Twilight went about her days in as normal a fashion as she could. It was hard for her, because she was anxious about seeing Rarity again as well as receiving a letter from Solaris. Surprisingly enough, the letter did not arrive that day, which made Twilight even more anxious. Usually, replies only took a few minutes to a few hours. Where was the letter? What if Solaris didn't have any advice? What if he thought she was a horrible student? What if--
"Twilight, you're shaking." She yelped and turned towards the source. Elusive looked back at her, concerned. "If you don't feel up to modeling today, I can use the mannequins. I don't want to stab you with the needles..." He set down the pins he had been levitating and approached her slowly. "Twilight? ...You're thinking about them again, aren't you?"
Twilight sighed, taking care not to knock the swathes of fabric out of her. "Sorry, Elusive. Yes, I have been thinking about them, but I'm more worried about getting a letter from the Prince. I wrote to him yesterday and I haven't gotten a reply yet."
"I'm sure he's just busy, Twilight," the alabaster colt said, "I mean, he does have both of you writing to him now. Maybe it's confusing him or something." He levitated the pins again. "Now, am I safe to pin up your new dress, or do we have to put it on a mannequin?"
"I'll be still." Elusive smiled warmly at her. It made her stomach flutter.
"Good." The fashion colt finished pinning up her dress and sewed up the seams. Twilight couldn't see the dress very well since she was wearing it, but she did know that it had colors that complimented her coat, mane, and eyes. It didn't seem too frilly from the parts she could see.
It took Elusive a full hour sewing and inspecting the dress. He would sew and look at it for awhile. Then he'd take out some stitches and redo them. Finally, he was satisfied with his creation. "Come on, Twi. Lets see how you look." She went to the mirror and stared for a long time at the mare on the other side.
She was beautiful. Twilight didn't remember herself ever being so pretty. The purple base of the dress made her eyes stand out, and there were thin magenta veils of fabric covering the base. Silvery white stars bejeweled her neckline and the skirts of the dress. Her cutie mark decorated the back of the dress. Gold lined the skirt and tendrils of gold swirled from the lining. It was wonderful. It was perfect. It was just what she asked for.
"Twilight? What do you think?"
"It's amazing," she breathed. Elusive smiled, both proud of what he'd created, and happy that Twilight liked it so much. Carefully, the purple mare slipped out of the dress. She lifted it with a levitation spell and turned it around in a circle, admiring the handiwork from all angles.
"It's not as pretty if you're not wearing it." Twilight felt her cheeks burn. Elusive laughed.
"Can I tell you something?" Elusive seemed surprised by the question. He responded immediately.
"Of course, Twilight. What is it?"
"I...I talked to Rarity." Elusive looked puzzled. "She's the you from my universe. I accidentally cast a mind linking spell when I was sleeping, and I found that I have a way to communicate with them now."
"That's wonderful news, Twilight!" he told her, grinning, "This could get you one step closer to going home." He frowned. "You will come visit, right?" He seemed concerned on the matter. Very concerned. Like, abnormally concerned that, for some odd reason, she wouldn't come back to visit when she found a way home...
"Of course! Why wouldn't I?" She laid the dress gently on a mannequin and took a few steps towards Elusive. "Why, Elusive?" Her tone had changed. It seemed darker, maybe almost menacing. Her brow was furrowed like she was deep in thought, and her eyes were locked on him.
He seemed embarrassed at the question, as well as at least a little disturbed with the way it had been asked. His face turned pink as he stuttered, "W-well, I...I like you..."
"Like, as a friend?" Twilight knew where this was going, but she asked anyway. Her face softened. Her tone was lighter.
"Well, not exactly.... Maybe..." Almost like Fluttershy, or Butterscotch, he mumbled the rest of it, and she didn't hear it. She knew what it was anyway, though.
"More than just friends?" Elusive nodded, and Twilight smiled. "That's how I feel too." He looked up at her, a mixture of surprise, confusion, and happiness gracing his perfect face.
"Really? Oh, Twi, this makes me so happy!" They hugged each other and talked for awhile. With the curtains of the boutique closed, they told stories and shared secrets, laughing the whole while. It made Twilight forget about her friends for a little while. Eventually, however, the topic did come up.
"So, you're probably talking to Rarity again tonight?" Twilight paused, suddenly uncomfortable. They had been having such a good time. Why was he bringing this up now?
"Yeah." She glanced skeptically at him. "Maybe she'll know how to help me. Besides, I know that it's nice here, but it is nice to talk to them too, or at least one of them."
"I know, Twi..." Elusive sighed, "I really do wish you could find a way home... What was that spell you were talking about?"
"The mind linking one? It's really simple. It's in one of my books. I could show you." Twilight was suddenly eager. She never got to show anypony her books.
"Maybe another time, Twi, but this spell connects to the other unicorn's magical signature, doesn't it?" She deflated slightly, but answered the question, even if it was a little suspicious.
"Yeah, so?" Elusive waved a hoof at her, dismissing her prodding for information.
"Oh, nothing, Twi," he said, a slightly guilty and worried expression on his face, "Nothing at all."
1944483 I mean her.
Good job. This needs to be featured. I approve of the Twilusive shipping.
All things considered, I think twilusive was the better choice.
*Facepalm* Consarnit Twilight! Why must you always miss the things hidden in plain sight!
And Elusive I am shocked! Withholding such information, not very gentlecoltly of you.
Elusive! Tell her, tell her, TELL HER!
Good... No, erm, double incest? Eh, at least no DuskxTwi.