• Published 20th Jan 2012
  • 9,564 Views, 1,352 Comments

A New Point of View - Cyber V

A boy and a girl recieves a mysterious message, and finds themselves in a new reality.

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Chapter c53: This Guy's Nuts

Crossover: part II
Omnius’ Travels
(a crossover with Nathan Traveler's "Omnius’ travels")
If you still haven’t read this story and any others by him, then I have this to say:
What are you waiting for? Go and read it.


Well I surprised a lot of readers with this crossover, so now here is part 2 of the crossover

End A/N

Once again, the mystery pony ducked back from my swing and called out to me, “I don’t know who Arcana is! Dude, chill out!”

“LIAR!” I shouted at him. I then prepared myself to tackle him, but all of a sudden he jumped forward and smashed his head against mine, causing stars and pain to explode in my head and vision and to stumble a bit. I quickly recovered from his blow and turn on my hooves and send a buck at his side. I saw that I had made a direct hit and saw him get pushed back, with a slight look of pain on his face.

I then saw him go down and hit the ground, probably injured from my buck to his side. Growing confident and with a grin I charged right at him, I will finally know where Arcana is, but as I neared him, he quickly got up and gave me a swift, but strong uppercut to my chin, feeling pain lance through my jaw.

“SHORYUKEN!” he proudly announced out loud as he saw me take to the air from his strike.

The enigma pony must be stronger then he lets on, for the force of the blow sent my flying backwards until I made contact with a tree, completely dazing me. Through the blurriness of the impact of the tree I saw the earth pony starting to gallop towards me, I felt I slight tingle and all of a sudden a whip appeared out of thin air and into his mouth.

He flicked his head, causing the end of the whip to straight at me, I closed my eyes and brace for hit, but then I felt something wrapping over my chest, I opened my eye and saw that instead of him hitting me, his true intentions was to wrap me against the tree. The whip finished wrapping me up on the side of the tree, when I then started to struggle against my binding.

“Now, are you willing to listen to me?” the pony asked as he walked up to, while cracking his neck at the same time.
I started to struggle even harder against his whip, “LET ME GO!” I shouted at him.

“Just shut up and listen,” he repeated to me, “and don’t bother trying to break that whip,” we’ll see, and then I started to concentrate, “unbreakable stuff, so-,” but I didn’t hear the rest as I warped out of his binding whip and reappeared above him and then once again I felt faint, but I quickly ignore the feeling and quickly slammed my front legs onto his head, and he quickly fell to the ground holding the back of his head, while giving off a small moan. I quickly drop to the ground and placed a hoof on his neck, now I will get some answers.

“Now, you’ll tell me-.”

But then he interrupted me with smile plastered on his face, “you should learn the first rule of pinning your opponent,” he said through the handle of the whip in his mouth, huh?

Before I can ask what it is, he brought up his back legs to his chest and shot them out towards my groin, producing intense pain between my legs, “always protect the jewels,” he said with cheeky grin on his face. That is a low blow you cheeky bastard, I thought as I let out a pain-filled moan and rolled off of him and onto the grass next to him, kneeling in the grass, grasping my groin.

I saw the strange pony get up from the ground instantly and embraced me into a full-nelson, “now, calm down, and we can get something worked out,” he calmly said to me.

I flailed against his hold, but his wrestling move is holding firm, I have to know what happened to Arcana, and then I concentrated to warp into the air, “oh, come on!” I heard him shout out loud, wait can he sense when I am going to warp? I thought as I warped us in a flash.

We appeared in a flash in the air and there the pony’s full-nelson’s power lessened, allowing me to start rolling me and the pony around in a barrel roll, forcing the pony latching on me to get fling off of me and towards the ground. I saw the pony slightly panicking and then all of a sudden he flicked the whip in his mouth, which he had somehow kept in his mouth him this whole time, and towards the upper branches of the pine tree that he had bind me to, when his whip was fully secured he yank on his end of the whip and somehow he slingshot himself at me.

“What?! How did you-,” but then he collided into me, stopping what I was going to say, great I’m facing a pony with Pinkie-abilities. The pony grasped me, pinning my wings into my back, causing us to start falling, he then slammed his forehead against mine, making my eye’s vision to go temporary blind, “STOP! FIGHTING! ME!” I heard him shouting at me.

I was about to say something, but then I felt the pony’s form started to change and then I felt circular momentum being applied on my body as I felt that we are started falling.

“Atomic…,” I hear him beginning, what’s he doing? And then I felt my head being forced upright, and then my vision cleared and I saw that I am positioned so that my head is face the ground that is rapidly growing closer, “PILEDRIVER!”

I quickly solidified the space in front me just as I impacted ground, but I still felt some of the force as I my vision was filled with dirt, rocks and grass. The pressure on my body disappeared, indicating that the pony had gotten off of me as I continue to lay face down on the ground.

“Arcana,” I said as I felt the toll on my body as the strange taxing of my warping and the fight with the mystery pony, “I’m sorry,” I said as I tried to move, but couldn’t even move a hoof, “I wanted to know what happened to you,” I said as tears are starting to form in my eyes, “so I can always make sure that you are safe,” and I felt something that felt like hands grip my shoulder and moved me until I was facing the sky, where I saw a large figure standing above me, but I couldn’t see with the sun behind it.

“Sorry about that buddy,” the thing spoke to me in the voice that strangely sounded like the mystery pony, “but I have to do that, so you can calm down,” he said as my vision faded into blackness.

The first thing I smell when I regain consciousness was the smell of hay and stored apples, I must be at Sweet Apple Acres, I deducted as put the two things together, and then I noticed that I am currently sitting in a chair right now, why am I sleeping in a chair?, I thought as I made to move my arms, but found out that I couldn’t move them at all, huh? What’s going on here?

I opened my eyes and I immediately saw that I am in a chair, but my limbs have been duct taped to the arm rests and legs of the chair, “what the hay?” I spoke or at least tried, but all it came out was mumbling, and that is when I noticed that I also have a piece of duct tape covering my mouth as well. I started to struggle more in the chair, but the duct tape is effectively doing the job it was tasked with.

“I see that you are awake now,” I hear a familiar perky filled voice call out from behind me, I then hear hoof steps
approaching from behind me and then Applejack and Pinkie came into my view, and then Applejack spoke up, “whoever you are partner, you sure caused a ruckus here in town.”

I tried to talk to them and move, but the dust tape on my mouth once again made it into mumbles and stopping my movements, oh duh, I can warp, I closed my eye and concentrated to warp out of the chair, but then daunting feeling came settling down on top of me. I looked up and saw that Pinkie has a look of smugness, “don’t even bother,” she said to me. I ignored her advice and concentrated on to warp again, but when tried to warp I found myself that I couldn’t.

I glance back at them, and started making questioning sounds, but I was rewarded with confused looks from Applejack and Pinkie. Pinkie then got of understanding and walked up to me, at first I was confused, but when I saw her making a move towards the duct tape on my mouth I realized what she is going to intend to do; she was going to rip off the tape on my mouth.

I started to panic and moved my head ahead from Pinkie’s reaching hoof, but I wasn’t able to move my head anymore as my head reached as far it would go, allowing Pinkie to finally grasp the of the tape on my mouth. Pinkie ripped off the tape on mouth, making me scream out of pain as the tape ripped off some of the hair around the edge of my mouth, soon followed by the stinginess as the air made contact with the area where the tape was.

“Ok first of all that hurts, and second, what’s going on here?” I asked them as I once again started to struggle in the chair, “and why can’t I warp out of this chair?”

“Silly colt,” Pinkie happy replied to me, “you’re taped to the chair with duct tape and I Pinkie-Promised Omni that it will stop you from leaving,” Omni? Who’s Omni? “And now to be sure that you won’t interrupt Omni’s explanation,” and then I saw her lift the piece of tape, which she had ripped off minutes earlier, and saw her intentions.

“No, wait, who’s -,” but then she slapped the piece of duct tape back onto my mouth, thus silencing me at what I was going to ask.

“Alright partner,” Applejack said as she drew close to my face, “you are going to tell us why you attacked our friend Omni,” who is this Omni?

“Alright girls, can you lay off the poor guy,” I hear the mystery pony speak out behind me, “he has just been through a lot, because he apparently he lost somepony close to him,” and then the mystery earth pony from before walked from behind and into my view and then looked at me, “s’up?” When I saw him, I felt my anger rise and the pain from the nutshot he gave me, and then I started mumbling at him through the tape on my mouth, “wow I guess I am lucky that you have that on.”

I started angrily mumble at him again, “well anyway,” he said as he cleared his throat, “name’s Omnius. I’ll be your guide to the multiverses today,” I was confused when he said that, this guy is nuts, I concluded, “oh and sorry about the nutshot,” he added with a sheepish grin.

When he mentioned the low blow shot to my nards, I started to angry shake in the chair, wanting to get at him. Omnius looked as if he was about to say something, but then the doors to the barn opened, turning all of our attention to the door, which then Big Mac walked into the barn, and saw the situation that is happening in front of him, “what are you…”

“Therapy,” Omnius cut in, with a large smile on face. Dashing over to Big Mac, he began to shut the door, while adding, “Don’t worry, Pinkie, Applejack, and I know exactly what we’re doing. In fact, AJ, GET THE ROPE!” Big Mac’s eyes widened when he said that, and backed away a bit quicker, as I once again started to struggle in the chair, trying to get Big Mac to help me.

As soon as the doors closed shut, we looked back at each other, “Now then, enough joking around,” he said as he neared me, while cracking his neck, “okay. I’ll try to explain what happened to you and this ‘Arcana’ you mentioned before, but I need to know that you’ll calm down and not attack me again…Or I’ll suplex you again. Got it?.”

I reluctantly agreed seeing no other option for me to take, “alrighty then,” Omnius said with a cheerful smile as he grasped the edge of the tape on my mouth and ripped it off the second time today, making me yelp out of pain from what the tape did, and feeling is if some of my fur had been ripped off, “Now, let’s start with your name”

“Can you let me go first?” I growled at him while glaring at him as well, “Because I am getting slightly uncomfortable sitting in this chair for so long.”

“After you answer some of our questions,” Omnius replied, “and don’t try to lie, because the Element of Honesty is here," he added as he points towards Applejack whom has a devious grin on her face, "and when you answer truthfully I will remove your bonds one at a time,” he explained, “now I repeat what’s your name?”

“Star Streak,” I answered, but then a frown formed on Applejack's when I answered, Omnius looked over to her and noticed the look she is making, “What’s wrong? He tellin’ the truth?”

“Well…yes,” she hesitantly said. “But it feels like he’s hidin’ somethin’ else.”

“Do you have another name?” he asked me as he looked back at me.

“Yes I do, but I rarely use it though,” I answered them. “My other name is Eric Moore.”

“Ah ha,” he nodded triumphantly, correction, this guy isn't nuts, he's insane. “Just as I thought, right, this will make things a lot easier. So, I presume you’re a human in pony form then? Well, you’re not the first I’ve met who’s been in that situation.”

“What? What are you talking about? There’s no way you can possibly know what I’ve been through,” I spat out at him, still pissed about the nutshot.

He took a few steady breaths as if he is barely holding onto some temper, after a few more calming breaths he spoke up, “okay, Star Streak, you’re more comfortable with that name, because a lot more good things have happened to you while you’ve been a pony, right?” he stated as he took across from me, “maybe you life was normal, or maybe it wasn’t, but either way, you consider Equestria your true home now. Right now, you're not mad at me. Right now, you're scared, because you don’t want another home ripped away from you. That’s why you blame me for everything that’s going on.”
He said, while brushing away a strand of his mane out of his eyes and continues, “You have to understand though; I understand what you're going through. You just got a life you want to get back to as soon as possible, and I assume that “Arcana” is who you want to get back to? Since you're worried, your home must have evil in it. It must have some form of monster you're used to fighting. That would explain your hesitance to attack me. Since you could barely handle me when I am holding back almost everything, you're somewhat arrogant. That means you're fought some major-league villains, and come out on top,”

When he said all of that, I suddenly felt as if I was just taken apart piece by piece and then each piece examined, “h-hoe do you know all of that?” I muttered, as he just basically broken down what made me, me.
“Your scars and the look in your eyes tell me everything,” he replied gently.
“What scars? How can you see them on me?” I asked, with confusion lacing through my voice and I think as well as my face.
“I don’t need to see them to know they're there. The way you talk, and the way you're holding yourself tell me something about you, but that’s not what you really want to ask, you want to ask me how I can read all of that, and how I can tell you where you really are, right?”

I glared at him for a moment, but I felt my anger started to falter and fade away as I started to see what he’s trying to do. I dropped my head, averting my gaze away from his and asked, “Where am I?”

I heard him get up and walk towards me and felt him undo one of the bonds on one of my wings, probably doing it out of good faith, “you can do some pretty impressive teleportation magic. In fact, it seems related to the element Space, correct?”

“Yeah, that’s what I've guessed,” and then I felt another bonding coming off of my other wings, “I’m gonna say that you overcharged one of your warps, and ended up in an alternate Equestria,” he stated bluntly. “That’s the only logical explanation, as you didn’t blame Twilight or Arcana for this.”

I flapped my wings a bit ion total relief and then I frown as the words he said sunken in, “I wouldn’t blame Arcana for this!”

“Ah, so she IS a unicorn then,“ he said apparently confirming a haunch.

“”Yeah she is, why?”

“Just curious, she's a human too, isn’t she?”

Should I tell him? I don’t see why though, but Applejack is here, so she will see the lie immediately, might as well, “she is, her name is Brittney.”

“Okay then,” he said while nodding, and then I felt one of the bindings on one of my legs came off, “and you're being very calm about this,” he observed.

“How do you know all of this though? I mean, nopony should know about alternate dimensions, or Space related spells like that!” I half-shouted, letting my impatience get the better of me.

“Right… okay, bear with me for a second,” he calmly stated as he sat down in front of me, “what I’m about to say will sound like a total bullshit. But if you want to go back home to Arcana, and the rest of your friends, please listen to me.”

“… Alright…” I hesitantly agreed.

“Okay. So, let me tell you a story,” he said getting ready to tell me some tail as I saw Pinkie and AJ sitting down next to him, getting comfortable to listen to his story. “There are Gods and Goddesses, capitol ‘G’ …” he then launched into what he calls “The Travelers” and how he is fated, destined, and cursed to wander through different dimensions, realities and time.

“… Are you being serious?” I asked him as he finally finished his story.

“Eeyup,” he said with a smile, quoting the famous pony of few words.

“You're insane,” I bluntly stated, this guy needs to be in a padded cell.

“Well, that’s not a new one,” I heard him sorrowfully said. I saw Applejack starting to get to probably slap me for insulting their friend, but then Pinkie gave her a quiet look and AJ stopped in her tracks. I felt a slight tingling sensation and all of a sudden, Omnius’ form changed into that of a human.

“What the buck?” I shouted as I scrambled in the chair, breaking the last bond on my leg.

“Boo,” he said in a deadpanned tone.

Who is this guy?


Well I am now done with part 2 and I hope you are enjoying this crossover so far, now leave your comments, reviews, and questions behind, so I can read and answer some questions that was left behind.

End A/N

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