• Published 20th Jan 2012
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A New Point of View - Cyber V

A boy and a girl recieves a mysterious message, and finds themselves in a new reality.

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Chapter 33: There are Ponies in my House!


Wow just wow, everyone loved the last chapter, then read this one.

End A/N

Star's POV

I came to when I felt myself being thrown onto something hard and cold, and also with something landing on my back.

Ugh, what happened? I looked around to see where I am, but I saw that the room I am in darkened so I couldn't see anything, I tried to get up, but found myself underneath Arcana, who were still passed out. I lightly tipped her off of my back and onto the hard floor, as I got up carefully and closed my eye trying to remember what happened, let's see the last thing I remember was the… the eclipse!

My eyes shot opened when I realized what happened to me and Arcana, the question are, where are we?

I turned towards the barely visible Arcana and started nudging her, "Hay Arcana, wake up, come on, wake up," she eventually stirred and gradually woke up.

"Ow my head," she said sitting up and rubbing her head, and then she asked to me, "What happened?"

"The eclipse interacted with our abilities," I answered her, while stretching out my wings and popping my neck, working out the soreness in them, "It forced our abilities to become active and mingle together, and warped."

"Where are we? Because I don't recognize where we are," Arcana questioned looking around.

"I don't know, for all we know, we might not be in Equestria anymore," I stated.

And then the darkened room sudden lit up, blinding us when my eye cleared I saw that Arcana and I were in a basement with shelves filled with tools and other stuff and items, and then we heard a voice call out, "Holy freak, ponies."

When turned my gaze towards the source of the voice and I was surprised at what I saw, for there standing at the top of set stair and hold a metal bat was a teenage boy, and he too had the look of surprise on his face.

"Um hi?" I saw Arcana in the corner of my vision said and waved at him.

"Hi," he said back while waving back too, and then he did what I kind of expected to do when I find two colorful ponies in your house; he dropped the bat and fainted.

Arcana quickly caught him before he fell down the stairs and gently levitated him down to the floor, I looked at her and she looked back, "Star I think I know where we are."

"We're back on Earth," I confirmed.

Ten minutes earlier

The human POV

I just ordered pepperoni and sausage pizza and was sitting on the couch ready to watch the new My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic episode. As I was watching an episode I heard and felt a low boom that generated from downstairs, what was that, robbers?

I stopped the show and got up from the couch and with caution entered the kitchen that connected to the living room, along the way I grabbed my metal baseball bat from a side closet, ok robbers, I don't know why you are here, but I am not going to let you steal from me.

I stood in front of the door that leads to the basement, and I can hear voices coming from downstairs. I flicked the switch that was besides the door and opened it, and there that made me paused.

There in the middle of the basement sat two ponies, one a stallion pegasus and the other a unicorn mare. I also saw that the pegasus had a pair of goggles on his head, and the mare was wearing what looked like a necklace made out of gems. I saw that I had blinded them, when their visions cleared and where examining their surroundings I said the one thing that came to my mind, "Holy freak ponies."

They both looked up at me and looked shocked and then the mare said while waving, "Um hi?"

I waved back, "Hi," there are ponies in my basement, and then I dropped the bat and blacked.

"PONIES!" I yelled jolting awake, I looked around and saw that I was sitting on the couch with the ending song happening, indicating that the episode was over.

"Did that really happened or was that all just a pony induced dream?" I asked to myself, while scratching my head.

"Nope that was real," said a voice to my left, causing me to turn my head and there I saw sitting at the island in the kitchen eating my pizza, "Oh god I can't believe we didn't think about these in Equestria," the unicorn said taking a bite out of the pizza and slowly savoring it.

"I know, me nether," the pegasus said to her, taking a bite out of a slice of pizza too.

"Aaaahhhh," I cried out, falling off the couch in surprise, "You're real?" I said trying to calm my rapid beating heart.

"Of course we're real," the unicorn said annoyed at my question, "and this pizza is delicious."

I got up from the floor and made my way to them, when I got up to the island I saw that they had left a third of the pizza for me, "What?" the pegasus said, "Thought that we didn't leave you any, we're not like animals of something."

"Actually Star, that is kind of technically true, for we are ponies," the unicorn said to the pegasus, giving me his name.

"So you two are from Equestria?" I asked them.

"Yup" the unicorn answered, taking another bite out of the pizza.

Wait a minute ponies ate my pizza, a pepperoni and sausage pizza!, "You ate the pizza," I said scared to them.

"Ya sorry about that, but we were in a middle of a picnic, when we came here, so we are a bit hungry," Star said, misunderstanding what I meant.

"No I mean you both ate a pepperoni and sausage pizza," I corrected him.

The unicorn looked at her slice of pizza and had a sick look on her face, "You mean to tell us that we ate meat, oh Celestia I think I am going to sick," she announced dropping the pizza and holding her stomach, and then I started freaking out.

"Oh god, oh god, two ponies from Equestria ate a meat pizza, I am such a terrible person," I panicked, and then I heard what I least expected to hear from this situation; laughter.

I looked at them shocked, why are they laughing when they just consumed meat?

"Oh gosh Arcana you are right, I guess I owe you three bits now," Star said laughing at some joke.

"What the hell is going on here?" I addressed to them, slightly mad that I been played.

"Sorry, sorry," Arcana said, regaining control of her laughter, "Star and I made a bet here, but never mind that, oh right we never introduced ourselves, I'm Arcana and my friend here is Star Streak," she said pointing to Star.

"What's up?" he said giving me a nod.

"What's your name?" Arcana asked politely.

"My name is Jace," I answered, "Now will you please tell me why you are not freaking out about this whole deal, I mean you are from a cartoon show."

"Will to tell you the truth," Star said getting serious, "We were in fact once humans."

I stood there disbelieved at what I just heard, "I don't believe that, you could just be pulling my leg this whole time."

"No serious, we were once humans."

"Prove it."

"Alright then," Star said getting a cocky, "Judging from the My Little Pony show you were watching before you blacked out, I say that you are a brony, a fan that loves the show."

I shocked that he knows what a brony, "How do you know I'm a brony?"

"Because I am brony too, and Arcana here, is also a pegasister," Star explained, "In fact my human name was Eric Moore, and Arcana's was Brittney Houston."

"Ok, now I believe that you were once humans, but how did this happen? This usually happens in fan made fictions."

I saw Star shudder at when I said that, but Arcana stepped in before I can ask what was all that about, "We really don't know, one day Star and I were sitting at his desk making our pony personas, when we got this strange message, we opened it and instead of the usual junk mail, it had this weird spell diagram in it, there was a flash and then we found ourselves in front a cloaked being, and then we were dropped into Equestria as our pony personas."

"And when she meant dropped, she meant dropped," Star said, "We were dropped hundreds of feet in the air and received fatal injuries, but were saved by Twilight."

And then they explained what happened to them, from getting their cutie marks to how Nightmare Moon had taken control of Trixie, to Arcana's time traveling, and then to the eclipse.

"All of that happened in about a year," they nodded, "and you are also telling me that you have powers that can move and bend time and space?"

"We like to call them abilities, not powers, because it has a lot more syllables and it sounds cooler," Star corrected.

"Right abilities, I believe that you were once humans, but even that is kind of taking it far."

Star and Arcana looked at each other and nodded; now what they're going to do?

All of a sudden Arcana disappeared and then reappeared drinking my bottle Mountain Dew that was in the fridge and she is already half done with it, and was unopened earlier.

"Hey give that… you know what keep it," I said when I saw her chugging the rest down.

"Sorry about," Arcana said sheepishly as she put down the empty bottle, "I haven't had a soda that wasn't Equestrian, for a long time, that and for some reason the meat doesn't taste right."

And then there was a bright flash, blinding me. When my vision returned, I saw Star with my iPod listening to it.

"Where did you get my iPod and how did you even get it?" I said as I made a move to get my stuff back, but Star disappeared in a flash and reappeared on the couch.

"I told you, I can bend space, so I can bring stuff to me, or teleport long distances, but let me tell you, you have horrible music taste. I mean Friday, come on that is the worst song ever."

"Hey I happened to like that song," I argued, and then I hold out my hand, "now give it back."

"Whatever you still have horrible taste in music," Star said as he took off my iPod and hold it out, and then a small white vortex appeared below his hoof and he dropped iPod into it, and then a similar one appeared over my hand and out came my iPod, I'll never got used to that.

I looked outside and saw that it was getting dark, I looked at the clock and saw that it said it was ten, "Well it is getting late," I said to them as I made my way to my room.

"Wait," Arcana said stopping me, I looked back at her, "Where are we going to sleep?"

"And what about the rest of your family? Won't they too freak out when they see us," Star added.

"Well I am an only child and my dad is on a business trip for some company," I answered, "I am pretty much alone here."

"What about your mom?" Arcana asked confused.

I felt a dark cloud of sadness fall over me as she mentioned my mom, "She died years ago."

"Oh sorry," Arcana said, looking sad with her ears drooping.

"Forget about it, you didn't know," I said trying to prep her up, "Well anyway, you can sleep in the guest room, but unfortunately Star you have to sleep on the couch, as I don't have any more beds."

"That's ok, thanks for putting up with us."

"Hey no problem, it not everyday where you get meet peo- um ponies from Equestria."

"You're welcome, now let's all of us go to bed," Arcana suggested.

We all agreed to that, I led Arcana to the guest bedroom and made sure that she is ok. After that I made my way to my room and got ready for bed, but before I went to bed I went to the computer that was set upped in my room and opened the search engine, let's see here Eric Moore and Brittney Houston, I thought as I typed in Star and Arcana's human names.

The results came in and started reading:

Months ago, seventeen year old Eric Moore and Brittney Houston and their families had disappeared from their homes and was never seen or heard from again, investigators determined that they had just vanished with no signs of a struggle at their homes, "It was as if they had dropped everything and left," an investigator reported. If you have seen or heard anything about these disappearances, please contact the authorities.

Wait months, but they said that they have been in Equestria for about a year, and their whole families just vanished?

I decided to tell them tomorrow as I minimized the screen and made my way to bed. As soon as I got comfortable and relaxed I fell asleep.

"WHAT THE BUCK!" I heard Star yelled from the living room.

I quickly got out of bed and rushed to living room with Arcana, "What happened, what going on?"

There sitting on the couch was the upset pegasus watching the zap-apple harvesting episode, "You got to be freaking kidding me, I was in the middle of the whole harvest, and you can't see even a glimpse of me."

"Seriously Star, you woke me and Jace up, because you weren't shown in the episode," Arcana said annoyed, "and why are you even up this early?"

"Well I got thinking about the episodes we missed, so I started watching them, which by the way Jace, thank you for being a brony and record these episodes, well anyway I was watching this episode and saw that I am not even in it, great now I have to see if I at least make an appearance."

I looked at Arcana who looked up at me and whispered, "Don't mind him, sometimes he acts like a child sometimes, but all you need to do show him a June beetle and he will freak out," she added that last part with a smile.

"Good to know, wait how is he even working the remote? He doesn't have any hands anymore."

Star heard me and replied, "Even though I don't have any hands anymore, I still have something that works just as the same."

"What is that?"

"Well duh," he said lifting up his wings and wiggling the feathers like fingers.

How does that even work? I then felt my stomach rumble with hunger, oh well, since I am up, might as well get something to eat.

As I made my way into the kitchen I saw that the door that leads into the basement was open and the lights were on, oh no, I immediately detoured and went downstairs, and their I saw Arcana examining the items on the shelves.

"What are you doing down here?"

"Well you see, of all of the places to appeared, we happened to appeared here, so I was investigating, and well I got side tracked when I saw these wonderful stuff, did you make these?"

As I was about to answer her, I heard, "Ugh, seriously," coming from upstairs.

"He must be watching the heart and hooves episode," I said with a smile.

"How can you tell?" Arcana asked.

"Cause that was my reaction too," I answered, "Well anyway, to answer your question, I made all of these," I said waving me hand to the shelves and started to explain, "When I get an idea, it usually bugs me, until I make it, fortunately there's a junk yard about a half a mile from here, so I get the supplies I need and make, and some of these stuff even has some functionality to them."

"Wow that is impressive, besides being able to move through time, I have talent with gems. I can grow them, morph them, enchant them, I even made this necklace," she said pointing to her necklace.

"Can you take it off, because I haven't seen you with it off?"

She looked downtrodden and said, "No I can't. You see when I was in a face off against Trixie, I made this, but unfortunately the spell wasn't completed, because I forgot to add the disarmed portion of the spell to it, so now it is stuck on me," and prove it she tugged at it and it never pulled away from her coat.

"That's sucks, to be stuck with it."

"It's not that bad I got used to it by now, and as I said I can morph gems, including this necklace, here let me show," I saw her close her eyes and her horn lit up with a white glow, and then the gems on her necklace started to creep and morph around her, until gradually formed into a pair wings.

"Wow those looks pretty cool and you can really fly with them?"

"Ya, I enchanted them so I can fly like a pegasus," she explained.

All of a sudden we heard Star calling from upstairs, "Hay guys, a new episode is coming on, come on I have it on pause, but I am not going to hold it forever."

Arcana and I looked at each other and started chuckling, "Well I never missed an episode and never will, care to join?"

"Sure after all, I am a pegasister," she replied and started making her way upstairs, but then I heard my stomach and hers growling in hunger, she looked back at me and gave me a sheepish smile, "But first let's get some food."

"I'll order pizza," I said as follow her upstairs.


Well tell me what you think, but first let me tell you now, the reason Star and Arcana ate meat, was because they used to be humans, but be assured that will never happened again, thank you.

End A/N

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