• Published 20th Jan 2012
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A New Point of View - Cyber V

A boy and a girl recieves a mysterious message, and finds themselves in a new reality.

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Chapter 17: The Heat of the Chase

Chapter 17

After months of fall and winter enjoying the holidays that came with them, Luna making another appearance at Nightmare Night (and dang can she be scary).

On Heart Warmth Day, I giving Twilight and Arcana each a rare book of spells; for Dash, a autograph of the Wonderbolts, signed by all of them (I lost count of how many oh my gosh she said); Rarity, a ticket to see a Sapphire Shores show; Fluttershy, I gave her train tickets to Cantorlot to visit Philomena; Applejack, new work duds; and for Pinkie, well I didn't know what to give her, so I gave her a big container of eggnog, and don't ask me how I got them, I will say that a pony with higher ups helped me.

And then came spring followed with the success of another Winter Wrap Up.

Everything was going just fine until…

I walked downstairs feeling great and can't wait for what today has in store for me.

As I got down from the stairs I noticed Arcana reading books (not surprising), but I got closer I took a glance at it and was a little surprised at what I saw.

It was one of those books that explains about your body to you.

I felt myself becoming warm in the face and quickly made my way into the kitchen and made myself some breakfast (which was just an apple, a pear and some grape juice, (didn't like the pear)).

Of course she will probably want to know how her body works, because she is not human anymore.

I left the kitchen and saw that Arcana wasn't reading the book anymore and was back to reading spell books again.

I let out a breath and asked, "Hay Arcana, have you seen Twi this morning?"

She ducked her head deeper in the book and said nervously, "Ya, she went downstairs, but I think I didn't see her come back up."

"Hum, probable doing experiments downstairs and Spike?"

"I think he is in Cantorlot right now, "Arcana answered.

"Well, see you later, "I said as I left the library.

As I was walking down the market looking around, when I felt something is… off.

"There's something odd going on around here, "I said talking to myself, I started listing things that didn't seem right, "let's see one Arcana was reading a explanatory book about your body; two, even though there is a ten to one population of males, I should at least be able to see one or two here and there; four, no… wait a minute three, even though it is spring, it feels like summer here, maybe a little hotter; four, mares seems to be giving me lustful glances; and five very important five, I am never going to pears again, I can't stand pears."

I put those all together (minus the pear thing), when something hit me.

"Ok I think I have become a little insane because I think…oh crap, "I said becoming scared.

And is if they realized that I now know; one of the mares shouted out, "GET HIM!"

"OH SHIT, "I cried out as I ran out of the market area with a mob of mares after me.

"Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap, now I know why, these mares are in heat, and I'm a male, "I said to myself in panic as I ran from alleyway to alleyway, avoiding the mares and I swear, I think I hear the Benny Hill theme music playing as I ran from them.

After weaving through a lot of alleyways I meet my end, as in a bricked off alleyway.

"Why is there always a dead end at the end? "I asked to nopony unparticular and apparently they heard me, for I heard somepony call out, "I hear him; he's over here."

I turned around and saw that entrance was blocked off by mares with lust visible in their eyes.

This is as bad as the time Twilight enchanted her Smartypants doll with the want it need it spell, except I'm the doll now, I thought as I backed, until my flanks hit the wall behind me.

"Now ladies, let's just stop this before somepony gets hurt, "mainly me, I said as they came closer and closer.

I don't want to die while I am young, wait I have wings, my eyes widen at the information and said, "well ladies it has been fun, but I got vamoose."

I quickly took up before they can grab me and pull me down.

That was way to close, I thought as I soared in the sky and then I realized something, but wait, those were Earth ponies, where are the…

"THERE HE IS! "yelled a voice behind me.

I turned around in the air and saw a flock of pegasi or should I say murder of pegasi (for those who don't know, a flock of crows is called a murder) for they have that in their eyes.

"Oh crap, not again, "I said as I took off flying trying to get away from them.

After an half an hour of cat and mouse and losing the pegasi, for now. I was getting tried.

Ok I need a place to rest, as I flew past Sugarcube Corner I saw a open window, that's convenient.

I flew through the window and dropped to the floor in the room.

As I was catching my breath, I heard a voice in front of me asking, "whacha doing?"

"Getting some rest and catching my breath, because running and flew can..." I trailed of thinking, wait a minute, if I am in Sugarcube Corner then that means...

I looked up and saw Pinkie there with a big smile and a pair of cuffs and a ball gag.

I gulped, ok heat plus Pinkie Pie equals Kinky Pie, uh-oh.

I stood up saying as I slowly back up to the window I can in from, "Sorry that I flew in... uninvited."

Pinkie started walking towards me saying, "it's ok, in fact I was about to invite you to a party of mine."

"What kind of party is it? "I asked worried, "and how many are invited?".

"It's a special kind of party and the only guests are you and me, "Pinkie answered.

I'm scared.

"Ah don't be, I swear it's going to be fun, "she said as she read my mind.

"You can read minds? "I asked disbeliefed.

"No, but I can read italics, "She said crypticly.

"Ok that's it, I'm sorry Pinkie, but I have to decline your invite and I am out of here, "I flew through the window in blur and quickly flew away from the store.

After a few minutes of flying I was growing tried, ok that was a bit to close, now I need a place to hide.

I must have have been flying for a while, because when I looked down I saw that I was above Fluttershy's cottage.

Oh I know Fluttershy, she is to kind to go crazy and... make love to me.

I landed in front of her door and when I was about to knock on her door I heard Fluttershy said in a assertive voice, "you come here young man and take you medicine, right now."

Oh god, never mind, I took off in fright thinking, I feel bad for the stallion that's in there.


"Angel come here right now and take your medicine, you have the flu and I don't want you getting the the other animals sick too, don't make me give you the Stare, "Fluttershy said assertive to the bunny.

Back Outside

After another group of pegasi finding me and easily loss them in the clouds, I was currently hiding in a tree; ok reading about this in fanfics is hilarous, but being part of it is not fun and I seriously need a place to hide for the rest of today, wait I know the library.

I poked my head out of the tree and looked around for any pegasus or Earth ponies that wants to… *cough* make some serious love to me without my permission.

When I saw that the coast was cleared I left my hiding place in a blur, as I made my way to the library, I was getting really nervous, because the library is on the other side of town.

I was half way there when there was a colorful flash and a very loud boom.

I looked around and saw a ring of rainbow spreading in the air with a stream of rainbow coming from it.

Awesome, I saw the… well not exactly the sonic rainboom, I thought as I saw it, she must have done that to save me, she is truly a loyal friend, and then it hit me.

The rainbow was coming right at me!

"Ah crap, she brought out the heavy artillery on me, "as I tried to fly faster, but it was no use as Dash was faster than me in the air, "I guess she is also loyal to her needs too."

Then I realized something, I can warp. I pulled down my goggles and concentrated as Dash was just a few yards away from me.

At the last second I disappeared in a flash and appeared in front of the library.

I quickly opened the door and entered, shutting the door as I entered the library.

"Arcana we have a problem here, "I called out to her as I walked to the center of the room.

Then once again I realized something, stupid, Arcana is an pony and she is a mare, then that means…

I quickly turned around and ran as fast as I can to the door, but I was too late for I was immediately enveloped in a white light and was lift in the air.

I was turned around and there I saw Arcana walking down the stairs in a seductively way and she had her gem wings out.

"Hello there you handsome stud, "she said as she walked up to me.

"Now Arcana, don't d-d-do something y-you'll r-r-regret, "I said nervously.

"Ah come on now, it's just a circle of life."

"Ya, but this is not the way."

"Ah, don't be like that, "Arcana said as she started to circle me like a shark does with its' prey, "I know that you have feelings for me."

I close my eyes as felt myself blush, because what she is true, I liked her ever since we have been friends.

"It's true I do have feelings for you, but right now you are just in heat and I don't want our friendship to end, because of this."

I opened my eyes and saw Arcana's rear in my view, and felt myself becoming redder and my southern regions becoming hard and my wing lifting all be themselves, ah dang the wing boner thing is true.

Arcana noticed that I was looking at her flank and said, "Do you like what you see?"

I took a breath and said, "Arcana, where is Twilight anyway?"

She gives me a crazy grin and says, "she's not going to join us, because you see, she put herself into a trance like sleep for the day downstairs, "and then she started up the stairs with me in tow.

Oh god, I don't want this to happen, it might end our friendship, I need to get out of here, like right now.

I started to flap my wings trying to get away, and Arcana noticed this and said, "It's useless to get away, because you see that spell is an advance levitation spell."

I concentrated to try to get away, light started to appear, "what's going on here? "Arcana asked and then there was a big blinding flash (luckily I still have my goggles on) and appeared in a great hall.

"Star is that you?"

I twirled around, expecting another mare to chase me and was surprise to see Princess Celestia and Princess Luna their staring at me with surprise in their eyes.

"Ya it's me, now can somepony tell me where I am and how I got here?"

"Well you are in Cantorlot and you appeared in a bright flash and there you were, "Luna answered.

"Wow I warped that far, "I said amazed.

"And where did you come from Star? "Celestia asked.

"Ponyville library, "I answered.

Again the look of surprise was on their faces.

"Let me guess, the mares in Ponyville are in heat and were after you, "Celestia said in a deadpanned toned.


"But why didn't you come here yesterday? "Luna asked.


Celestia answer, "well you see, every year around this time, because since the male population is ten to one, mares tend to go a bit crazy if there is a stallion nearby so-."

"A bit, they nearly got me a couple of times, "I interrupted shocked.

Celestia looked at me with annoyed expression.


Celestia continues, "so the stallions of nearby towns like Ponyville comes here for a day while the mares in the towns live on, but how come you didn't come here yesterday?"

"Ah forgot something, the reason I didn't know, because I wasn't always a pony remember, "I said as I sat on my haunches and crossed my forelegs.

Celestia chuckled nervously and said, "I did forget, maybe I should've sent you a letter about this upcoming event."

"You think, but I have a question, how come you both are not affected?"

"We are both over two thousand years old, so we both are in total control, now enough questions, go on and enjoy the city, "Celestia suggested, "don't make me make it into a command."

"Alright then, but I have one more question, where am I suppose to sleep tonight?"

"Well you can sleep in one of the guest suites here in the palace, "Luna said with a wicked grin.

"Oh um… that is fine and all, but I want to sleep tonight and not find myself sleeping with one of you, "I said nervous.

Celestia let a sigh in annoyance and said to Luna, "Luna, how many times to have to say, quit trolling other ponies, that's mine job."

We all started laughing, after we all finished Celestia opened the door to let me out.

I walked out of the throne room and saw a guard and said, "yo, what's up."

He gave me a look of surprise as I left the throne room, probably because I didn't enter through the front door.

I left the palace and looked down at Cantorlot and thought as I made my way down to the city, now let's see what I can do here in this fair city.


Hello everypony, now I am not sure if this chapter caused some of you to be mad at me, and if I did then I am sorry, but I really had a fun time writing this, and please review, because I want to know what everypony is thinking, goodbye.

End A/N

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