• Published 20th Jan 2012
  • 9,562 Views, 1,352 Comments

A New Point of View - Cyber V

A boy and a girl recieves a mysterious message, and finds themselves in a new reality.

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Chapter 49: Wedding of a Deceiver PT1


Wow, just wow, this is great I got a lot of laughs from the last chapter, but now it is time for a main event, so please read it and leave your comments and reviews behind at the end of the chapter, and I will also say thanks to my editors for fixing any mistakes that were on this chapter, and also happy birthday to you Cloud Chaser, I hope you have or had a nice day for your birthday.

End A/N

Star's POV

"Something doesn't feel right this morning", I thought to myself as I lay wide awake on my bed, with the rising sun rays streaming in through my bed. I feel a bit… empty, oh well. Might as well get up and see what this day has in store for me, I sat up in my bed that Twilight and Arcana had fixed for me, as well as the ceiling light, when I had told them about my day yesterday, at least something went right for me, but I can't get rid of the feeling that I lost at something though.

When I entered the kitchen I saw Arcana was already there reading a book, not sure if it is the same one from yesterday or not. I also saw that somepony or Spike had made me some pancakes and set it on the table, waiting to be eaten by me.

"Good morning," Arcana greeted me as soon as I sat down at the table, gaining her attention, but then she noticed my baffled expression, "what's wrong, Star?"

"I don't know Arcana," I said as I started to make my move on my breakfast, "when I woke up this morning, I felt… I don't know… cut off somehow."

"I don't know what's wrong, but maybe you'll cheer up when you hear what's going on during this weekend," Arcana suggested trying to cheer me up.

"And what exactly is going on this weekend?" I asked as looked down at my now empty plate, showing that I ate everything on it and didn't even notice, and then I realized something, "wait, isn't the Grand Galloping Gala, suppose to be this weekend?"

"It was, but the princesses canceled it for another event that is happening," Arcana explained as she set the book down, "there is going to be a royal wedding."

This surprised me, "which of the princesses is getting married, oh please don't tell me it is Blueblood's wedding, who even in their right mind will marry Blueblood?"

"No Star, Blueblood isn't getting married and neither are the royal sisters," Arcana clarified as she reached under the table and pulled out a piece of paper and set it in front of me with her magic, "it is another princess."

"Really," I took a look at the piece of paper and saw that it was an invitation;

The ponies, Arcana and Star, are hereby invited to a once in a lifetime event, the marriage of the niece of the royal sisters Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and Shining Armor, the wedding will be held at tomorrow and the reception later in the evening of the day of the wedding, we hope to see you both there soon.

"Who's Princess Mi Amore Cadenza?" I asked Arcana as I looked up from the invite, and then the other that was getting married name rang through my head, "wait a minute… Shining Armor, as in the captain of the unicorn diversion Shining Armor, and also that for some strange reason resembles a bear to me."

"Funny I got that as well, but yes that Shining Armor, as for Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, all that it mentions in the invite is that she is the niece of Princess Celestia and Luna."

"Wait, how did we even get invites to the wedding anyway?"

"Well, Spike burped them up this morning, along with another one for the others that are having a picnic. As for how we got invited to this event, well, Aceiro is currently living in Canterlot, so he sent a letter saying how he asked for us to be invited."

"Well, that's awesome, so when are we leaving?"

"Right now," Arcana answered just as the door burst open and an angry Twilight walked past the kitchen and up the stairs, mumbling something about giving somepony a piece of her mind.

A few hours later

"Oh I am so excited right now," Shadow happily said as he stuck out his head out of the window of the almost empty train car, while the the others were in the car behind them having their own conversations. "I have never been to a royal wedding before, have you?" he asked me and Arcana as he stuck his head back into the car.

"No Shadow, this is our first time as well," Arcana answered him.

"But I have a question for you Shadow," I mentioned towards him as he sat down in the seat opposite of Arcana and I, "how did you even get invited to the wedding? No offense."

"Oh well, when Fluttershy came back home, she was filled with so much happiness, so I asked her what made her so happy and she said that she was assigned a task to create beautiful music with the help of songbirds, and then I asked her if I can come along and she said yes."

"That is sweet and all," Arcana said sounding not completely convinced about Shadow's reason, "but what is your real reason to come along? I mean you didn't just tag along to see the bride and groom."

When Arcana mentioned about another reason, Shadow became embarrassed and shy all of a sudden, "well, you're right about having another reason, but I am not going to tell what it is though I want it to be a surprise," he said as he glanced to a small bag that is hanging around his waist.

"Ok, we won't dig into it any farther," I reassured him, and then we entered the tunnel and immediately we heard Pinkie's voice resonate throughout tunnel, "BEST WEDDING EVER!" and then a few seconds later we exited the tunnel, I looked outside and saw Ponyville down below, I will never know how we can be down there and then up here in the next second.

"Star look," Arcana called out pointing towards the direction of Canterlot.

Shadow and I followed where she is pointing and what we saw made our jaws drop, for all of Canterlot was encased in a giant pink bubble, "oi, oi, oi, what is that?" Shadow asked as what he saw finally sank in.

"Whatever it is, it is giving a lot of magic," Arcana said to us.

We all watched as the train drew closer and closer towards the bubble that surrounded Canterlot, as we neared it, the train slowed down a bit, but besides that, it didn't show any signs of stopping. When the train was about to ram into the shield, the area where the train was going to hit suddenly started to shimmer and the locomotive passed right through and into the city.

We passed a double guard post and all of a sudden the same magic screen phased right through the car passed over us. As soon as the screen phased right through, I started to shiver as I felt a cold chill run up my spine and between my wings, making them twitch and flutter, but immediately I felt more at ease than I was this morning.

"Ok seriously, what was that?" I asked as I was finally able to calm myself down, "I just suddenly felt one serious chill running up my spine for a second there."

"I think that was some kind of barrier," Arcana deducted as she rubbed her horn, "and for some reason my horn just got suddenly cold."

And then, as the train station came into view, the sound of the train whistle was then heard, indicating that we all have arrived at our train slowed down just as it entered the started, with the sound of releasing steam and pressure we made our way to the door, opened it, and left the train car. As soon as we had left the train car, I was immediately overwhelmed by the environment that we entered.

Surrounding the train station were guards, lots of them, "I didn't realize that Canterlot had this many guards," Shadow said getting a bit nervous and shy by the intimidation that the guards are giving off.

"Whoa, what is with all the guards?" I heard Rainbow Dash asked as she stuck her head out of the door from her train car.

"I am sure they are just taking necessary precautions," Rarity propose, "royal weddings do bring out the strangest in ponies," and then Pinkie stepped out of the train car and let out a huge sneeze, but she sneezed out confetti and streamers, surprising everypony around her, but Pinkie just happily went along her way.

When Shadow saw what Pinkie had unintentionally just did, his jaw dropped, "what the… how did she even do that?"

"I don't know Shadow," I honestly replied to him, "but try not to think about it, you'll hurt yourself if you do."

Shadow got over the pink wonder that is Pinkie and said to me, "Well, see ya later, I need to go and… do something," and with that he took off and left the station. We looked around and saw that Twilight is leaving the station in the opposite direction, looking more ticked off than ever, while her friends looked worried.

"Come on let's follow her," Arcana said to me as she started to walk in the direction that Twilight went to, while the others went off to another part of the castle, "I have a feeling that we should know something," she added as I started to follow her. We both followed Twilight to the Cantorlot castle, where we saw that it was more heavily guarded then the train station.

When the castle came to view, I saw a glint of something shining coming from high on top of one of the towers on the edge of my vision, I looked up and saw Princess Celestia there looking down at us with a telescope, but then, she saw who we were and wave at us and resume her observing, ok what is going on here?, I asked myself. We followed Twilight as she just entered the castle square and walked up to a large group of guards and then she called out in anger just as Arcana and I stepped into the square, "I got something to say to you mister."

Immediately all the guards pointed their spears at Twilight as if they are expecting an attack, some even pointed their spears at us, "Whoa, we're with her," I said as I pointed to Twilight, and then Shining Armor, where a rich purple colored armor, looked over the castle barricades and saw Twilight, "Twily," he said happily as he took off his helmet and set it on the barricades and then rushed down a set of stairs that are set into the side of the courtyard and towards Twilight.

Wait a minute, Twily? Why did he just call her that? I thought as the guards moved their spears away from us. Shining Armor finally reached Twilight and said, "ah I missed you kid, how was the train ride, I-" he happily asked as he reached out with his hoof to pat her on the head, but Twilight just backed away interrupting his sentence and said to him in an upset tone.

"How dare you not tell me in person that you were getting married? I am your sister for pony sake."

When I heard that, I felt my mind doing a backflip from that information, "did she just said sister?" I asked to Arcana.

"Yes she did, then that means Shining Armor is her brother," Arcana as well surprised from this information, "I have a feeling that a lot of fanfics are going to messed up, if this is going to be an episode back at home," Arcana whispered to me.

"Eeyup," I replied back to her as I suddenly felt a chill.

"Ya, there's a big wedding coming up, maybe you heard of it," Twilight loudly said gaining Arcana's and mine attention once more.

"It has nothing to do with the wedding," Shining Armor said to her, telling us that the mention of the increase of security was mentioned, and then Shining Armor continues, "a threat has been made against Canterlot."

When he said that a threat was made, I looked towards Arcana worried and saw that she to have the look of worry, "do you think it is Nightmare?" Arcana whispery asked me.

"Couldn't be, I did some major damage to it back at Ponyville, it is probably someway licking its wounds," I answered in the same tone as hers, and then a bright flash grasped our attention. We looked to where Shining Armor and Twilight were and saw that a magic field started to form around Shining Armor, and then all of a sudden, Shining fired a ray into the sky. The ray of magic made contact with the shield high overhead and the whole shield started to glow.

I suddenly felt a slight pressure around me as the shield around Canterlot looked like it got thicker, I guess that explains why I was feeling cut off this morning and suddenly felt more cheerful when I got into the city; this barrier actually cut off the space fields.

Twilight and her brother resumed their conversation, but they soon drifted away from our hearing range, "so what now?" Arcana asked me, "It will be rude to follow them now."

"I guess we can go and see what the others are doing," I suggested.

"Ok then, if Shadow said that Fluttershy's choir birds are going to singing in the wedding, then that means the others must have some kind of task as well," Arcana and then I walked towards the castle, "but there is one thing that is bugging me though," Arcana added.


"Who is Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and where's Aceiro?"

Arcana's POV

Star and I walked around the castle grounds, until we came upon the same grounds that the Wonderbolts performed last year at the Gala, and there in the sky is Rainbow Dash flying high into the air and diving and then pulling up, trying to do something.

"Hay Dash," Star called up to her, stopping Dash in midair and looked around until she saw us on the ground, "what are you doing?" Star added as he asked her.

Dash flew to us and quickly landed in front of us, causing a small gale to be formed and blow on us, "well you see, Princess Celestia herself had asked me to perform the Sonic Rainboom at the wedding," she happily said, "this is going to be the best wedding ever."

"That is awesome, is that what you are trying to do anyway?" I asked her.

"Ya, I am getting better at performing the Sonic Rainboom, in fact I think I have it down, but it never hurts to practice though."

"True to that," Star agrees, "so where are the others anyway?"

Dash then told us where to find the others, "thanks Dash," I thanked her, "oh and also do you happen to know where Aceiro is by the way."

"Well I saw a group of ponies going that way…" she said pointing in one direction, "… with a bunch of fireworks, maybe Aceiro is one of them."

"Thanks Dash," Star thanked her. Dash just waved to use and took off into the sky, blasting us once again with a gale of wind. Star and I then started to make our way in the direction Rainbow pointed to, after a half an hour of walking we came across a series of tubes positioned so that they are pointing up into the sky, with ponies walking about them. "What are these?" Star asked as he was about to look down into the tube.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," a voice called out from behind us, stopping Star from looking down the tube, "those are firework launchers," the voice explained, making Star back away from the now recognizable barrel of the firework launcher.

I looked behind me and saw a green pegasus with a gray tail and mane, with orange highlights around the edges of it, while wearing a orange and grey shirt and wearing a red fuzzy band on his front left hoof, but the most noticeable feature is his wings, for they have a metallic look to them, like Aceiro's, but they are real.

"Hello I am Iron Wing," he greeted himself, "and it is a pleasure to meet you, but I haven't seen you around here before."

"We just arrived," Star answered him, "and thanks for the warning, but what is up with your wings?"

"No problem," I said happily, "and as for my wings, it's a side effect at working at the Iron Heart, the iron in the air got dusted into them and turned them like this, but now it is my turn to ask you a question, why are you both here? This is not exactly a safe area."

"We are looking for a friend of ours, Aceiro," I answered and then I added, "Do you know where he is?"

"The one with an interesting pair of metal wings that have been somehow incorporated to his body?" he asked us.

"Yes, that is him."

"Then that is interesting, because he is behind you," he said pointing behind us.

"Dang it Iron, I wanted to scare them," Aceiro protested as he made himself known as he walked into our field of vision.

Iron started to laugh at how he foiled Aceiro's plans, "well I have to go, there are still some things to do for this wedding, see ya later Aceiro," he said walked away while waving back at Aceiro, while at the same time revealing that his cutie mark is a wrench.

"See ya later too Iron Wing," Aceiro called back waving back at him. He then turned towards us, "hay guys, glad to see that you can make it, how are you?"

"We are doing fine, thank you for getting us invited to the wedding by the way, how about you?" I asked him.

"And do you have full control of those wings yet?" Star added as he points to Aceiro's wings that are tucked close to his body.

"Yes I can, but I haven't tried at flying with them yet," Aceiro demonstrated as he unfolded his wings, with the sound of chimes following them, and flapped them a few times before folding them back up against his body, "at first, sleeping on them was a bit odd, but then I got used to them, as for the invites, I asked the Princess Celestia to see if you two can and she happily agreed."

"Do you know anything about the bride and groom?" Star asked him.

"All I know is that the bride's name is Princess Cadence and she is a niece to the royal sisters and that the groom is the captain of the royal guard," Aceiro explained showing what he knows, "but besides that I don't know much except for an occasion gossip along the guards here and there, but not much, because almost everypony here has been working hard for this wedding."

"Then your mind is going to flip when you hear this Ace," Star said excitedly to him, "the groom, Shining Armor, IS Twilight's brother," Star said putting a lot of emphasis on the word 'is', "wait a minute," Star said as he realized something, "I thought it was Mi Amore Cadenza that was getting married."

"Maybe there are the some pony," I pointed out.

"Whoa back up a minute here," Aceiro said clearly surprised, "Shining Armor is Twilight brother? I didn't even know she had a brother."

"That was our reactions as well," I chuckled at Aceiro reaction, "but there is one thing that is still bothering me, who is even this Princess Mi Amore Cadenza?"

"Did I hear somepony say my name?" I voiced asked from behind us startling all of us.

I quickly turned around and there I saw an alicorn that is slightly smaller than Princess Luna. The alicorn's coat is a pale, light grayish cerise, with her tail and mane colored Dark violet with moderate rose and pale gold streaks, while wearing gold horseshoes, a small necklace and tiara, she sure has a way to sneak up on ponies, I thought to myself as I calm my brisk heart.

"You must be Princess Cadence," Aceiro said taking a bow for her.

"Please call me Princess Mi Amore Cadenza," Cadence said to him in an annoyed tone, "so tell me, are the fireworks for my wedding completed yet?"

"They are almost done princess," Aceiro said getting up from his bow, "and thank you for allowing me to invite my friends here."

"The pleasure is all mine," she happily said to him, "in fact it is an honor to meet the three that stopped Nightmare three times," she said as she took a bow to use.

"Wait you know about the Nightmare attacks," I alleged at her knowledge of our feats.

"Of course," Cadence said as looked at us, "there are some that knows the truth, I am one of those."

"Cool, so you know about the beating I did on Nightmare then," Star happily proclaims, but then I saw a flash of green run through the princess's grayish purple eyes, along with a hint of malicious at the mention of that, but then it disappeared as soon as they appeared, I must be seeing things, I thought to myself as I shook my head.

"Well I must be off, I have other things that must be attended to make this wedding a dream come true," she said with a smile that didn't fit right for her. Cadence walked away from us and back towards the castle, ok that was weird, but maybe she was been on edge due to all of this extra protection.

"Well, see you later guys, there are still much to do," Aceiro said to use, "but let's meet up afterwards."

"Ok," I said, dropping the weird feeling I had gotten from the bride, "where do you want to meet up at?"

"There is very nice café here in Canterlot called the Moon Rock Café and it is a few blocks down from the hospital that we were in a few days ago, so let's meet in, say around… nine?"

"Ok we will meet you there then Aceiro," I said as we waved him off, and Star and I made our way back towards the city, with the sun setting over the mountain.

9:00 p.m.

The Moon Rock Café

Third POV

Aceiro, Arcana and Star had gathered around a table outside the Moon Rock Café, which is a moon-based café, and each of them is enjoying a nice drink, with a few ponies here and there and guards positioned at street corners. "So guys…" Aceiro said as he finishes taking a sip out of his drink, "… what do you think of this wedding?"

"I don't know," Arcana replied, "I starting to feel that something is going to happen and really soon," she added as she looked up to the now night sky with the moon shining through Shining Armor's shield giving everything a pinkish tint to it.

"Don't worry," Star said as he put down his almost empty cup, "Nightmare wouldn't try anything funny, because I seriously injured it back at Ponyville so there is no way that it could be Nightmare behind this."

"He's right Arcana," Aceiro agreeing with Star, "so don't worry about it, now come on let's have one last cheer, go home, and have a magnificent wedding tomorrow," Aceiro then lifted his glass up in a toast.

"And if Nightmare does show its ugly face around then we will be the ones to rid of Nightmare forever and save Trixie," Star assured as he meet his glass to Aceiro's. Let's hope you are right, Arcana thought as she meet her glass to theirs, they all said at the same, "cheers," and they then all drank the last of their drinks. With bits on the table to pay for their drinks, they left the café and made their way down the street, passing the hospital that they had stayed at a few times.

"So Aceiro, are we going to sleep at the castle tonight?" Star asked about our sleeping arrangements.

"Of course, that is where we are heading right now, because the princesses gave you both rooms in the guest suite," Aceiro answered as he led them through streets of Canterlot and then they all soon arrived at the castle and entered through a side door, where they were meet with more guards stationed inside. They all walked passed them, watching them as not one moved their gaze from the spot they are staring at across the room, after they had left the unchangeable guards behind and soon entered the guest suite of the castle.

"Well this is my room," Aceiro said as he stopped in front of one door on his right, "your room is down the hall and first door on your right and Arcana, yours the same and on the left," Aceiro directed Star and Arcana to their room.

"Thanks Aceiro," they thanked to him. Aceiro watched Star and Arcana entered their rooms and shut the door behind them and soon followed them and entered his room, but as soon as I stepped into my room I felt something wrinkle underneath my hoof. I quickly stepped back and there in the light that is coming from the corridor and into my room was a note:

Dear Aceiro

I would like it if you can meet me in the castle gardens in ten minutes, so we can enjoy a wonderful night together.


Sleep can wait, Aceiro happily thought as he finishes reading the note and made his way towards the castle gardens.



Star has spent about five minutes walking back and forth in his room, feeling energetic to go to sleep. I need to spend some energy so I can go to sleep and be fully awake for tomorrow, Star thought as he walked out of his room and followed the same corridor that leads to the outside.

As soon as Star left the castle, a voice called out above him, "Halt who goes there?" making Star freeze in his tracks, he looked up and the princess of the night positioned on the tower that her sister had occupied this morning, "oh it is only you Star, not that I complaining, but what are you doing up and about in the night?"

"I can't get any sleep, so I am going out for a walk," Star called up to Princess Luna.

"Then be careful, young Star, even though I am the ruler of the night, there are still some dangers in it," Luna warned him.

"Got it princess," Star confirmed as he started making his way into the city.


Arcana sat on her bed, feeling restless to get any sleep, maybe a nice bath will help me calm down, she got up from her bed and made for the bathroom, but just as her hooves touched the ground there was a knock on her door, who could it be at this time? She thought as she changed her destination to the door instead of the bathroom.

When Arcana opened the door, she was surprised to see a unicorn guard standing there, with a package levitating near him, "are you Arcana, miss?" the guard asked her.

"Yes I am, why?" Arcana answered.

"A package has been delivered to the castle and it has your name on it as its receiver," the guard informed her as he levitated the package to Arcana. She was surprised and took the package in her magic and replied, "But I wasn't expecting any mail, though."

"Well it is addressed to you," the guard pointed out.

Arcana brought the package close to her and ripped it open, and was confused at what she saw what was inside it, for nesting inside the box, were to two black halves of a cut sphere, "what are these?" she asked as she lifted them out of the box with her magic and brought them closer so she can examine them. Arcana studied them and found that the two sphere halves appeared to be able to fit nicely together.

She fitted them together, but as soon as the two spherical halves became into one black sphere, Arcana's magical aura around the sphere turned from white to black, and her horn followed the color change, she then felt her magic started to drain away and into the sphere. Arcana started to panic and tried to release the magic that is holding the sphere, but found that she couldn't let go of the sphere that is quickly draining her.

Arcana fell to the carpeted feeling more drained by the second, until she passed out from the drainage of her magic, while the guard has not once moved from his position when Arcana was being drained, when he saw that Arcana had passed out, he finally moved towards Arcana, but then his features started to burn away, revealing the queen of the changelings herself; Queen Chrysalis.

"This is the unicorn that defeated my master?" Chrysalis asked to herself as she stepped up Arcana unconscious body, "pathetic," Chrysalis then leaned in towards Arcana's ear and whispered, "I should just finish you off right now, but then my master will be very upset that it wasn't my master the finished you off," Chrysalis righted herself and her horn started to glow in a eerie green color and then fires of the same color as Chrysalis magical aura appears around Arcana.

Arcana's unconscious form then started to sink into the floor, when Arcana had completely disappeared, the fires then vanished leaving nothing as much as a burn mark in the carpet, "Now for the Earth pony," Chrysalis confirmed as she fire started to form around her as she made her way to the corridor. When Chrysalis left the room, the fire started to die out, but instead of the queen of the changelings, there stood Fe. With an evil on her face, she made her way to the Canterlot Gardens.


Aceiro was currently standing outside of the entrance and have been there for a good eight minutes, waiting for Fe to arrive so they can enjoy a nice night together.

Two minutes later, Aceiro saw Fe walked around the corner and towards him with a gleeful looked that Aceiro has seen a few times, each time he sees that simile, he felt his heart skip a beat. Fe finally came up to Aceiro and gave him a hug. "Hay you," Fe said to him, "are you ready for tonight?"

"Ready but there is one thing Fe, why did you want to meet here at night?" Aceiro asked Fe.

Fe giggles and replied to him, "Well Aceiro, the reason I want to meet here right now, is because of this…" Fe quickly drew in closer to Aceiro and gave him a deep kiss, completely surprising Aceiro from the sudden action. The kiss lasted for a good minute and Fe broke it off, leaving a panting Aceiro as he now able to breath, "wow, that was… amazing, but Fe why?"

"Because I love you," Fe honestly answered him, "ever since you saved me from those dragons, I started to feel something for you, but I wasn't sure what it was, but after these few days I started to feel empty in my heart, like I was missing something," Fe explained, "but then I realized what it was, I was missing you," and with that she pulled me into another kiss, but this time I was prepared for it.

They broke off for second time, but this one only lasted a few seconds, "well to tell you the truth Fe, I felt something as well when I saw you after the dragons were beaten," Aceiro told her, "but I thought it was just the side effects of working at the Iron Heart, but every time I see you smile, I feel my heart skip from joy, but I was always afraid that if I told you how I feel, you wouldn't want to see me again," Aceiro explained, "but now I am not, gasp, Fe I love yo-," all of suddenly another pony rushed around the same corner that Fe appeared from, interrupting Aceiro's saying about his feelings. When Aceiro saw who it was he felt his jaw drop, for it was another Fe.

When the other Fe saw Aceiro and Fe hugging, she stopped dead in her tracks and she got upset, "Aceiro who is this and why are you with her?" Fe asked him on the verge of tears.

"There's another Fe here," Aceiro said looking down to the one in his grasp and to the arrival of the other, "this is impossible, for there can only be one Fe."

"Then that means she is an imposter," the second Fe said pointing at the first Fe in my grasp, "no she's the imposter," the first Fe said to me. Aceiro broke the hug with the first Fe and took a couple of steps back, trying to understand that there are two Fe, when there in fact should only be one, meaning that one is real the other is a fake, and then Aceiro came up with an idea.

"I am not sure which of you is the real Fe, or an imposter," Aceiro said to them both, putting his idea into action, "so I am going to ask you that only the real Fe should know."

"If it is to prove that I am the Fe, then so be it," the first Fe said.

"Alright, how did we meet and how many were there?" Aceiro asked them.

"It was when a group of dragons started to threaten me, and there were three," both Fes answered at the same time, punching a blow to my plan, but not finish it.

"Moving on," determine to find out which is the real Fe, "how did I come across these?" he asked as he opened his wings to show them both.

"A dragon fire hit you, while we were doing a test with a pair of prototype flight wings, melting the wings into your back which you somehow integrated them," they both once again answered.

Damn, I thought that will be the one to reveal the real and the fake, Aceiro thought getting frustrated as he folded his wings back against his body, this question will surely reveal the real Fe, "ok, who returned that we all thought was permanently gone?" he asked feeling positive that I had figured out this situation.

But at once, both Fes answered him, "Nightmare Moon."

This shattered Aceiro's confidence to find the real Fe he loves, how can I find the real Fe? They both have the same knowledge… and then Aceiro realized something … but not the same beliefs, "last question, and this will definitely reveal which one is the real Fe and the other a fake," he said to them, "what is your number one rule in a relationship in your beliefs?"

"Absolute trust," the first Fe answered excitedly.

"What rules?" the second Fe asked worriedly, gotcha, Aceiro quickly rushed at the imposter and tackled the fake Fe into the ground and pinned her to the ground.

"Fe quickly…" He called back to the real Fe, "… go and get the guards, hurry!"

"Enough of these foalish games," the imposter said underneath him, but Aceiro noticed that her voice had changed, all of sudden he felt intense pain in his chest. He looked down at his chest and saw that the imposter had somehow stuck her hoof into his chest with an eerie green glow surrounding her hoof and the entrance point into his chest.

Aceiro all of a sudden fainted and fell to the ground unconscious freeing his captive that he had pinned down, leaving Fe thinking that Aceiro was just killed, but then Fe noticed that his chest is slowly rising and falling, oh thank Celestia, he's alright, and then she noticed that the imposter was getting up and started to smoke as if she was about to catch on fire, I need to get help.

Fe quickly turned and started to run towards the castle, but then a dark mass appeared in front of her, stopping Fe in her tracks, to scared to make a noise from the sight she saw, for Queen Chrysalis had shown her true form to Fe, "sleep," Chrysalis instructed Fe, her voice laced with magic.

Fe quickly fell to the ground in an enchanted sleep. Chrysalis dragged Fe back to the garden with her magic and deposited her just a little in the gardens, hiding Fe from view and hidden until the plan becomes in motion.

Chrysalis turn her attention back to the unconscious body of Aceiro and said as she walk up to him, "this one is sure bothersome, but I must follow master's orders," Chrysalis's horn started to glow and the similar fires appeared around Aceiro, dragging into the ground like with Arcana, "if those guards hadn't stopped me, I wouldn't have fallen behind and none of this would've happened," Chrysalis muttered to herself.

She looked around to see if there were any witnesses, but Chrysalis smiled when she didn't see anypony, luck must be on my side tonight, she thought as her form started to be consumed in fire, and in seconds she had transformed into a pegasus guard and took off into the night sky, "now to get that freak of a pegasus," Chrysalis said she made her way towards the city.


Star trotted back to the castle, feeling tired and sleepy, this should get me to sleep just fine, he thought as he rounded a corner, passing yet another guard that was stationed there, should I tell Arcana that I love her? He questioned himself, but before he can answer that, he heard whimpering of child coming from somewhere. Star slowed down to a stop and looked around listening anything. Once again the crying and whimpering can be heard, and Star pinpointed that it was coming down from an alleyway to his left, nestled between a two tall buildings.

Star entered the alleyway unaware that the guards that are usually present are not stationed on the street of the crying. Star made his way down the alleyway, carefully moving across the debris that littered in the alleyway. The sounds of crying became louder in Star's ears as he made his way farther into the alleyway, "hello is anypony there?" he called out, and immediately he hear scampering moving away from him, "wait I am not going to hurt you," he called out to whoever was crying and running away, he started to follow, wanting to catch up to whoever is running away, he tried to jump over the debris, he opened his wings to glide, but they soon hit the close walls of the alleyway, causing him to hit the ground.

He picked himself up and hurriedly made his way down the alleyway, which it soon ended in a dead end, showing no signs of possible escape from the alleyway. Star then heard the sound of whimpering coming from behind a crate that was set against the back wall, he slowly crept over the crate and looked behind it, and there he saw made his heart feel heavy hearted, for there was a unicorn filly, crying and whimpering with tears running down her cheeks, while shivering as well.

"What's wrong?"

Star had momentarily scared her due to his appearance and asking, but then she calmed down and said in a tearful voice, "I'm lost, and I am scared of the dark, could you help me get to my mommy?" she asked him.

"Of course, here let me get you up on my back."

After getting the little filly on his back and making sure that she won't fall off, Star cautiously made his way back to the entrance of the alleyway, "excuse me mister, but why are your wings silver, while you are white pegasus?" the little filly asked Star.

"Well that is kind of hard to explain that to a small child, so let's just say that my wings changed colors when I wanted to protect my friends," I answered as simple as I can.

"I have another question," the filly said to him, "are you an idiot?"

"What kind of question is- AHHHH," Star cried out as intense pain lanced through his body making him fall to the ground. He tried to get up, but he could only move his eyes, any other bony movements he couldn't make at all. He saw a set of hooves appear in his field of vision.

"What's going on here?"

"I'm lost, and I am scared of the dark, could you help me get to my mommy," the filly said to him finally speaking up, but not in the voice Star first heard, "you goody do doers make me sick," and then pain lanced through his skull, "AAAAHHHHHH."

The filly stood over Star's unmoving but still alive body, and occasionally gives off sparks of electricity, "this just have been too easy," the filly said as fire erupted on her body, completely consuming her. When the fire died out, there stood Chrysalis, "finally my master will now get her revenge on those that wronged her of her rights," and with that, Chrysalis's horn glowed the same eerie green and a ring of fire erupted around Star, and sucking him into the ground like his other two friends.

And now to get ready, Chrysalis thought to herself as she was once more engulfed in flames, which quickly died down and there now stood Princess Cadence, after all I wouldn't want to miss my own wedding, she happily thought as she exited the alleyway and into the streets of Canterlot.

To be continued


Ok first things first, the OC Iron Wing belongs to blacknight7890.

Second, holy moly, over 7,000 words in three days, this is the longest chapter I have ever written ever in such a time.

Third, leave your comments and reviews behind so I can know what you are thinking about, thank you.

End A/N

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