• Published 20th Jan 2012
  • 9,562 Views, 1,352 Comments

A New Point of View - Cyber V

A boy and a girl recieves a mysterious message, and finds themselves in a new reality.

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Chapter 26: An Odd Chill


Wow from all the lack of negative reviews and a lot of positives, I say that I am doing a great job. Well enough chit chat here is chapter 26. I also dedicate this chapter to the brony Dark-Castle who passed away on March 8 2012.

End A/N

Star's POV

I think it has been an hour since I asked Luna to leave me alone. I heard some commotion downstairs, but I didn't think much of it.

After a while I heard hoofsteps entering the room, I turned around and saw a gray earth pony mare, with a blonde mane and tail, walking in carrying a tray filled with food in her mouth. She walked up to me. I glanced over to her cutie mark and saw that it is a sliver plate.

When the she settled the tray next to me she said, "Princess Luna asked me to deliver this to you since you might be hungry."

"Thank you miss …"

"Silver Platter, "she said supplying her name to me, "but please call me Platter."

"Well then thank you Platter, I will eat it when I get hungry."

She left the room with a bow and I turned my attention back to the diagram in front of me, Arcana, please come back.

Arcana's POV

I felt something softly hitting my face repetitive, bringing me back to conscious. I opened my eyes and I saw Pansy and Clover above me looking down at me with concerned expressions.

I sat up and then felt my face all sore for some reason, "What happened and why does my face feel really sore?"I asked rubbing my face.

I saw Pansy coward away and said, "sorry, I didn't know anything else to wake somepony. Please don't be mad at me."

Yup definitely an ancestor of Fluttershy's, "it's alright Pansy, I'm not mad at you, "I said, this caused her not to coward away from me anymore.

"Good, now that you are ok, care to explain to us about all of those fainting? "Clover asked giving me an annoyed look.

"I'll tell you, but first I need to make sure about something, ok?"

"Fine, but I'm not forgetting about this."

Ok Twilight is definitely a descendent from Clover.

"So, who are we going to see next, Clover? "I asked bracing myself for more surprises up ahead.

"Well the farming area is close by, we can see Smart Cookie next then, "Clover said, "follow me, "and then she started heading towards some trees in the distance.

As Pansy and I followed her, as we entered the farming area I thought, if we are heading towards some farm lands, and Applejack is a farmer-, but my thoughts were interrupted when I heard somepony cry out in frustration, "Dang nabbnit."

In the distance I saw an orange pony wearing Dutch style clothing, stomping the ground in frustration below a couple of trees that looked like cocoa beans. As we neared her Clover asked concerned, "Smart Cookie what's wrong?"

The pony, Smart Cookie, turned her attention to us and said, "oh hay Clover, what's wrong is that my orange trees are not doing so well, and who is this?"

"I'm Arcana, and it is nice to meet you Smart Cookie, and surely that your orange trees are not that bad."

"Well it is nice to meet you Arcana, and you're right, they're not that bad, they're horrible, just take a look. "she said pointing behind her.

I glanced to where she is pointing to while saying, "oh it can't be that… HOLY MOLY, those are oranges? "what I mistaken for cocoa beans in the distance were in fact shriveled up rotting oranges up close.

Smart Cookie sighed at my outburst from the horridness sight of oranges, "see what I mean, I can't grow anything right lately, I am horrible at farming, even back at out old home."

I gave a sheepish grin, "sorry about that, "and then I thought of something, I hope I am not screwing with time here, "did you really grow everything?"

"Yup, "Smart Cookie answered.

"How about apples? "I suggested.

"Um…, "Smart Cookie thought it over, "no I believe I didn't try apples yet, it's mostly cold there to grow apples, but I didn't try it here yet… hmm, you might be unto something there."

"Glad to help, "I said relieved that my idea worked.

"OOO apples, I haven't tried any of those yet, "said a voice next to me, I looked to over my left and yelp out in shock, for there was a pink coated earth pony mare, wearing a big smile on her face, also wearing what appears to be middle England style clothing.

The pink pony started talking in speeds that could give Pinkie a run for her money, "Hiya, I'm Chancellor Puddinghead, although I'm not a chancellor anymore since all the ponies joined together. Well anyway what's your name, because I never seen you before, and I know everypony here in this settlement. Oh I know-mmmpphhh, "she never finished that sentence, for I immediately stuck my hoof into her mouth.

"Sorry about that, "I said apologizing to her, "but can you please slow down, and just say your name, because I only caught the thing about you not being a chancellor anymore, and that you know everypony here, "I betting she's an ancestor of Pinkie's.

I took out my hoof out of her mouth and she spoke slowly as requested, though quick as Pinkie does when talking about parties, but at least I am still able to understand her, "sorry, I just so excited when I get to meet new ponies-."

Smart Cookie spoke up, "you're getting off subject again."

"Sorry Smart Cookie, well my name is Puddinghead Pie, what's yours."

Yup called it, "my name is Arcana, and it's a pleasure to meet you, "I said putting out a hoof for a shake.

"Same here, "Puddinghead said happily as she took my hoof into hers, but as soon as she gripped my hoof I felt coldness go through my body, but the coldness didn't last long, for Puddinghead started shaking my hoof. I wasn't sure, but I thought I saw a flash of something pass through her eyes, but it quickly left as soon as it appeared.

"Oh I know, I'll get the other so you can meet them, "Puddinghead said, and with that she zipped away to parts unknown.

"Huh, so I guess that we don't need to find the others, "I said calmly.

"How can you be that calm around her? "Clover asked, "because what she does sometimes boggles me."

"Well she isn't the first to do that, in my time there is one just like her, "I said, and then I realized that Pansy and Smart Cookie were also there and just heard me say that.

Oh boy, here it comes, "what do you mean your time? "Smart Cookie asked, giving me a suspecting look.

I sighed and said, "I blown my own cover thanks to a pink pony, alright then I will tell you what I mean my time, "and then I explained to them what happened (without revealing anything important of course) and that I am currently stuck in the past from my time.

After I finished Pansy and Smart Cookie were giving my disbelieved looks from my story, Smart Cookie was the first to come out of her stupor and said, "golly that is a lot to take in, but um… how can we believe you?"

"But you don't have to answer that though if you don't want to, "Pansy added.

"Well I can't reveal what I know in case it didn't happen yet and also don't tell anypony, ok?" I received nods from both of them, "ok let's see here um… Smart Cookie, you are or were the secretary to Chancellor Puddinghead, and she wanted to name this place Dirtville, but you suggested Earth, "I saw the suspicious look go away from her eyes as she heard that.

"And you Pansy are Private to Commander Hurricane, who wanted to name this place Pegaopolis, and that also you are a bit of an afraid of everything, and also you really really really really really really disliked her, before you all became friends."

"That's true, but don't tell her that, "Pansy said worried for somepony might have overheard that part.

"Don't tell me what private, "called out a voice above us, this caused Pansy to give out shriek in fright. I looked up and saw a cyan coated pegasus, wearing an ancient Greek style armor coming in for a landing.

"That you are a proud and loyal warrior, "I said covering for Pansy.

"Well I like you already, "she said landing next to me, and then she pats me on the back, this caused the same coldness to surface again, causing me to shiver, but she didn't notice for she then turned her attention back to Pansy and said, "and you're telling this pony great things about me, I would rank you up, but there s now no ranks anymore so… ya"

"Well anyway, I'm Arcana nice to meet you, and you are? "Definitely Dash's ancestor, nopony can receive praises like her.

The cyan pegasus looked at back at me and said, "well I was Commander, but there's now no more ranks, so call me Hurricane Dash please, "yup called it, and she is more humble then Rainbow.

"Are you praising yourself Hurricane to other ponies again? "a voice called out behind us. We all turned towards the direction the voice came from and saw Puddinghead bouncing along with a unicorn that had the air of a leader around her.

"Hello your high-, um Miss Platinum, "Clover said to the unicorn.

I looked in disbelief at what I saw. She wasn't wearing anything that indicated that she was royalty, for she was wearing a simple gown, and with the deduction of choices I say, that this is Rarity's ancestor.

"No I wasn't praising myself to others. I was being praised by others Platinum, "Hurricane said to her.

"Hello I'm Arcana, nice to meet you, "I greeted her as she joined the group.

"Hello Arcana I am Miss Platinum, "she said returning the greeting, "but I never seen you around here before, are you new here?"

In a way, no, "yes I am new here in Cantorlot, "I answered her.

"That's splendid, but tell me, are you staying anywhere around here?"

"Yes, I am staying with Starswirl."

"Oh, I didn't know that he took on another apprentice."

"No, I am not his apprentice, I am already good with magic, the reason I am staying with him, is because I dropped in.

"Oh really, "Platinum giving me an inspecting look.

"It's true, "Clover speaking up, "in fact she saved Pansy here, from being crushed."

Hurricane looked at me and said with an impressed look on her face, "so it was you that saved our friend here, thank you then."

"Oh you must show me how you did it, "Platinum said, "but first, it's noon so that means lunch time. "At the mention of food my stomach let out a growl causing everypony to start laughing.

Platinum put a leg around my shoulders and guided me towards the a big building at the edge of the farm lands, but as soon she put her leg on me, I felt the same coldness that I felt from Puddinghead and Hurricane again, but I went away as soon it came, ok something is seriously odd around here, but I can't stop getting the feeling that I know this from somewhere, but as soon I smelled delicious scents coming from the building I thought, maybe later.


I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter.

End A/N

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