike and reached out a hand to place in the smooth, scaly claw “It’s nice to meet you Spike. I never met a dragon before.” He walked out from behind Fluttershy’s forelegs.

Spike chuckled “Well I’m glad to the first little dude.” He ruffled his hair gently with a claw “Would you like some tea or anything to drink Toby? I will fix something right up for you if you’d like.”

Toby shook his head “Oh no, that is okay Spike. I… I’m a little tired.” He let out a soft yawn and blinked his eyes tiredly.

Rarity let out a small giggle at the boy “Well darling, you certainly did have quite the long day today.” She smiled warmly at him “Here dear, why don’t you lay on a pillow?” Using her magic, Rarity levitated a pillow near him and Fluttershy “There you go darling, that should be nice and comfortable.

He gave her a soft smile “Thank you Rarity.” She responded with a simple and kind nod as Toby crawled onto the pillow. He was small enough for his whole body to lay on the pillow and he curled up in a fetal position.

“Oh before I forget.” Rarity quietly spoke as she levitated a small, wool blanket over and laid over the sleeping child “There, that should keep him warm and comfortable.’ She smiled warmly at him Such a precious little darling.

The others d’awwed at the sight as Fluttershy quietly trotted closer to him, laid down beside him,and lifted a wing over his small form. She leaned her head down to kiss the top of his head, and then looked at Twilight “Um… Twilight, I wanted to introduce Toby to all my friends, but… um… also I was wondering if you could see what kind of creature he is? It just that I never seen a creature like him before.” She turned her head to give a warm smile at the sleeping boy.

Twilight gave a blushing grin “Oh, I was hoping you would ask me that Fluttershy!” She clapped her hooves excitedly, but quietly as she trotted over to the bookshelves and started to levitate books from left to right. After a minute of searching “Aha.. I think I found it.” She levitated an old, worn, brown binded book with her as she trotted back to the center of the library.

The book was entitled The Big Book of Mythical Creatures & Other Worldly Beings. Twilight used her magic to skim through the pages until she came upon a section with a picture of a creature that had the same appearance as Toby. She carefully read the species’ name and looked at the girls “Well by what this book tells me, Toby belongs to a group of species called Homo-sapiens or also known as humans.”

“Oh my, that does sound quite interesting.” Rarity looked at Twilight with curiosity and interest “What else does it say about his kind dear?” The others looked on with the same interest.

Twilight cleared her throat “Well first, it says that humans are bi-pedals, meaning unlike us, they walk on two legs instead of four.” The girl looked at each with curious expressions “It also says that their source of food is fruits, vegetables, and….” Twilight immediately gasped.

“Sugarcube, what is it? Ya look like ya seen a ghost.” Applejack looked at her friend worriedly.

A swallow of nervousness traveled down Twilight’s throat that the others could hear “It says that they also eat meat, chicken, and fish.” The others gasped and shocked expressions etched on each of their faces. Twilight continued to read and her face became horrified “Oh gosh, it tells about the relationship between these humans and animals.”

“Um… what does it say Twilight?” Fluttershy looked at her with worry and then turned to look at the sleeping child under her wing “Possibly, Toby couldn’t be like those other humans...um.. could he?” A frown slowly formed on her muzzle.

After reading the details of the human/animal relationship, Twilight immediately closed the book and levitated it back over to the bookshelf. She looked at Fluttershy, and then down at Toby “I don’t know Fluttershy, he is still very young to tell. However, it’s best if we write to Princess Celestia informing her about him.” She sighed heavily and levitated a scroll and quill, and placed them in front of her.

Dear Princess Celestia,

This morning, my friend and the Element of Kindness, Fluttershy discovered an unusual creature on her doorstep, sleeping in a basket. His name is Toby, and I’ve come to read that he is part of a species called Homo-Sapiens or humans. He is only a young human, probably the age of a colt, if not younger, and he is very sweet and polite.

However, what I’ve read about his species has me deeply concerned for myself, my friends, and the entire land of Equestria. I read that these humans rely on the source of fruits and vegetables for food, but the worst part is that they also eat meat, fish, chicken, and pork. I don’t believe Toby is like other humans, but he is still just so young.

If it’s alright with you princess, I thought myself the the other Elements of Harmony could bring this young one to meet you and Princess Luna. The others are going to be staying the night here at the library and we will wait for your reply.

Sincerely your fellow princess,

Princess Twilight Sparkle

She rolled up the scroll and tied it with a red ribbon “Spike, could you come here for a moment?” She called out to her friend and assistant.

The baby dragon waddled into the den carrying a small tray with six cups of tea on it. He placed the tray down in the center of the circle of friends “Yes Twilight?” He smiled brightly at his long-time friend.

She returned the smile and levitated the rolled up scroll to him “Could you please send this Spike?” With a simple nod and a breath of green fire, the scroll disappeared into ashes. Twilight smiled at him “Thank you Spike.”

“Of course Twilight, I am your number one assistant after all.” He smirked proudly and started to pass the tea to the girls. After he got done he turned to Twilight “If that is all for now Twilight, I’m going to go ahead and turn in for tonight.”

“Of course Spike.” Twilight motioned for him to come to her. He complied and she wrapped a foreleg around his shoulders, and pulled him into a warm embrace. She kissed his forehead “Goodnight Spike.” The baby dragon blushed and hugged her back around the neck before going upstairs to lay in his basket.

Twilight smiled warmly as she watched her friend go upstairs before turning to the others “Well girls, I think we all should get a good night’s rest. We’ll wait for Princess Celestia’s reply and then we’ll go to Canterlot. The others nodded in agreement as each slowly drifted off to a peaceful slumber.

As she carefully got up to trot up to sleep in her bed, she felt a hoof on her shoulder and looked to see it was Fluttershy “Um… Twilight…um…you don’t think Princess Celestia will be mean toward Toby or banish him, do you? He’s just a little colt and such a sweet little one.” The pegasus turned to look down at the sleeping child nestled under her wing and her heart just melted at the sight. She turned to look back at Twilight when she felt her hoof on her shoulder.

Twilight gave her a reassuring smile “Don’t worry Fluttershy, I’m sure Celestia will be understanding of Toby and welcome him to Equestria. However, I feel it is necessary for us to let her and Princess Luna meet him, do you understand?”

“Yes, I understand Twilight. Goodnight and I’ll see you in the morning.” Fluttershy smiled softly at her friend and watched Twilight trot upstairs. Before she decided to lay her head down to rest, she leaned down and gave one last kiss on top of the sleeping boy’s head “Goodnight sweetie.” She softly whispered and laid her head down close to his, and closed her eyes.

I sure do hope Princess Celestia and Princess Luna won’t be cruel to this little one. Also, I hope they can help us with finding out what is bothering him.

Author's Note:

I can guess what you are all probably thinking and

I finally got Chapter Three Re-written! ^^

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