• Published 20th Jan 2012
  • 9,562 Views, 1,352 Comments

A New Point of View - Cyber V

A boy and a girl recieves a mysterious message, and finds themselves in a new reality.

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Chapter 41: Heat Strikes Again


Wow I am happiest writer ever, all of those positive reviews, especially you Bleed273, that is what I needed to immediately start on this chapter, I hope you all get a laugh out of this.

End A/N

Star's POV

Dang yesterday was just crazy, I contemplate with myself as the scenery flying past the train's windows, with the sun rising behind the mountains, being chased around Ponyville like a hunted animal, then all of a sudden the reporters leaving, what happened yesterday?

I looked around inside the train car and saw other stallions that were also taking this trip to Cantorlot, ha this time I am not going to be misinformed this time, I thought happily as I remember the letter earlier this morning.


Hours earlier

I felt something whack me in the snout, causing me wake up with a jolt up, I sleepily look around for anything that might have hit me. I hear a sound of crinkle of paper from my lap I looked down and saw a scroll with Celestia's seal on it, ugh what time is it? I glanced over to my clock and there I saw in the moonlight of the moon, I saw that it read twelve oh clock, what the heck? Why did Celestia send me a letter at this time? Oh well let's see what she says.

I opened it and read it, after I finished, my other reaction was this, "Oh Crap," I quickly got out of bed and quickly packed my saddlebag for a trip to Canterlot.

End flashback

I looked at the letter I still have and read the last paragraph again:

Heat season is going to start, so I suggest that you board the train heading to Canterlot right now.

Princess Celestia.

Cutting a bit close are we Celestia? I questioned as I look around in the car to see who else is with me. Spike, Carrot Cake with the twins, Big Mac, Mr. Breezy, Ace, Thunderlane and his brother Rumble, and other stallions from Ponyville, what a minute, I looked around and saw that there was some ponies missing, where's Aceiro and Shadow Breeze? I haven't seen Aceiro since yesterday, and Shadow since the eclipse, and then it drawn to me, oh shit, they're still in Ponyville filled with heat crazed mares.

Aceiro's POV

I have spent last night at the Ponyville hospital, after Lyra had dropped me off there when I had passed out from loss of iron, which I really need watch out on that. When I woke up I saw that I didn't have the metal wings, so I deducted that they once again turn to dust as before, and then whole time I was there I was eating nothing but iron rich foods (lots and lots of spinach themed foods), and visiting my dad. He is getting better, for he can move his body but is not yet strong enough to walk.

As I was about to leave the hospital, with a saddlebag of spinach and iron supplements in case my abilities kick up again, I tried to open the front doors, but found them locked, why are these locked? They should be open right now. As I unlocking a lot of bolts and slides, somepony behind me called out, "what are you doing?" I looked behind me and saw the doctor that had helped me when I was out cold, "You should stay inside for your health."

"Sorry doc, but I have to leave, my friends are probably worried about me," I answered as I swung the doors opened and left.

"Then may Celestia have mercy on your soul," the doctor call from behind me, in an eerie tone.

"What?" I looked back and saw the doctor slamming shut the doors and I hear the sound of bolts moving into place locking them up, for some reason, ok that was weird.

I made my way back to Ponyville and enjoyed the nice is was, with the sun rising in the distance, but as neared Ponyville, something was a bit off to me. I looked around and saw that it is completely devoted of any life, ok seriously this is just plain weird, and there should be at least somepony out and about and why is hotter than usual?

As I made my way to the library I hear a whisper of words in the breeze, "stall, stall, stall…" I quickly turn around and saw nothing but loose pieces of paper and… an tumbleweed? I watched the tumbleweed roll across the street.

I slowly back away thinking, ok I am seriously getting a creeping feeling from all of this. I quickly turned forward and walked a bit faster to the library where I know it is safe and secure, "stall, stall, stall…" the same creepy whispery voices rafted behind, forcing me to pick up my pacing, until I am running.

I finally saw the library when the whispering got louder and louder, "finally a safe haven," I slammed opened the door of the library while rushing in and quickly slammed it shut, silencing the stalls that are coming from outside.

"Ok what is heck is going on here, where is everypony?" I asked out loud, and then I got a good look at the library and saw that it was dimly lit, "hello?" is Pinkie planning a surprise party? I stepped farther into the library getting a serious creep out vibe from this situation.

And then I heard a hoof steps behind me, "Arcana?" I slowly looked behind me, but before I can fully look, something hard made contact with my head, causing me to fall to the ground feeling my conscious fading, I looked up to see Arcana there, but at the same time not Arcana, for her eyes hold a crazed look, holding what looks like a frying pan, "Arcana?"

"A stallion," was Arcana's answer before I fell unconscious.


I regained conscious and the first thing that greeted me was a pounding headache, I tried to move my leg to rub it so I can lessen the pain, but the second thing that greeted me was that I can barely move, what the heck? I opened my eyes and I looked around and saw that I appeared to be on a soft bed and I was tied to it, with my each of my legs tied to each of the corner posts, causing me to be eagle spread, and my saddlebags are still on me, causing a mild discomfort.

I started to panic and struggle, but the binds are well done and the only thing I was able to achieve was to make them all raw, "will you stop struggling, you're getting tender," an annoyed voice called out, gaining my attention towards the doorway. There I saw Arcana standing against the door, with a lustful look and was looking at me.

"Arcana?" I asked a bit fearful at the situation I am in.

"Well not exactly," she walked away from the doorway and towards the bed, "she put herself into trance like sleep, and so she is like trance sleep walking, but enough, I don't really know the exact details, let's just get this started," she jumped onto the bed and stood over me, "now, Star had gotten away from me the first time, but since you don't have any form of teleportation, you won't be getting away from me."

I felt my heart started to beat faster and I started squirming, trying to loosen the binds and get away, but they are just a tight as before, "you know, keep squirming it'll make me more vigorous then," I stopped moving and stared wide-eyed as she started lowering. I closed my eyes, oh god, I hope I don't get scarred cause of this.

All of suddenly there was a flash of light I opened my eyes and saw that Arcana had stopped lowering herself and was staring at something else in the room, I followed her gaze and there I saw a panting and sweating Star with his goggles over his eyes, "I knew, gasp, I should, gasp, have check, gasp, this place, gasp, first," and then he saw the circumstance I am in, "and it looks like I just came in just in time too."

There was another flash and Arcana disappeared and reappeared on the ground, and is looking at Star with a little detestation, "sorry Arcana, or whoever you, but not this time," Star said to her as he walked up to me, and put a leg on my chest, "so yoink," and we both disappeared in a flash.

Star's POV

Aceiro and I reappeared in a flash of light in a grove of trees a little outside of Ponyville and not that far from Fluttershy's, after I yoinked Aceiro from a heat crazed Arcana, which I think I hear a faint screaming coming from, "Ace you are ether you are one gutsy pony or the most foolish one ever."

Aceiro got up from the ground with a saddlebag on, "oh thank god, I thought I was a goner, but can you tell me what the heck is going on?" he asked with a hint a panic lancing through his voice.

"Well that answers that question," I said to myself, "Aceiro, it is currently in the middle of the infamous heat season."

"You mean to tell me that the mares are in heat and that Arcana were just heat crazy, but why didn't she use her abilities and where are the stallions?"

"Eeyup and they are currently on a train to Canterlot, as for why she isn't using her abilities, maybe it is because she's in heat," I answered as I looked around to find where to go to my next destination in mind.

"Why are you here and where are you going?" Aceiro asked as he saw me moving through the trees and towards Fluttershy's cottage.

"Well I came back to prevent some mare making unwanted love with you, and as for where I am going, I am going to Fluttershy's."

"Why, wait, is this the event that Celestia mentioned? Oh god, don't tell me you had se-."

"Stop right there and get your mind out of the gutter," I said looking back and pointing at him, "it was close, but I was lucky to get away, and as for where I am going, I am going to Fluttershy's," I answered as continue my towards Fluttershy's, "and also, don't ever mention this again, ever especially to Arcana," I added.

"But isn't that a bad idea?" Aceiro asked as he caught up to me and walked along side me.

"It is, but I am going to rescue a pony from her clutches."

"Oh I'm sure that you just exaggerating," Aceiro pointed out.

"I might, but say that to the last pony Fluttershy got to, I mean you just can't so no to her," I saw Aceiro nod at that, "and she said something about taking your medicine."

"So who is the unlucky pony that you think Fluttershy caught?"

"A timid pegasus name Shadow Breeze and I think he is Fluttershy's coltfriend," and then we arrived at her cottage, "and look, we arrived," and then I turned towards Aceiro, "you stay here, I'll I go in," he nodded, "good, see you later."

I looked back the cottage and concentrated on being inside, and disappeared in a flash and reappeared in Fluttershy's living room, and the first thing I noticed is that it was deathly quiet. I wearily started to explore around the cottage, looking for worn out pegasus and 'a heat crazed impossible to say no to' Fluttershy, but after fully exploring the cottage I found nothing, where are they?

I concentrated to appeared where I entered Fluttershy's cottage, I disappeared in a flash and reappeared in front of Aceiro, whom was eating a spinach leaf, causing him to cry out in startled, I quickly put a hoof over his mouth, silencing him and listened to see if his cry had attracted mares, after a while, I am satisfied that nothing was alerted of our presence, "you should be careful not to be that loud."

"You should be careful where you appear like that," Aceiro opposed, "and where is Shadow and Fluttershy?"

"They weren't there, it is strangely empty and quiet," I answered, and then I saw his gaze wonder away from me to something behind me, I turned around and saw, a little far away from Fluttershy's cottage, was a shed, oh Celestia it's a shed, Fluttershy's shed.

"Do you think that they are inside the shed?" Aceiro asked a bit worried.

"Maybe, let's check it out," I responded just as worried. Aceiro and I cautiously left our little hiding spot and made our way towards the shed, when we got near it, we saw that there is post pinned to the shed door:

Stay out of my shed


When I read that I immediately thought of that creepy 'stay out of my shed' animation, "did you just think about the 'stay out of my shed' animation too?" Aceiro asked me as he read the note as well.

"Eeyup," but before I can say anything else, we both hear a voice coming from inside the shed, "no you be a good little pony and stay here and don't go anywhere, while I go back and pick up my special items," and then we hear hoof steps coming to the door, Aceiro and I quickly ducked into some bushes and a second later Fluttershy come right out, she closes the shed's door and headed towards her cottage humming the opening tune for the MLP show, while swaying her hips back and forth.

I quickly shook the imagine out of my head and whispered to Aceiro, "come let's get Shadow," but I didn't get a reaction, I turn my head and I saw Aceiro still staring at Fluttershy, I always want to do this, I brought my hoof up and slapped it across his face and said in a sergeant like voice, "focus man, we have a job to do."

This snapped Aceiro out whatever he was in, "oh sorry, it's just that is very enticing," and then he glanced back over to where Fluttershy finally made it to the front door and went inside.

"Hay don't make me slap you again, and also she is taken pal, now let's go," I dragged him out of the bushes we were hiding in and to the front door of the shed, I slowly opened it and braced myself to see horrific and terrifying sights… but instead we saw that it was filled with sacks of animal feedings, well that's a relief.

And then we heard muffled sounds coming from the back of the shed, Aceiro and I guided ourselves past the animal food and there we saw made us take in a gasp of surprise, for there strapped to the wall, with his legs and wings spread out like a snow angel, was Shadow Breeze, and I also that he appeared to have a ball gag on as well, thus explaining the muffled sounds and a hood that covers his eyes and ears, making him blind and deaf, what's up with ponies and kinkiness today?

"Dayum," Aceiro said out loud astounded at the sight, "Fluttershy is really assertive when she is in heat," at the loud voice of Aceiro's Shadow Breeze started to squirm around in panic, probable thought Fluttershy came back with her special item.

"Just help me get him down, before Fluttershy comes back," I ordered as I neared Shadow. Aceiro and I quickly got him untied, but just as I remove the hood, I heard a slow and very smooth voice coming from behind us, "I see that more stallions have came over for some medical treatment."

I turned around there I saw Fluttershy with a saddlebag on, with rope spilling out of them, but isn't that that held my attention, for in Fluttershy's mouth is a riding crop, and she was smiling as well, "but why did you take down my first patient, I, momma is gonna have to punish you two," she said as she walked closer to us.

"Sorry Fluttershy maybe later, but not today," I countered as I wrapped my forelegs around Shadow's and Aceiro's shoulders, and warped us away, from Fluttershy and her shed.

We appeared in a middle of a field with Canterlot looming close to us on a mountain, I fell to the grassy ground, feeling exhausted from all the warping I did today, I heard muffling coming from Shadow, indicating that the ball gag is still on, "sorry hold on, I concentrated and there was a small flash and the ball gag appeared on the ground in front of him.

"Are you ok?" Shadow asked as soon as the ball gag came off.

"Ya, I'm fine, just need to get a breather here, I have been warping all day, and warping with two ponies takes it a lot out of me," I explained.

"But you are a pegasus, how are you doing this all of?" Shadow asked me.

"I am not really sure, I just can," I replied. I got up from the ground and stretched, "alright guys, I'm ready, come close, I am going to warp us to the castle, and this is going to be a big warp," I instructed.

Aceiro and Shadow came close and I once again warped a foreleg around each of their shoulders and concentrated us to be warped into the throne room, but before we warped, Shadow spoke up, "um guys, is it normal to feel more attracted to your marefriend that is in heat and is feeling kinky as well?" he asked with a slight blush, causing us to laugh as we warped towards the castle.


Wow I wrote this all in one day, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, now leave me your reviews and comments behind, cause I just love getting and reading them, oh and Shadow Breeze belongs to AnonJ17-ShadowBreeze.

End A/N

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