• Published 20th Feb 2013
  • 792 Views, 26 Comments

Tom's Destiny - Caleb Roy

Will Tom the Rock earn his wings? Will he become an Alicorn? What is Tom's destiny anyways? Find out in this epic tale of rock hard proportions!!

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Hope in a can!!

Don't fret me brotha Tom, Don't fret. Everything will be allright. Hold on me brotha, hold on.

It was useless. Nothing could convince Tom to go back in. It was useless. Tom didn't care anymore. He just wanted to die. In a way, Tom had died. Tom had lost all the life inside of him, and had replaced it with hate, deceit, and all other evil devices. Tom had gone so far back that he didn't even care anymore whether the main 6, Celestia, and Discord were put to death. They were about to be. Tom could only see all of the suffering that he had gone through. Not only that, but Tom had given up hope. Tom fell into all types of sins because of this one act. It brought Tom low to his knees. Tom only lay there moaning and groaning. It's a shame Tom that you went through all you went through, and yet you lay here on the cold, hard floor groaning and moaning to yourself.

"Shut up Narrator!", yelled Tom, "Life isn't worth it, and those ponies in there, they deserve every last thing that they are going to get!", Tom was furious.

Do they Tom? Do they really? You know everyone deserves death and punishment, yet Jesus Christ died for them to redeem them. Tom I am sure that you did something wrong in your life, have you not? Yet, you still have a bed to sleep in, and quarters to live in. What are you so upset about? Why don't you do something? I mean none of the other taunts and evils that came upon you in the forest or even at home bothered you, yet now you fall because of one fight? Tom, you should be much stronger than this! You should rise up, and march right back in there and defeat Scorpius!

"Its not that simple! I mean why should I waste any more of my life to fight for those losers!" said Tom, "WHY?!".

Well, Tom, well why not? I mean why don't you storm right back in there, and heap coals of fire upon everybody's heads. I mean they will probably realize that even though they did all this evil stuff to you, that you still forgave them. Tom, I think that you should march right back in there, if not for their's or even your sake, at least for Sweetie Belle's and for Apple Bloom's. I mean they are nice to you now. I think you should do it at least for them.

"Forget it! Why should I? I mean they never liked me to begin with! No one did! No one ever has! Not even my own parents loved me!".

Tom, I know, I can see that you went through alot, but that is what makes you so durable and what makes you, you. You have pushed through your injuries like they were nothing. You have fought through every thing that has come at you as if it were the next blow of wind, so why not now?

"Because I realize now, narrator, that I should only care for myself! I I I that is what it should be! Only I!!!!!!", said Tom.

Oh Tom, is there anyone who can save your mind? Anyone who can change you? Anyone? Anypony? SOMETHING??!!??!!?? It seems that there would soon be...

Tom lay there bemoaning himself crying over his whatever he was crying over when a lone can rolled over to where Tom was. Tom glanced up at it for just a second before it burst into a bluish- darkish color. Out of this can sprang Luna, Princess Luna that is. Also, Shining Armor and Princess Cadance came out of it. Tom just glanced up at them, and said, "What do you losers want?"

"What!!", yelled Shining Armor, "How dare you speak to royalt--"

"Hold on 'hon", interrupted Cadance, "Hold on! You don't know what this rock has been through."

"Tom the Rock", requested Princess Luna very calmly and quietly, "Why are laying here? What has happened?"

"NOTHING!!!", shouted Tom, "NOTHING!!!! Why do you incessant ponies question me as to everything? What do you want for me, but to harm me and to crush me, and to do all other manner of evil to me! I despise you! I even despise my own kind! From now on, I am going to look out for me!! and ME ALONE!!!!!!!!" Tom was enraged beyond belief. Perhaps something did get him when Scorpius stung him, perhaps Scorpius hit Tom with Hate.

"Tom", asked Cadance softly, "What has happened to you? You aren't the rock that I talked to many years ago as a little filly? Why have you changed?"

Tom was taken aback, but he remembered. He remembered the days when he talked with Cadance, and how Cadance would talk back to him. Tom remembered the days when the only one who truly cared for him was Cadance. Not even his own kind cared for him, but oh Cadance, she loved Tom and Tom loved her. They did everything together. Tom shed a tear, but not tears of hate and sorrow, this time Tom shed a tear of... a tear of joy. However, Tom still held on to his bitterness. It was glued to him like a barnacle.

"Cadance... Cadance, it is you. I-- I didn't know that you got married. That is so nice. Why didn't-- Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because Tom", began Cadance, "Because I didn't know what happened to you, Tom. I didn't know. After I had to go away to prepare to become a Princess, I was never allowed to see you again, but oh how I missed you."

"Oh yeah", began Tom his heart becoming black again, "I remember... You were my only friend... MY ONLY FRIEND!!!! Then, your kind, always your kind, took you away! Cadance, you are the only pony that I will ever respect...EVER!!"

"Why are we even here again?", questioned Shining Armor, "Shouldn't we be saving the princesses and my sister and so forth right about now?"

"Shining dear", began Cadance, "We are going to need all of the help that we can get. Tom over here is the strongest rock I know. We need him. Why don't you come with us Tom?"

"CADANCE!!!", yelled Tom, and Shining Armor stepped in front of Cadance to protect her, "Don't you turn on me! DON"T YOU TRY TO USE ME!!!!"

"Tom... Tom I would never do that", began Cadance, "I would ne--"

"Cadance", began Tom, Just stop before something gets out of hand. Now!"

"I-- I'm sorry Tom", began Cadance again, "I'm sorry". At this Cadance and Shining Armor turned away motioning for Luna to come with them. Luna told them that she would be right there, and turned to Tom.

"Tom", began Princess Luna, "I just want you to know that I was once in your shoes. I too hated the whole world, and especially my sister, but I learned to forgive, because I learned that Hate and forgiveness only consume a pony. Tom, I hope that you could learnt that too". Luna waited a moment for Tom to respond, but Tom never did. Luna turned back toward the others, and looked at Tom one more time. She opened her mouth, but decided against it. Luna, Cadance, and Shining Armor went to the castle to try and save their friends and relatives. Tom lay there. He was beginning to crack, but he would need just one more boost. It came.

"Tom...Tom...TOM!! Where are you?", questioned a mysterious rock figure coming closer and closer to Tom.

"I'm over here! What the heck do you want?!!??!!?!", questioned Tom.

As Tom looked over to the mysterious figure, he could recognize that it was his grandfather and the Random Human Hermit. Tom eyeballed them, and then asked them what they wanted.

"What do you guys want?", asked Tom.

"Well", began Tom's grandfather, "We want to know what you are doing here, not fighting the enemy not trying to save everypony?"

"Don't get on my case too grandpa!", yelled Tom, "Don't you dare get on my case!".

"Tom... I want to tell you something that I never told anyone. Tom, you know there was a time when I knew Celestia's parents. That is right. Tom, I have never shared this with anyone/rock/ or just plain anything. Tom I never even told your grandmother, but along time ago, there was an evil crocodile king who came to Equestria. He conquered everything in his path. I could have stopped him Tom, but I was furious with pony kind because one pony betrayed me. I hated this pony so I decided that I pony kind was evil. Tom, I became full of hate and anger and I let Celestia's parents die. I let them die. Tom, Celestia and Luna were able to defeat the villain, but they were not able to have parents. Tom, I felt horrible about it for the rest of my days, and I still do now Tom. It is something I live with. It is also all because I never forgave. Tom, if I would have helped then we could have destroyed that villain, and who knows maybe rock kind would become very prestigious, but Tom I hated and let hate control me, and because of this, I suffered and so did so many others. Tom you must never let hate fill you because if you do it will only destroy you. It will make you so angry that lava will spew forth from your gems, and eventually it will melt you. Tom, I don't want you to go through what I went through. Tom... please forgive...PLEASE!!!!" Tom's grandfather finished. Tom eyeballed him and watched as his grandfather was breaking down in tears.

"What-- What are you doing here?", Tom asked the Random Human Hermit.

"Well", began Random Human Hermit, "I am here to show you this, and to revive you". Then Random Human Hermit pulled that box from his satchel that he had. He turned it on, and Tom watched as Luna, Shining Armor, and Cadance were all being mercilessly beaten be Scorpius. Tom also heard Scorpius maniacally shouting that he was going to kill everyone nationally, and that because of this moment, Equestria would fall even sooner than he anticipated. Tom began to feel sorry especially for Cadance. After Random Human Hermit showed enough, he turned to Tom. "Okay Tom", he began, "Time to be revived". At this, Random Human Hermit threw something at Tom. Tom's rock hard body then began to start becoming the super powerful strong body that Tom once had. Tom felt more alive than ever, but he still had a drop of hate in him.

"Thanks for the revive, but this doesn't mean that I am going to save them. I still hate--"

"Tom", began Tom's grandfather, "You may do what you want, but please realize that hate will only destroy you. You use to love and hearken unto my stories, and believe me, I will not lie to you. I never have. It is your choice Tom, but remember that whatever you do, I still love you. I have to go back now with Random Human Hermit, but I beg and plead of you, don't let hate glue itself to your heart, please don't. Goodbye Tom, and I trust that you will make the right choice."

After this, Random Human Hermit and Tom's grandfather, who were good friends, left. Tom sat there and thought for a while. Then he made a decision.


Luna was thrown hard into the ground. She was beaten back, and she was hurting and in pain. She looked over and saw Shining Armor trying to hold back Scorpius' paralyzing tail, as Shining Armor tried to protect his wife, Cadance. It was to no avail. Scorpius grabbed Shining Armor, and let him fly into a wall. He then picked up Cadance, and with an evil tone said, "Oh my what a pretty mare you have here". Then Scorpius struck Cadance with his paralysis tail. Shining Armor screamed No, and charged Scorpius. It was just what Scorpius wanted. Scorpius struck Shining Armor with his tail, and Shining went down. Luna was too injured to get up, so Scorpius took it as the time to chain both Shining and Cadance together and then put them into their orb prisons. He then turned to Luna. She was now able to stand.

"You--You... (Luna half-collapsed but was able to pick herself up) You-- You won't be stopping us. We... We will defeat you", said Luna. She glanced over at her friends and family, and she cried a tear knowing that she wouldn't be able to stop Scorpius. Her friends and family yelled out to her, but were withheld as the orbs shocked them back.

"Oh Luna... Poor, poor Luna", began Scorpius, "Maybe if you stop now, then maybe... just maybe, I will aloow you to live. Only you though."

"I would never surrender to an insect like you", screeched Luna.

"So be it then", laughed Scorpius.

Luna used this as the time to blow Scorpius back into a wall, but then she collasped as her magic and energy were running out. Scorpius was angry and skulked over to her. She picked her up in his claws, and then started to squeeze. Luna begged for mercy, and her friends and family pleaded with Scorpius not to kill her. Scorpius just laughed and then spoke, " Ha ha ha you don't recall that I am going to kill all of you, so why not start here?". Then Scorpius thought t would be more fun to throw Luna against things so he chucked her into a nearby wall. Luna gasped and started to breathe heavily as Scorpius skulked over to her. Luna realized that her end was nigh. She looked at her friends and family one last time. She looked at her victor and persecutor. Then, finally, she looked to the door. Her eyes, she thought, were playing tricks on her. There stood Tom.

"Hey Scorpius!", yelled Tom (also imagine right now that Tom's got on some hot sunglasses and that some crzy music like eye of the tiger or something is playing), "Why don't you pick on somebody your own size?". Tom finished tauntingly.

Scorpius turned around. He was enraged and partly frightened. "What", began Scorpius, "How-- How are you still alive?!"

"Oh my", returned Tom, "Am I tasting a hint of scaredy-cat (no offense to all you cat readers out there)".

"I am going to kill you Tom", began Scorpius, "After I finish this". Scorpius turned around to pick up Luna and crush her with his pincers, but Tom interrupted.

"Now hang on", began Tom, "How about we do this the right way. You put Luna in the orb prison like everypony else, and then you and me fight. If I win, well, I obviously free everybody, but if you win, then you do what you want. Sound good to you?"

"Fine!" exclaimed Scorpius. He then picked up Luna and chained her up, and then put her in the prison orb.

"Also", interrupted Tom, "Lets let the ponies speak, and here you can even get some of your best soldiers to cheer you on. We'll make this a full blown wrestling match only this time to the death or at least near it. What do you say?"

"I like it", said Scorpius. Then he lowered the shockers and allowed the captured to speak. Scorpius also brought in some of his soldiers. The scorpion soldiers obviously cheered for Scorpius while the main 6 and the rest of the ponies (and yes Discord) chanted for Tom. The match was set. Tom eyeballed Scorpius and Scorpius eyeballed Tom. This was going to be the finisher. Whoever won this, won the whole thing. Lets see who's going to win, and LETS GET READY TO RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMMBBBBBLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!