• Published 20th Jan 2012
  • 9,562 Views, 1,352 Comments

A New Point of View - Cyber V

A boy and a girl recieves a mysterious message, and finds themselves in a new reality.

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Chapter 63: The Plan


Okay folks, sorry about the late update, but I have a reason for the lack of updates, because you see my readers, as I was going over my earlier chapters I found a lot of mistakes, errors, and the most important of all are the gaps in the story, oh those horrible gaps in the storyline.

So I am doing a complete revision on them, making them longer, better and more descriptive, WHILE writing the newer chapters at the same time, but I promise, I will make them better. When I am done doing a revision on a chapter I will put a NV (Newer Version) in the chapter's title, so that you could find it easily.

Alright enough talking about me and my plans, it is time to get on with the story.

End A/N

"Let me into your heart!" the dark version of me demanded as the surrounding remains of Canterlot echoed his cry, he then lunged forward pierced his black blade through my armor's chest plate and into my heart… and I once again woke up in a blind panic. I quickly sat up in the cot, ripped off the bed sheet and looked down towards my chest and I saw that once again, there are no signs that I had just been stabbed in the chest.

"Again with that dream," I complained as I flopped back down onto the cot that Star gave me to sleep on, "Why am I having that weird dream? What does it mean?" I questioned as I looked around living room and saw that the sun was just raising and barely showing through the living room windows, "ugh, it is way too early to deal with this," I added as I look towards the living room ceiling, taking in deep breaths to calm my racing heart, and then I noticed that I was getting cold and damp.

"Huh? What the…?" I lift my head and examined my bed sheet and saw that they are moist and with a faint stench also coming from it, "oh man, I hope that's just sweat," I hoped prayed as I remove the bed sheet off me.

After taking a morning shower to remove the coat of sweat terror that the nightmare gave me and the tedious task of drying my wings to lower the chance of rust forming in them, "jeez with all of the maintenances and upkeeps I put into these wings, one would think I am able to do more with them, then just flap them and use them as shields, I could at least be able to fly," I complained as I made my way to open the bathroom door.

I was soon met by Fe on the other side as soon as I opened the door and stepped outside, "good morning Fe," I greeted her.

But she must have seen something in my face, because all of a sudden she became worried, "is something wrong Aceiro? Because you seemed troubled," she asked me as she stepped closer towards me.

"Oh am just frustrated here Fe, and my wings are the cause of it," I confessed to her, "for if it wasn't for my body, they wouldn't have become a part of me and the doctors could have removed them and I could have a normal life," well as normal for a human turned pony anyway, "is there a reason for me having these wings? If so, then what is it?" I frustratingly questioned as I hung my head.

"I may not know why you were given these wings," Fe spoke up as she lifted my head up, so that I was now staring her blue eyes, "but I do have a reason for you having them."

"And what reason is that?"

"To be an angel, for you have always been there, making sure that I am alright and keeping me safe," she clarified, "in fact, I say that you're my guardian angel," she correct herself as she then proceeds to embrace me in a hug.

The feeling that her hug is giving me, started to make me feel much better, causing me to return her hug, "are you feeling much better?" Fe asked me when I return the hug.

"Yeah I am," I admitted, "thank you for making me feel better Fe."

"You're welcome," she then broke apart the hug and looked eye to eye, "now let's go and get some breakfast that I prepared while you were in the shower, "she suggested to me, which she was then answered back by her own stomach growling.

"Sounds good to me," I agreed with her, and then we made our way towards the kitchen, "what did you make for breakfast anyway?"

"I made Prench toast," she replied, you gotta love those horse puns, "now come on, Arcana and Star have already started eating theirs and I don't want those thrill seeking birds to come and take your breakfast instead of Star's."

"Alright Fe," I complied, "and if they were like anything like those pancakes yesterday, then we all are indeed for a treat," I commented her cooking as we entered the kitchen to eat the breakfast that Fe has prepared for all of us.

After a filling breakfast, we sat around the table with a warm feeling now flowing through my belly, "oh wow Fe," Arcana said amazed as Fe removed our now empty plates, "that's the most delicious breakfast I have ever had, but tell me this, how are you able to make these delicious meals with our limited and bland ingredients?" she asked Fe as she is putting the dishes into the sink, "and do you need any help?"

"Thank you Arcana, and it was my mother who taught me how to cook, so you have my mother to thank as well," Fe replied back to her as she started to wash the dishes, "and no. I'm the guest in your home, so it is my duty as your guest to do some of the tasks around your home," she explained some of her culture as she put the washed dishes into the drip rack that was set up next to the sink.

"Well thank you for doing some of the chores around the house," Arcana thanked her.

"It's like we have a personal maid now," Star jokingly said and was immediately rewarded with a slap in the back of the head by a metal wing from me. "Ow, what was that for?" he asked as he looked back me as he rubbed the back of his head.

"You know what," I disapprovingly said to him.

But a knock at the front door stopped him before he can reply back, "I'll go and see who it is," I said as I stood up from the table and made my way to the front door. I opened the door and saw a pony that I haven't seen since we saved him from a very quirky situation involving Fluttershy and her shed; Shadow. "Hey Shadow, what's up?" I asked him.

Shadow looked up when I said that, "Um, the sky?" he answered as he looks back at me, with confusion written over his face.

I chuckled at his answer to my question, "no you see, what I meant is, why are you here?" I explained the meaning to him.

"Oh," Shadow said with a look of understanding now, "well you see here, Fluttershy wants me pass out invitations for our wedding to our close friends, and well here am I now," and with that he reached inside his saddlebags that I didn't noticed and took out four envelopes and gave them to me.

"Thanks Shadow," I said as I accepted the invites and tucked them under one of my wings, "how are you and Fluttershy doing anyway? Were there any more moments like when we saved you from Fluttershy that day?" I teasingly asked him, causing him to blush.

"No there weren't any more moments like that day," he answered, "well I got to go, I still have a quite a few more invites to pass out, and the wedding is in three days by the way. Hope to see you all there," he then turn around and prepped himself to take off.

"Hold on a sec Shadow, can I ask you something?" I called out to him just as he was about to take off, causing him to stop in the process and look back at me.

"What is it?"

"Are you going to have a bachelor party? Because you know it's tradition to have one."

"No I don't think so, I am not really into that kind of stuff," he answered, "Well see ya later," and with that he took off into the air.

After I saw Shadow flew over some houses and out of view, I made my way back inside the house, closing the door and make my way back to the kitchen, where everypony was looking at me, "so who was it?" Star asked, "and what are those?" he added as he pointed to the envelopes under my wing.

"It was Shadow, and these are the invites to his and Fluttershy's wedding," I answered him as I grasped the invites in mouth and removed them from under my wing and showed them to everypony else.

"Ah I was wondering when that was going to be," Arcana said as I saw her horn glow gold and as well as one if the invites in my mouth. The invite shot out of mouth and flew towards her, where she then opened it and started reading it.

"So Shadow is finally getting married," Star said just as one of the envelopes disappeared in a flash of light from my mouth and in front of him, "so when is the bachelor party?"

"He's not having one," I answer him as I sat back down at the table and put the invites on the table. When I said that, Star dropped the invite and looked at me.

"What do you mean he's not having a bachelor party?"

"It is just not his thing?" I replied back as I took a look at the envelope and saw that what it read, you're invited, on its cover.

"Ah come on, what pony doesn't want a bachelor party?" Star asked us all.

"A pony that gets nervous when he's the center of attention," Arcana answered him, and then a look of understanding descended on her face, "huh, he is like Fluttershy in a sense, what are the odds?"

"Well I am going to throw him a bachelor party, because come on he's getting married here and it is a once in a lifetime," Star pointed out and then he paused. "I got to go," he finally said as he stood up quickly in his seat.

"Where are you going?" Arcana asked him as he lowered his goggles over his eyes, preparing to warp somewhere.

"Oh I am going to pick something up," he answered her

"What is it and is it going to be for Shadow's bachelor party, of which he doesn't want?" Arcana questioned him.

"Not telling and maybe," Star replied to her and with that he disappeared in a flash.

"Why do I have a feeling he's going to cause trouble?" I asked Arcana.

"I don't know, but if you think he's going to cause trouble, then it is a sure thing that he will," Arcana answered me, and I didn't like that answer, "Well anyway, let's get off the subject of Star and his odd ways and see what the invite says," she said as she then opened the envelope with her magic and pulled out the invite, "let's see, you are hereby invited to the enjoinment of the pegasus Fluttershy, the Element of Harmony, Kindness and the pegasus Shadow Breeze on the day of yada, yada, yada, ah here we go, the wedding is going to take place among the clouds above the cottage of Fluttershy's."

"So the wedding is going to take place in the clouds?" Fe asked Arcana worried.

"Yes it is, it is after all a wedding of two pegasi, is it a problem for you?"

"Yes it is, because Aceiro and I are Earth ponies, so neither of us can fly and participate in the wedding," Fe explained mine and her situation.

"Oh if that's the problem, then don't worry about it," Arcana reassured her, "for I can always just cast a flight and a cloud walking spell on you both, so you can participate in the wedding."

"That's another problem for me then," Fe replied back to her.

"Why is that?"

"Well you know the main rule of my culture right?"

"That you considered touching by other ponies, besides those that you have complete faith in, a taboo," Arcana answered Fe and she responded back with a nod, "this yes, why do you ask?"

"Well we also consider that being casted by another pony that we don't have faith in a taboo as well, because the magic from a unicorn is an extension of that pony's aura," Fe answered her, "and don't be offended by this, but I don't have complete faith in you."

"None taken," Arcana unfazed by what Fe said, "so you can't go to the wedding because it is in the clouds and you're an earth pony, and you can't get casted on by another pony that you don't have faith in," she explained the situation, "this is surely a conundrum."

"Yes it is," I agreed with her, and then I remember what Twilight and her friends did to get to Cloudsdale, "hold on Arcana, I think I have an idea, doesn't Twilight have a hot air balloon? Because if so, Fe and I can use it to get into the air and into the wedding, we wouldn't be able to move around much, but never the less, we can be there."

I saw Arcana's eyes widen in realization when I told her my idea, "Aceiro that's brilliant, I can ask Twilight if she'll let us borrow her balloon, and I think she will."

Suddenly I was side tackled by Fe, "oh Aceiro now we can join the wedding," she said as she hugged me, well I guess it sometimes pays off to be a brony.

All of a sudden, there was a bright flash of light, completely filling the room and blinding me, "Star!" I heard Arcana yell out while I am rubbing the blindness out of my eyes, "how many times have I told you, if you're going to pop in, pop in outside then come through the front door."

"Sorry Arcana, but I am in a rush here," Star replied back to her.

When I finally cleared the blurriness from my eyes, I looked around and there I saw standing in the middle of the kitchen next to Star, is a pony that I haven't seen since the wedding in Canterlot; Shining Armor, "ah Star…" I said as I turn towards him, "… why is Twilight's brother, Shining Armor, the captain of the unicorn royal guard doing here in your kitchen, and also why are you in a rush?"

"Because since Shadow is getting married soon and I am going to throw him a bachelor party, I remembered that Shining Armor here hasn't been properly thrown a bachelor party due to the changeling queen impersonating his wife, so why not do a makeup one for him as well?" Star answered my question.

"I still don't know how you were able to convince me," Shining said shaking his head.

"It wasn't me that convinced you," Star said to him, "it was Cadence, because when I told her that you didn't get one, she happily went with it."

"But still couldn't you at least talk to me face to face and not get half of my battalion in a crazed frenzy?"

"Ugh, what did he do Shining?" Arcana asked him, with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

"Oh nothing much, he just warped all above Canterlot and its residents, making them think that they are under another attack and causing panic in the streets," he answered her.

"Oh Star," Arcana disapprovingly said to him.

"Hey, I was trying to find his house, because after all I have never been at his home before," Star explained, he then turns towards me, "now come on, we have Shadow's bachelor party to set up."

"But he doesn't want one though," I responded.

"That's just his timid nature talking there," Star rationalized, "now come on, we need to act fast if we are to throw a bachelor party."

"No, I am staying here and there is nothing you're going to say is going to convince me," I vowed as I made myself comfortable in the chair, crossed my hooves and stared at Star.

"How did you talk me into this?" I asked Star as him, Shining and I are hiding in the dark.

"Again, it wasn't me," I heard Star point out to me from the darkness, "it was Fe, and she thought it would be fun for you to spend time with us guys as long it is appropriate, now quiet I am trying to concentrate here."

"Concentrating for what?" Shining asked, now too breaking the silence of darkness.

"Shush, I am trying to concentrate on finding Shadow by using my star, but it kind of hard to do it when it is the middle of the day. Now be quiet I'm concentrating here."

"What is he talking about Aceiro?" Shining asked me through the darkness.

"He's saying that he's using an embodiment of his soul that is in a form of a star in the sky to try and find Shadow, but since it is in the middle of the day, he's having trouble using it," I explained as best as I can.

"It is also not helping with you two talking like old mar- wait, hold on, I'm getting something here," he announces, "it's Shadow and he's coming this way, quick everypony be quiet," he ordered and we all fell silent.

No sooner had we all became quiet, we heard hoof steps approaching in the darkness, I hope we don't give Shadow a heart attack from this crazy plan of Star's, I hopefully thought, concern for Shadow's health. The hoof steps got louder and then came to a stop, and all of suddenly the darkness lit up as a door opened, letting in the light and then walking through the doorway and into the room is Shadow, "Fluttershy I'm home! I'm done passing out the wedding invites, also why is it dark in here?"

"NOW!" Star yelled and the door briefly glow a bright red, causing the door to quickly slammed shut, making the darkness descend over Shadow and temporary reclaim its territory once more. I heard a scream come from the timorous pegasus and the sounds of a scuffle soon followed afterwards, "okay, open the blinds," Star instructed me.

I opened the shutters and there in the middle of the living room of Fluttershy's cottage stood a successful looking Star with an unsure Shining Armor next to him and between them is a squirming burlap sack. "Help, please somepony help me!" I heard Shadow's muffed cry of panic from inside the sack as his struggles increased.

"Are you sure about this?" Shining asked Star, "because this is technically pony-napping," he explained his uneasiness.

"I call it more of a bringing him along for the ride," Star made his point, as the bagged pegasus stopped moving and then a few seconds later he resumed his struggle, "now let's get going, before he hurts himself," and with that Star made his way to the front door, while Shining let out a sigh and picked of the squirming bag of pegasus in the red glow of his magic and followed Star outside and I followed him.

We made our way down the path from Fluttershy's cottage with the squirming of bag Shadow floating in front of Shining, but as we were making our way over the bridge Shadow let out a lung-filled cry of help, "help me Fluttershy, I'm being pony-napped."

"Don't get into too much trouble Shadow," I heard Fluttershy answer back, I looked back and saw her leaving her shed with a few bags of feed on her back, "now have fun and enjoy yourself," she casually added as she made her around her home.

"What?!" Shadow cried out when he heard her.

"It's alright Shadow it is just us," I reassured him, "but answer me this Star," I mentioned towards Star and I look ahead at him, "how, in Equestria, were you able to convince Fluttershy to let you go through with this crazy plan of yours?"

"Okay that I don't know how I did it," Star answered me, "all I told her is that we are going to grab and throw him a party and she happily went along with it, how else we're able to hide inside her home?"

"Where are you taking me?" Shadow questioned as he wiggled violently in the bag.

"Take is easy Shadow, you're going to hurt yourself" Shining spoke to the bag, and then he turn towards Star, "and where are we taking him anyway?" Shining inquired.

Star stopped in the middle of the road and looked back at us, "well I planned a small trip for all of us to the city of angels of the west; Los Pegasus," Star announces.

"WHAT?!" Shadow cried out from the bag.


Sorry about the long wait everyone, but I have been beaten, whacked, and slapped by writer's block and life, but I have completed this chapter and started another story and I hope that you'll like it.

So leave your comments, reviews and questions behind.

End A/N

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