Twilight Sparkle was adjusting to her temporary life. She slept in the spare bed, spent her mornings reading books in the library with Dusk, spent her afternoons around Ponyville, nights with Dusk again. She had hung out with the guys once during the afternoon, but, although they claimed that they enjoyed her company, the only place she felt comfortable was in the boutique with Elusive, because being around clothing that seemed to bridge the gap between their genders whereas anywhere else didn't have that connecting object.
She had started hanging out with other mares around Ponyville. Macarina was fun to hangout with sometimes, even if she was a bit shy, but the other mares went to the spa and hung out doing things that Twilight missed from her other life. The one she left. The one she needed to go back to. It had only been a week, but to the purple unicorn, it felt like an eternity. She missed her friends more and more everyday, even though she knew that they were always around, even if they were colts.
Elusive became her closest companion in the confusing world. As he measured her for a dress, something he had never tried before, but was willing to give a try, Twilight felt a few stray tears sting at her eyes. "Twilight?" he asked her, concerned, "Twilight, what's wrong?" A tissue levitated over and wiped the tears away. Elusive, ever the gentlecolt, led her to the sofa, sitting down next to her. "What's bothering you, Twilight?"
"I don't know," she mumbled, "I just feel so...alone. I don't spend any time with Blitz or Applejack or Butterscotch. They never seem comfortable around me, and it makes me feel uncomfortable too. Bubble Berry only comes around now and again, he's always busy keeping everypony happy, so I never spend time with him either. I only ever talk to you and Dusk. I spend most of my free time with Macarina and the other mares in Ponyville. I feel like I'm avoiding you guys." Elusive patted her shoulder and ran a comb through her hair.
"Twilight, dear. They don't understand. Blitz and Applejack are both brash and Butterscotch's uncomfortable around mares. It's not your fault. It will just take them all awhile to get used to it. Don't worry, they just don't know how to act. It makes them nervous when they don't know what to do. Being a fashion colt, I have to be able to talk to mares." The fashion colt levitated over some hair care products and styled Twilight's hair. "Maybe if we all do something together it will help break the ice."
"Maybe..." Twilight gazed at the closed curtains of the boutique. They were always closed when she was there. Elusive knew she didn't like for ponies to be able to watch her from the other side. He knew her so well. Probably better than anypony else, even her friends back in her own universe. "But what would we do?" Elusive set down the comb and thought.
"A picnic, perhaps?" Twilight nodded in agreement. That sounded good. Food and bonding all in one.
"Yeah, that could work. There's not much else that we could actually do anyway that wouldn't be awkward or wouldn't have a lot more ponies than just us." The other unicorn nodded.
"We could suggest it..." A clap of thunder shook the boutique, startling them both. Elusive magicked the windows open to reveal a raging storm of wind and rain. "Oh, my! What a disaster! I'm so sorry, Twilight. I completely forgot about the downpour scheduled for this evening. Oh, how did it get to be so late? You simply cannot go out in weather like this, my dear. You should stay her." Twilight tried to protest. "I insist."
"Well, if you want me to, I guess..." Twilight blushed, "Do you have a guest room or anything? I never really stayed at Rarity's much, so I don't know."
"Well, you can sleep in my little brother's room. He's out at Applejack's tonight." Twilight nodded, yawning. "You can go up and lay down now, if you want. I know how little sleep you both get." The purple mare blushed at this, still nodding.
"Thank you," she said, "You've been a great help to me Elusive. I know it's only been a week, but I feel like its been years since I left. Thank you so much."
"I'm glad I could help Twilight. Now, I think you should rest. I'll be going to bed soon anyway." Twilight trotted tiredly up the stairs and into the guest room. Crayon drawing lined the walls. Smiling, Twilight crawled into bed and closed her eyes. Things weren't as lonely as they seemed.
Twilusive...........Do it

I like the Twilusive pairing...
Twilusive yup
Hmmm..... Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's okay, as long as Rarity doesn't find out. She'd be all
Twilusive, huh? Seems like a good ship~