• Published 20th Jan 2012
  • 9,564 Views, 1,352 Comments

A New Point of View - Cyber V

A boy and a girl recieves a mysterious message, and finds themselves in a new reality.

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Chapter 50: Wedding of a Deceiver PT2


Alright readers, this is what you all have been waiting for, Wedding of the Deceiver Part 2, and for those that were a bit confused at the double Fe part, the one that kissed Aceiro is the real one. Now at the end of this chapter please leave your comments and reviews behind, I am talking to all of the readers on Fanfiction, so my mind can be at peace knowing that I did a good job on this chapter. Thank you that will be all.

End A/N

Star POV

"Wake up…"

I opened my eyes and saw a silvery form, but I couldn't see for the form was covered in shadows, I then drifted back into the blackness of sleep…

"Wake up there is still much to do…"

Who are you?

"Wake up Star!"

I was yanked back into consciousness by the cry of somepony calling my name. I opened my eyes and was met with a lance of pain as the light pierced through my eyes and into my head, I then started to groan, "oh thank Celestia, he's waking up," I heard Arcana announce, sounding relieved to my left.

When the pain subdued, I opened my eyes slowly this time, for I didn't want to get another lance of pain, I looked around and saw that I was in circular room that appears to be made of yellowish stone, with light streaming down through a hole in the ceiling. I tried to move around a found myself unable to move at all, I looked to see what was restraining me and saw that I was covered in a green snot-like substance and stuck against the wall.

"What's going on here, where am I, and what is this stuff?" I asked as I started to struggle around, but my movements were restrained by the goo.

"Star calm down," I hear Aceiro instructing me, after a few more moments of struggling, I finally calmed down and looked to my right where I heard Aceiro's voice come from, and there I saw that he was covered in the goo and stuck to the wall as well, "as for your questions, we don't know."

"We?" I asked confused.

"I am here as well," I heard Arcana speak up, quickly gaining my attention and looking towards my left, and there I saw Arcana in the same situation as well, "and let me tell you, this stuff feels disgusting."

"What happened?" I asked them, "Why are we here, in fact where's here?"

"I don't know," Aceiro called out, causing me to look over to him, "but I'm going to find out," I saw him close eye and mutter something under his breath. I saw that the surface of the goo that is covering Aceiro, starting to bulge out, and then all of a sudden, a bladed hoof popped out, he turned his element into a blade, and then he started to cut the goo around him, after a few seconds of cutting, he had successfully freed himself and landed on the floor below.

"Well?" he asked up to us, "Are you going to set yourselves free?"

"Oh right," I concentrated to warp out of my bond, but then I was meet a sharp of pain in the head and let out a yell of pain.

"Star what is it?" I heard Arcana asked me sounding a bit scared.

"The pain…" I said through my teeth, "… it is just like when Nightmare attacked Ponyville and covered it in a shadow dome, for I couldn't warp out of it and was meet with pain."

"But Nightmare shouldn't be able to do that in its' weakened state after what you did to it," Arcana pointed out.

"I don't know, but it is true though," I said to her, "Nightmare must have gotten a hold on some power."

"Well I don't know how Nightmare did it, but here let me get you down from there," Aceiro said as he walked up in front of me. He then opened his wings and swung them at me, there was a flash then sparks as I then fell from the wall and onto the floor; Aceiro had sharpen the edges of his wings to cut through the goo around the edges, freeing me from the wall.

As I was getting back on my hooves, Aceiro walked over to Arcana and asked, "Are you going to come down or what?"

"Hold on, ok?" Arcana replied to him as I finally stood up fully and looked towards their direction, "Whatever that thing was that drained my magic, left me a bit tired, so just let me get ready," I saw Arcana close her eyes, and something underneath the goo started to shine and then spears of crystals pierced right through it and shredding it, causing Arcana to drop to the floor.

I went over to her and helped her up to her hooves, "are you ok Arcana?"

"Yes I am, just tired," she answered me as the spears grew back into the necklace, "even though that thing drained my magic, I am gaining it back," she added, "now let's go and see where we are," and with that she headed towards a door that I had failed to noticed before, for it was set into the wall and covered in shadows.

When Arcana pulled opened the doors, light quickly streamed into the room, momentarily blinding me and possibly the others. Our eyes adjusted to the light from being in the dimly lit room for who knows now long. We all left the room and found ourselves in a corridor made out of the same stone as the room we all woke up in, "guys look," Aceiro pointed to one of the windows that leads outside.

Outside is just a barren wasteland, with nothing green and living growing out in the wasteland and sky above a dirty yellow color, "where are we?" I asked, but then I noticed that far in the distance was a broader of trees, past that is just a lush and green forest and mountains and on one of the mountains was a small pink ball, then I realized what the pink ball is, "um guys, I think that is Canterlot," I said as I pointed towards what might be the city.

"What?" Arcana said as took a look outside through the windows and to where I am pointing, "If that's Canterlot, then how did we all wind up here and what's up with that black cloud that is heading towards it?"

"Huh?" I looked towards the sky and saw that what Arcana said is right, for there is a black cloud heading towards the city, "what do you think it is?"

"I don't know," Aceiro said to her and then all of a sudden he paused looking around, as if he is trying to listen to something and then he added with a cautious tone, "Do you guys hear something?" Arcana and I quickly became quiet when Aceiro said that and I strained my ears to listen what Aceiro might have heard, after a few moments of silence we all hear sounds of whispering.

"It sounds like… whispering," Arcana deducted, "is there somepony here?" We all look towards our left, where the sounds of whispering are coming from, and saw that it ends at a set of double doors at the end of the corridor that we are in, "so, who's wants to go and see what's behind those doors?" Arcana added.

We all made our way to the doors and found that the sound of whispering got slightly louder, but still couldn't tell what is being said, for some reason the whispering is sending shivers down my spine, causing my wings to flutter a bit from the sounds of whatever is producing the sound. We all stood in front of the doors and think of what to do next, "so…" I said breaking the silence, "… rock, paper, scissors to see who opens the door?" I suggested and was immediately rewarded with a slap to the back of the head by Aceiro.

"*Baka," Aceiro said to me in a disapproving tone as he folded his wing, which he used to slapped the back of my head with, back to his body, "now is not the time to joke, besides we don't have hands anymore, so how will that work if we can only do rock?"

"Ugh, fine I will go in first," Arcana said frustrated where our conversation is going. She walked right up to the door and opened them, and the first thing we all saw was nothing, for it was just a dark abyss past the door, but the sounds of whispering have increased, filling the corridor with it, "hello, is anypony here?" Arcana called out to the darkness. But as soon as she did, the whispering sounds ceased all together.

"Come," Aceiro said as he walked into the darkness, "there has to be somepony here," and with that he walked into the darkness with Arcana and I following right behind him. We all entered the room and walked farther into it, with the light fading away from the corridor. All of sudden the doors behind us slammed shut plunging us into darkness, "what the hay?" I heard Aceiro call out.

"I see that my quests have woken up and decided to join me," a well-known voice was heard calling out from the darkness, "this is the first time we all have meet, so I want sure that everything goes smoothly for this occasion."

"Nightmare…" I called out to the darkness, "…show your ugly face so we can kick your butt."

"Tsk, tsk, such language," Nightmare mocked me, "now before I reveal myself to you all, I want to do a few arrangements," all of a sudden I felt something tackling me into the floor and pinning there, I then felt my legs being forced behind my back and tied together, being held in place, while I felt something clasp around my wings forcing them to stay shut, then I hear the sounds of struggles besides me, signifying that Aceiro and Arcana are being rough handled as well.

"There, much better," Nightmare called out, when I tried to move, but couldn't move at all, "now let's let in some light, so I can see your sun loving faces for the last time," Nightmare added and then light started to stream in as shadows peeled themselves away from the windows, revealing that we appeared to be in a throne-like room. I quickly looked to the others and saw that Arcana and Aceiro were bound up like me in ropes made out of shadows. The writhing mass of shadows moved around us, taking hold of my attention as I saw the shadows gathered in the center of the room.

The shadows quickly formed into the form of Nightmare. Nightmare looked at me and said with a grin, "It feels good to be fully restored back to full power," and while it said that, I got a feeling like that of a deep and primal fear.

"But how?" I inquired at Nightmare's restoration, "the last time I saw you, is when I blasted you into a million pieces."

"Oh you did," Nightmare said cryptically as it started to walk towards a throne.

"Then why does it looks like that you are at the top of your game?" Aceiro asked as Nightmare sat down in it, "and what was up with that reckless changeling attack at Canterlot anyway?"

"About that changeling attack…" Nightmare started too aggravated as it started to talk about the fail attempt at the capitol, "… that changeling was an experiment of mine back then, a hybrid of a changeling and my magic, but then it became too strong-willed and went to Canterlot to rid of you, but as you can see it, failed. That mistake set my plans back majorly."

"But that still doesn't explains how you became fully restored," Aceiro said.

"Why, because of this," Nightmare the lifted her left arm up and there latched on is a bracer like ours, "remarkable, this little thing restored my powers back to full strength after I regenerated from Star's discharge, a little souvenir I picked up after my last visit at the Royal Canterlot Archives, after that sorry of an excuse attempt at Canterlot.

"What is that thing and why am I sensing a lot of energy that thing is radiating?" Arcana asked as she tried to struggle free from her bonds.

"Well dear Arcana, your friend Star here, showed me the power of what the Elements of Reality can do," Nightmare then started to examine the bracer, "so I decided to put this Element on and let me say, I never felt so much power in my lifetime."

I was shocked to hear when Nightmare said that the bracer she was wearing was a Reality Element, "that's a Reality Element? But I thought that there was only three, not four," I stated.

"Then you are sadly uninformed," Nightmare gloated, "I found this Element deep within the Royal Canterlot Archives collecting dust, so I-"

"Stole it," Arcana interrupted Nightmare, "and what's even the Element anyway?"

"Stole is such a harsh word to use," Nightmare said displeased, "I was going to say liberated it, as for what Element it is, it is called the Element of Entropy, the ender," Nightmare said with that smile again, she then got up from the throne and walked up to us and bent down, "now if you'll excuse me, I have to see how my plan is coming along," and with that Nightmare stuck out its' hoof and three tendrils of shadows shot out and towards us and wrapped themselves around our mouths, thus silencing us from talking.

Nightmare stood up and turned around, turning its' attention away from us for a while. I saw Nightmare's horn started to glow and the air in front of it started to shimmer and grew darker until it was like a black polished surface that glinted from Nightmare's magic, "Chrysalis… Chrysalis answer," Nightmare demanded.

The surface of Nightmare's magic glowed green and a room appeared in the surface, why does that location look so familiar? And then I got my answer in the form… of Princess Cadence? WHAT THE FUCK? Luckily the gag was still on, for I might have spoken on what was on my mind. In my peripheral visions I saw Arcana and Aceiro with the same surprise look on their faces as well, "what is it my master?" Cadence asked taking a bow towards Nightmare. I also saw that Cadence is wearing an extravagant wedding dress.

"Get rid of that form you are wearing Chrysalis," Nightmare ordered, "I can't stand seeing the pony who is known for spreading love around."

"As you wish master," Cadence stood up from her bow and then fire erupted around her obscuring her from view, when the fire died down there stood a twisted and corrupted version of an alicorn, with a twisted horn with insect wings behind her, "there you go master," her voice sounding like a whole group is talking at once, when I saw the creature that was just Princess Cadence a moment ago, then I am definitely lucky that I have a gag on or I might have let out words not safe to hear.

"Better, now Chrysalis tell me, is everything going right on schedule?" Nightmare asked Chrysalis.

"Yes master, nopony suspects me," Chrysalis answered Nightmare, but I saw a hint of hesitation.

"Excellent, everything is going to plan."

"Well except for one…"

Chrysalis added that part and immediately regretted for saying that from the look Nightmare is apparently giving her, "what?" Nightmare asked her and I can hear the sound of aggravation lacing through its' voice, "Who?"

"… The one called Twilight Sparkle," Chrysalis immediately answered, "apparently Cadence is an old foal-sitter or hers," this raised a bit of hope for me, because Twilight will eventually figure this plot out.

"Well make sure that she doesn't ruin this plan, she already stopped me before."

"Don't worry about that master, she made a fool of herself and ruined the wedding rehearsal this morning, but nopony believed her and left her alone, after all of her friends and family left her, I sent her down into the crystal caverns you told me about," when Chrysalis said that I felt the spark of hope die.

"Good," Nightmare sounded relieved when it said that, "everypony has mostly forgotten about those caves, so nopony will ever find her till it is too late, now go and prepare for my arrival, I want the city under your control when I get there."

"Yes master," Chrysalis replied with a bow, and then she was once again surrounded in flames and quickly died down and there stood Princess Cadence once more, "one more thing," she said in Cadence voice, "can I-"

"Yes, you can keep the groom," Nightmare anticipated Chrysalis intentions, "for I have no use for him."

"Thank you master, I won't disappoint you," and with that Nightmare releases the spell, causing the apparition of the imposter of Cadence to fade away. Nightmare turned its' attention back at us and approached us.

"I have to say, I have to give credit to her, after all, she is the one that captured all three of you, and let me add," Nightmare said with a grin, "it was too easy." Arcana started to say something, but her gag kept her from what she wanted to say, "Oh my apologies," Nightmare said mockingly, "let me get that for you," and with Nightmare drew back its hoof and the shadows ripped away from our mouths and merged with Nightmare's body.

"So the threat against Canterlot is real, but how did you get Chrysalis into the city?"

"I was really easy," Nightmare answered Arcana, "all I did was get Chrysalis into the city, replace the real Princess Mi Amore Cadenza with the Changeling and make a threat against Canterlot, thus sealing the changeling in, so nopony will ever suspect her," Nightmare gloated and then it picked up Arcana in its' magic and brought her to its' face, "now I will finally get my revenge and you three and I will start with pony that stopped me from getting what I desire from the very beginning."

"Arcana!" I called out struggling against the bonds, I concentrated to warp, but was once again meet with a lashing pain through the head, "AHH."

Nightmare saw my failed attempt to warp and started laughing, "I knew that you would be trying to do that warping of yours, so I took the precaution to cast that spell, like I did at Ponyville," and then Nightmare looked at me with resentment running across its' eyes, "I don't know if I should get at you second for nearly destroying me, or the other for setting back my plans."

"Then I won't let you make that choice," Arcana announced and then her horn started to glow white and a bubble started to expand from it very quickly. The bubble turned into a shield, which hit Nightmare, causing Arcana to be dropped and Nightmare to be thrown back and hit the throne chair behind it, making it shatter into pieces and kicking up dust everywhere. The shield continues to expand, so when it hit the shadow bonds that are holding each of us they immediately dispersed, releasing the strain that was being exerted on my limbs.

As Aceiro, Arcana and I picked ourselves from the floor I heard Nightmare started to laugh, "ha ha, I wasn't expecting that you would have regain some of you magic," and then Nightmare emerged from the dust and added in a serious tone, "but don't count on surprising me again, because a surprise attack is a surprise attack so it won't work on me anymore."

Nightmare then releases a spell at us, forcing me to take to take to the air, while Aceiro dived to
the left and Arcana vanished from sight. Nightmare's attack hit the ground where we were instead and exploded, and I felt a shock wave hit me, causing me to be flung higher into the air. A flash of light and Nightmare appeared above me, "and I am going to make you pay for what you did to me back at Ponyville," Nightmare then formed a limb out of shadows and wrapped it around me.

Nightmare swung me around, making me disorientated so I couldn't tell which way was up or down, then Nightmare let me go and I flew towards the floor, hiting it and causing me to slide across it. I came to a stop feeling rashes all over me from sliding over the rough floor. As I was getting up from the floor I saw Aceiro going in to tackle Nightmare, but it was one step ahead and lashed out at Aceiro, striking him across the face, causing him to collapse to the floor, but then Nightmare, grasped Aceiro's back legs and started swinging him around like a doll, smashing him into the ground, but I saw that Aceiro's wings were taking most of the impacts.

I took off towards Nightmare, hoping that I could catch Nightmare by surprise, but as I near Nightmare, it swung Aceiro around towards me, causing him and I to collide with each other and hit to the floor, "as I said, surprises will no longer work on me," Nightmare repeated as I picked myself up and looked up at Nightmare, with Aceiro moaning and coughing up some blood onto the floor from the impact that Nightmare gave us.

Nightmare had crossed the space that had been between us and stood above Aceiro and I and said, "I am going to finish you two off, but first…" Nightmare lashed out into the open air with a wisp of magic, all of suddenly there was a flash and there, in Nightmare's grasp, was Arcana, "… I am going to finish her off."

"NO!" I cried out as I leapt at Nightmare to free Arcana, but Nightmare just stopped me in midair with her magic and looked at me, "I see that you have feelings for her, just like Aceiro here for that mare back at Canterlot. I also found out that she has feelings for him too, so I am going to enjoy breaking all of your hearts," Nightmare announces with a laugh as it tossed me to the side where I slid into the base of a pillar. I tried to get up, but then I felt some blood come up and spit it out, leaving a few drops of blood on the floor.

I heard Aceiro picking himself off the floor and said in a controlled anger tone, "I am not going to allow you do that Nightmare," I turn my gaze towards him as he fully stood up and I also saw that his Element had manifest itself and was glowing white, "you are right when Fe said that she loves me, while I love her back as well," I saw a white mist started to come off his Element and surround him leaving his head still showing, "so I am not going to let you to do that Nightmare, for I will protect her, because I love her," the mist around Aceiro's body shined and solidified and became a suit of gleaming white armor.

Aceiro launched himself at Nightmare using his wings to propel himself faster as Nightmare, who was caught by surprise, but immediately reacted by swinging Arcana in front of itself, making her into a living shield, forcing Aceiro to flare his wings and stop from the dirty trick of Nightmare's. Nightmare quickly took advantage of Aceiro's hesitation and lifted its left arm up that the Element of Entropy is attached on. The Element gave off a dark light that seems to absorb the sunlight around it and then Nightmare releases a built up bolt of black magic at Aceiro.

By instinct, Aceiro lifted up his right arm that the Element of Will was on, to block Nightmare's attack. The Element grew into a shield just as the attack hit it, causing a small explosion to occur. The shockwave that the explosion made hit me, forcing me back onto the floor. Sounds of pieces of metal hitting the ground soon followed, I looked to where I last Aceiro and there I found him on the ground covered in bits and pieces of metal, all the while moaning in apparent pain.

"I was surprised by that turn of event," Nightmare confessed, "but now I know that there's a greater power out there, if a bottom class of pony, like him, can be given that much power, imagine what it could do to me," and then it turn towards Arcana, which is still in its grasp, "but I will unlock that power on a different time, for I have a little reprisal to do," and with that Nightmare swung around and threw Arcana towards the remains of the throne.

Arcana hit the remains with force to scatter stones and other debris in a small explosion, I heard her cry out in pain, "Arcana!" I called out to her in worry, I stood up a little and concentrated to warp to her, but once more pain hit me hard in the head, causing me to fall to the ground, feeling pain in my mind and body.

Nightmare looked at me and said in a victorious tone at my present state, "give it up, I won. Your friends are beaten and will soon fall one by one, starting with the mare you have feelings for," and then Nightmare started to make its way towards Arcana. I was about to call out to her, to warn her about Nightmare, but then several white bolts of magic shot out of the dust and towards Nightmare, but Nightmare just brushed its' left arm to the side and the bolts of magic faded away into little sparks of light.

"The spell I let loose on your friends back there is just a small dose of what this Element can do," Nightmare started to explain, as the dust around Arcana started to settle, revealing her looking tired and injured, "allow me to show you the power of the Element of Entropy," Nightmare announces as the Element started to glow that light-bending glow, as the glowing became more intense, I felt a great sorrow and grief around me, "now be gone from this life," Nightmare declared as it released the spell right at Arcana.

"NO!" I shouted out loud as I watch, with what it seems as time slowing down as the black magical bolt makes it way towards Arcana. I concentrated to warp, with Nightmare's spell meeting me with pain, but I pushed forward through the pain, I want to protect her, because I love her, I felt something shatter around me and then the space around me ripped apart in a flash as I felt myself warping.

I appeared in a flash between Arcana and Nightmare's attack and I saw that Element had manifest and shining in a silverlight, filling me with what I need to do. I quickly bended the space fields around me to harden the space in front of us, causing a barrier of my own to be created to protect me and Arcana. Nightmare's attack made contact with my barrier and immediately felt intense pressure of Nightmare's attack on the barrier protecting me and Arcana, "Star," I heard Arcana call out to me, "what are you doing?"

"I am going to protect you Arcana, even if it is the last thing I do," I explained as I felt some of my barrier fade away from under Nightmare's barrage.

Nightmare started to laugh as it saw me protecting Arcana and heard my vow, "that wouldn't matter, I will get rid of all of you no matter of what you want to do, now die," Nightmare's Element unleashed a new wave of energy, increasing the onslaught on my shield. I felt my shield start to fade away more and I realized that I wouldn't be able to protect both of us.

"Arcana…" I started, gaining her attention as I felt the barrier started to collapse, allowing a stay bolt of magic to the area next to us, "… I want you to know that I love you," I declared as the last of my barrier fell.

Arcana's POV

When Star said that he loved me, I was immediately filled with joy, he really does love me, but then I saw that Star's barrier collapsing, leaving him wide open for Nightmare's assault, "No," I cried out as I tried to form a shield around us, but I felt faint as I realized I am out of energy. Nightmare's spell hit Star and encased him in its attack, and then I heard Star let out a scream as the pain that was intended for me is going to him instead as he stood in front of me to protect me.

Nightmare's barrage finally ended and I saw that Star was still standing there, "Star," I called out to him worriedly as I made to pick myself up, but then Star collapsed to the floor onto his side and I saw that he wasn't moving at all, not even breathing, "Star," I said in a panic state as I scrambled up to my hooves and move next to Star's side. I pulled him onto his back and there I saw that his eyes are closed and his chest isn't moving up or down, "Star," I said as I started to shake him, "Star, please get up," I put my ear next to where his heart his listen, but I don't hear his heartbeats at all.

"No, please don't be dead," I said as I realized what happened, "please no. Star come back, please," I required as I felt tears started to form in my eyes, "Star come back, please don't leave me, I love you too," I added as I felt tears started to run down my cheeks and then falling off of my face and hitting Star's lifeless body.

Nightmare started to laugh at my circumstance as if it was in some kind of comedy play, "the fool died to allow you to live, but for only a few more minutes, for there is nothing to protect you this time," and then Nightmare began to built up energy back into the Element of Entropy again to repeat what it did to Star to me and others more in the future.

I continue to cry unto Star's body as I leaned in closer to Star and whispered in his ear, "please come back, I love you," and then I kissed him. I broke off the kiss and hugged his body, with my tears flowing more freely now and soaking into his fur, "I love you," I whispered to him, hoping that he can hear me say it and then I felt something stir in my heart and my horn lit up all on its own, but instead of my usual white aura it was gold instead. I then saw a golden ring started to form and swirl around me and Star. "Don't be agonized young one…" I heard a voice call out around me, "… his time doesn't end here just yet."

I felt a restorative energy rushing through me as the golden ring increased its height. I felt something on my right arm, I looked arm and saw that my Element had formed into the bracer all on its own, glowing in a golden light. I looked around and saw that as the swirling gold-colored magic was spinning faster and was giving off golden sparks of light and was drifting around Star.

The sparks all of sudden rushed at Star and he glowed a golden color for a brief second, and then I saw his chest rise and then fall, showing signs of life, he's alive. All of sudden, Star shot up into a sitting position while taking in a large amount of air as if, he has been holding his breath this whole time. Star looked around and then at his hooves and said in a questioning tone, "I'm alive?" and then he noticed my presence and looked at me and said with a smile, "I heard you Arcana, I heard you."

I rushed at him and embraced him, with him about to return the motion, but then we both heard Nightmare call out drawing our attention towards it, "this is impossible, not one pony in history is able to revive the dead," Nightmare look towards the Element attached to its left arm and we all saw that it was giving off arcs of energy, "no matter, with this I will end both of your lives at once," and with that Nightmare point at us and unleashed the power Nightmare had kept at bay.

Star and I embraced ourselves in tighter, and shut our eyes, and waited for the impact to come, but when it didn't come, I opened my eyes and saw what took my breath away, for there stood in the path of Nightmare's life ending attack, was a silver alicorn, that was a little smaller than Celestia but bigger than Luna, I also saw that it had stopped Nightmare's attack in midair, "who are you?" I heard Star asked the mysterious alicorn as he finally opened his eyes, "and where did you come from?"

The silver alicorn looked back at us and said in the familiar feminine voice that I heard just moments ago, "where I came from doesn't matter, as for who am I, just call me D."

"What is going on here, who are you and why are you here?" Nightmare demanded to know. D looked towards Nightmare and announce, "Nightmare, I am the creator of the Element of Entropy…" when D said that, I felt a slight panic rise up, "… and I am here to take the Element away from you," and with that D brought up her hoof and slammed it into the floor and Nightmare's attack faded away.

"No…" Nightmare called out, "… it is mine, so I won't allow you to take it away, along with the power it gives me."

"You don't have a choice Nightmare," D said to Nightmare, "you have abused its power, which wasn't meant for this kind of actions, for your own gains, so give it back or I will take it by force."

"Never," Nightmare called out as it releases several bolts at D, but she swept her wings to the side and they faded away just as before.

"Then it is the hard way," D confirmed from Nightmare's action, she then stuck out her hoof towards Nightmare. Nightmare started to scream as its left arm was lifted forcibly and I saw that the Element on Nightmare started to break away into dust and form into a ball in front of Nightmare, who started to grow smaller untill it was the size of an normal pony.

"No my power," Nightmare said as it made a move for the dark ball in front of it, but D motioned for the remains of her Element to come towards her. It took off making Nightmare come short and hit the ground, but instead of going towards D, it flew above Nightmare and towards Aceiro, it hovered above Aceiro and then shot towards his left arm, there was a dark flash and the bracer that was on Nightmare is now on Aceiro.

The sudden bonding of the Element to him must have given him an energy boost, for he shot up with a gasp and said out loud, "whoa, what was that?" he looked down at his arms and saw the white Element of Will and the black Element of Entropy on them, "ok seriously, what is going on here?"

"Interesting," D said out loud, "it appears that my Element has finally found its proper bearer, but this is particular, for appears that he already has an Element, oh well there is nothing I can do about it if an Element has finally found its' bearer," D's horn started to glow and was showing signs of teleporting, but I quickly asked.

"Wait was that you I heard talking to me?"

D looked at me and said, "Yes it is, now I suggest that you get rid of this curse that had run free through this land long enough," and with that D disappears in a silver flash.

"Wait was that you I heard talking to me and what just happened to Star here?"

D looked at me and said, "Yes it is, as for what happened to Star, that was all you, you fixed his time stream, when Nightmare broke it," I was surprised at what D said, "now I suggest that you get rid of this curse that had run free through this land long enough," and with that D disappears in a silver flash.

"I will get my power back," Nightmare announces as it throws itself at Aceiro, but he quickly raises his right arm and Nightmare collided with an invisible field.

"Nightmare," I called out to it, gaining its attention, as I stood up with the help of Star and limped down the steps of the pedestal that held the throne, "you have created enough damage here in this land and have existed far enough, so now it is time for you to vanish from this world." I had covered the distance and now stood in front of Nightmare. In the corner of my visions I saw Aceiro getting up and moving to the side of Nightmare and Star landing on the other side, and then I was filled with knowledge of what to do next.

"Nightmare," I said as my horn started to glow in a golden glow, with a transmutation circle appearing underneath me, "it is time for you to disappear," I lifted both of my front legs and slammed them down onto the circle underneath me, and it quickly spread, covering the area that Star, Aceiro, Nightmare and I are in, leaving Nightmare inside the center of the spell diagram. Nightmare started to panic and tried to run to leave the circle, but it was soon meet with an invisible wall that surrounded the center.

Aceiro, Star and I were all also in smaller circles that surrounded Nightmare's, I also saw that my Element was glowing gold, Star's silver, and Aceiro's white, while the black just rested there, "now Nightmare…" I lifted my hoof that holds my Element, and saw the others following me as if they too know what to do, "… be gone," as one, we all slammed our hoof onto the floor and the result was immediate. As soon as our Elements hit the spell diagram, they gave off beams of light that are the same color as their magical aura and shot forward at Nightmare.

The beams hit Nightmare at once, the beams acting like spears, speared right through Nightmare. Nightmare started to be pulled away and towards into the air, but I saw that there appears to another body being left behind on the ground, its Trixie, it working we are finally going to save her. Nightmare let out a final scream as it was finally pulled away from Trixie, and then a explosion of light that filled every nook and cranny in the throne room.

When the light faded away, I saw that in the middle where the spell diagram was set up was a normal looking Trixie. Trixie looked around and saw each of us around her, she looked down at herself and saw that she is back to normal, "is it over?" she asked towards me, after she finally finished examining herself, "is the living nightmare finally over and gone?" she asked a bit worried.

"Yes Trixie, it is over," I answered her.

"Thank you," and with that Trixie fell to the floor and fell into a peace sleep. Then I felt the toll of the fight descend on me, and I saw that I wasn't the only one, for Aceiro slumped to the ground and looks like he is having trouble to stay awake. Star fainted as he fell down to the floor. I felt the floor underneath me started to twist and turn and then I felt the ground coming up to meet me personally. The ground hit me and found that I am also having trouble keeping my eyes open. I saw a set of teal color hooves enter my vision and as I am closing my eyes for the last time, I hear a voice saying as I drifted off to sleep.

"You did well. Now sleep, for you have deserved some rest…"

Aceiro's POV




I am seriously going to kill that machine, I thought as I became aware of the beeping sounds that had waked me up. I rubbed opened my eyes as I sat up in a nice and comfy bed, I looked around and saw that I am once again in the hospital, "now for once I would like to wake up somewhere else, every time I get into something," I said to myself.

I felt something on my left arm, I looked and immediately saw the black bracer on it, is this… is this the Element of Entropy? I thought as remember what Nightmare did with it, why is it on me now? I asked myself with fear starting to run through me, but then I got a sense of sadness from the Element that Nightmare once held and then I remember what Fate said, am I… am I this Element's proper bearer? And then a sense of happiness settled down on me, oh boy. I looked over to the Element of Will on my other arm and I remembered the white armor that the Element produced, what was that? I asked the Element, but didn't get an answer back.

And then I remembered about Nightmare's plans for Canterlot, "Fe, Canterlot," I quickly got out of the bed and rushed to the door and pulled it opened and was meet by Fe, Star, Arcana, the mane six, and Princess Celestia. When I saw Fe, I immediately stopped in my tracks and stared at them while they stare back at me.

Fe was the first to react and rushed towards me and embraced me into a hug and said in a worried tone, "Oh Aceiro, I am glad that you are ok, but I worried that something bad has happened to, I am glad that you are safe."

"Me too Fe," I said as I returned the embrace, and then I turn my attention to the others, "what happened to Canterlot, did the changelings attack, what about Princess Cadence?" I asked rattling off questions one by one.

"Aceiro cool it," Star said to me, stopping me in my ranting, "The others will explain what happened," he said as he gave Celestia all of my attention. She started when she was in the middle of presiding the wedding ceremony when Twilight rushed in with another Princess Cadence, revealing the Cadence that was about to be married to Shining Armor to be a changeling and a queen of that. Celestia had to sadly admit that the queen bested her and told Twilight and her friends to retrieve the Elements of Harmony.

Twilight and her friends then told what happened from there and how the shield that Shining Armor had set fell allowing an army of changelings to invade the city, as they made their way to the vault that contained the Elements, and Pinkie added how they all went kung fu panda on a large group of changelings, with of course getting odd looks pointed towards the pink pony direction. After that they said how they got captured and was about to give up, but then they were all saved when Shining Armor and the real Princess Cadence combined their magic, restoring Shining Armor's power and reestablishing the shield sending all of the changelings flying out of the city and back towards to where they came from.

"And then when we were looking around to see if there was anypony that needed help, we found you three and Trixie at the steps of the Canterlot Hospital, and these two would't say anything until you were awake," Celestia said, "but now that you are awake care to explain what happened to you three, because you all just disappeared in the night, and if Trixie is here then that means Nightmare has been defeated, correct?"

Star, Arcana and I then told them want happened to us and how we all woke up in the room and held to the wall by some strange goop, "um that goop…" Fluttershy said, "… is what insects produces," Arcana immediately started to freak out about that. We then told them how we all appeared in the land that was desolate and barren, to how we all learn of Nightmare's plan and that it had an Reality Element and fought against it.

I told them how a suit of armor was created from my Element of Will, explaining that I wanted to protect Fe and my other friends, earning me a kiss Fe as she realized that I love her. Star then told us that he had died protecting Arcana from Nightmare's attack, earning shocked looks from everypony and Pinkie running off screaming ghosts.

Arcana picked it up from there and said how she was able to bring back Star to the appearance of a silver alicorn that saved her and Star from another of Nightmare's attack, and that the alicorn revealed that she is one that created the Element that Nightmare possessed and took the Element away from Nightmare, "What Element did Nightmare have?" Twilight asked, "Because I thought that there was only three not four."

"As did we," I answered, "and it was called the Element of Entropy."

This caused Celestia to panic, "how did Nightmare get a hold of that, it was suppose to be locked in the Royal Canterlot Archives."

"Nightmare stole it and replaced it with a fake," Arcana answered.

"Then where is the Element of Entropy?" Celestia asked us.

"Right here," I answered as I lifted up my left arm and revealed the black Element to them, "and I think I am its' proper bearer," I added to calm them down, "because I am getting a lot of happy feelings from this thing."

"I don't fully understand that Element Aceiro," Celestia honestly said to me, "it had caused a lot of troubles in the past, but it was mostly due to the bearers that misused it, but I trust you though Aceiro, for you are kind so I am sure that you will be able to handle this particular element."

"Thank you princess," I thanked her and then I turn my gaze to the black Element, I wonder… conceal, the Element of Entropy then phased into my skin leaving a black marking against my grey coat, while the other arm has the white marking of the Element of Will on it.

"Um Princess Celestia," Twilight said to Celestia, gaining the embodiment of sun's attention, "we are going to have a wedding in a few hours, do think we all should get going to prepare for it?"

"That is right Twilight," Celestia agreed with her student, "now come we have a real wedding to prepare," and with that Celestia walked down the hallway to put in order a real wedding.

A few hours later

Star's POV

After a few hours of watching the wedding and Dash performing the Sonic Rainboom over our heads, we all stood outside of the castle gardens milling around, waiting for the reception to start, while Arcana and I mostly stayed to together throughout the whole thing, "hay Fluttershy, Fluttershy," a voice called out above our heads.

We all looked up and saw a familiar black pegasus coming into a landing in front of us, he landed in front of us and said as he took in gasps of air showing that he had been flying hard, "where's Fluttershy? I have something to say to her."

"What is it Shadow?" Fluttershy asked him as she stepped up to him, with concern in her audible in her voice, "did something terrible happen?"

"No Fluttershy, nothing bad happened," he reassured her as he detected the concern in her voice, "I just came here to say something to you," he added as he is finally to breathe much easier, he then kneeled in front of Fluttershy.

"What is it then?" Fluttershy looking confused at Shadow.

"Fluttershy I have greatly enjoyed being with you from Tornado duty to your heat crazed moments…" Fluttershy glow bright pink when he said that, "to even fighting a few changelings to get to you, but let me clarify by saying that my life had completely became full of crazy turns and twists ever since I meet you, and I greatly enjoyed them when I am with you," he explained, "and this being the most special night of the year, I decided to this tonight. So Fluttershy will… oh wait hold on for a sec," Shadow put a hoof into his mouth and blow, producing a loud whistle that echoed in the air, and then Philomena the phoenix, which appears to be carrying something, came out of the sky and landed in Shadow's outstretched hoof.

The phoenix dropped a small box in his hoof, "thank you my fine and feather friend," Shadow thanked Philomena, who gave him a nod and took off into the sky, when Philomena disappeared into the sky Shadow turn his attention back to Fluttershy who had a look of amazement on her face, "Fluttershy, will you do me the honor to allow me to take your hoof in marriage…" he said as he started to open the box, "… and be my wife?" he asked as he fully opened the box and reveal a gleaming golden bracelet inside it.

This stunned Fluttershy completely as she just realized she just got proposed, and then she let it all out at once, "YES, yes I will," and with that she grabbed Shadow, making him drop the box, and gave him kiss that shock all of us from the sight of a rarely scene of Fluttershy being assertive. Fluttershy broke the kiss, leaving an equally shocked Shadow still kneeling there. A smile slowly formed on his face and with a 'yay' he fell backwards and hit the ground apparently fainted from pure happiness, with a smile still on his face.

"Oh my…" Fluttershy said looking at him, "is he ok?"

"Of course that is his happy faint," I said supplying and then slow music started indicating that the first dance of the bride and groom's is about to start, so we all gathered around the dance floor, leaving a happy-fainted Shadow a little away.

Aceiro and Fe left the group to go somewhere else, and Arcana and I followed their example and left the mane six and Celestia and made our way a little away from the group. We watched Shining Armor and Princess Cadence slow dancing and then I hear a voice above me called out, "hello everypony, did I miss anything?" Luna asked the group we just left.

"Where have she been this whole time?" I asked Arcana.

She just gave me the 'I don't know' shrug, and then the music changed into more upbeat style music and then we heard Twilight started to sing in the background, "you know Star," Arcana said looking at me, "I was going to wait for you to kiss me, but it seems that every time you do, something happens, so this time I am making the move and I am not going to allow anything to happen this time," and with that she leaned in quickly and kissed me, and the one thought that ran through my head was, best night ever.

Fate's POV

As I stood stood on a tower that overlooked the whole reception watching the scene below me, making sure that ponies who happened to look up here would not see me. As I examine the scene below me, I then felt a familiar feeling that I haven't felt for a while, "Hello Destiny," I called out to the presence behind me.

A silver alicorn walked into my peripheral vision and replied, "Hello Fate, it is good to see again, but will I ever be able to catch you by surprise?"

"No, not really," I replied and then I let out a sigh, "what are you doing here Destiny?"

"Whatever do you mean? Can't I come and see our own daughter getting married?"

"You don't like these kind of event Destiny," I pointed out, "it reminds you that you're immortal. Now tell me what are you really here for?"

"Sigh fine you got me, the reason I am here is because of those three," Destiny revealing her propose to me as she pointed to the three bearers of the Elements of Reality.


"For those three are unique," Destiny explained, "When I sensed my Element being misused, I came here to take it away, but when I removed it away from Nightmare it went off instead of coming back to me and made the one that holds the Element of Will its bearer, which by the way do you know anything about that armor forming."

"I actually do not know," I answered honestly her, "it had appeared the Aceiro had transcended the Element of Will into something I wasn't aware it could even do, maybe that is why your Element decided to choose, which by the way I will never understand why you made that horrible thing."

"I made it, because everything must have an opposite," Destiny answered my question.

"So why does those three interest you?" I asked her.

"Because I had a prophecy about them," Destiny responded, "Four storms of power and destiny will come, the first three will involve one of them each, for they will face their greatest enemy; themselves. The last storm is a complete mystery to me."

"Why does the last part make feel uncomfortable?" I asked her and she just gave me an 'I don't know' shrug.

Nightmare's POV

I regain conscious and found myself drifting in space that looked like there doesn't appear to be stars around. I took a closer examination of myself and saw that I was just a wisp of a spirit again. I will have my revenge on those three, and then I felt a wave resonate throughout the space.

I looked around and felt the resonating wave once again I followed to where the waves are being originated. I was surprised to find an ancient spirit here with me as well and it appeared to be made of windigoes, I haven't seen a windigoe spirit for a long time, for I thought they have gone extinct, Nightmare called out to the ancient spirit.

The spirit looked towards me and I heard it said, "What are you, and how did you come upon this realm?"

I am known as Nightmare, and I have been apparently banished by a unicorn of odd abilities.

This immediately piqued the ancient spirit, "does this unicorn, have to happen to have a necklace made out of gems and crystals?"

Yes she does, why do ask?

"Interesting, it is because I want to make a deal with you now."

What will this deal be about?

"Revenge," the ancient spirit answered. If Nightmare had a body then it would've smiled.


There I am finally done, after getting beaten around by Writer's Block and then beat the crap out of it soon after, I had finally completed this chapter, now please leave your reviews and comments behind and tell me what you think about the chapter.

And also;

*Baka means idiot.

This is the end of The Nightmare Arc, and the beginning of The Trial of Darkness Arc.

End A/N

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