"Dusk Shine!" The shout made both unicorns jump. Twilight turned to see the colt version of Pinkie Pie hopping gleefully towards them. He stopped in front of them. "Oh wow. Dusk, you were gone for soo long, and I was soo bored. Oh, who's your new friend? Is she nice? Hi! My name's Bubble Berry and we are going to be best friends! Yay!" Twilight smirked slightly at the pink pony's antics.
"Nice to meet you, Bubble Berry. My name is Twilight Sparkle." The party pony grinned.
"Wow, that's a cool name. Hey! Did you know that Twilight Sparkle and Dusk Shine mean almost the same thing? It's almost as if you and him are the same pony-" Twilight turned to Dusk, temporarily blocking out the pink colt's banter.
"We should get everypony together to tell them." Dusk nodded in agreement and they turned back to Bubble just as he was saying....
"...and I'm gonna have to throw you a huge party!"
"Errrm...Bubble Berry, maybe that should wait. Can you get the other guys and get them to meet us at the library?" WIthout a word, the pink pony nodded and dashed off in record speed. Twilight giggled. "So, I guess you must have a pony for Bubble?"
"Yes, her name is Pinkie Pie. She lives with the Cakes in Sugarcube Corner. I suspect Bubble does the same?"
"Yeah, except our 'Cakes' are called the 'Pies'."
"That'll be confusing." Twilight and Dusk entered the library. After a few minutes, there was a knock on the door and five ponies stood in the doorway, one of them hopping constantly, and another floating in the air. Twilight took in the sight of Dusk's friends, well, her friends, just gender switched. She didn't realize that she had begun to stare at Rarity's double, his mane just dazzling her in the fact that it could be so similar yet so differ at the same time.
"Are you quite all right, my dear?" he asked politely. She blinked several times as she came back to reality.
"W-what? Oh, sorry..." she looked away, blushing.
"Well, don't just stand in the doorway, guys. Come on in." Dusk led them into the main room, where they all took a seat on the floor. "Guys, I would like to introduce you to Twilight Sparkle."
"Why Dusk, her name..." colt-Rarity started, "...and she looks just like you. Are you twins?" The other unicorn knew how ponies connected their family tree with names. The bonds between a pony and their name were very strong, and unicorn's bonds were the strongest of all.
"Not exactly, Elusive," Dusk explained. Twilight mentally remembered the name of the alabaster colt. "Twilight and I aren't twins. Were not brother and sister either." His eyes scanned his friends faces for a moment. "Twilight Sparkle and Dusk Shine are names that mean nearly identical things. For unicorns, no other unicorn is even allowed to have a name that similar to another living unicorn."
"What are you saying?" Rainbow Dash's colt version asked, "Is one of you a zombie pony?" The others whispered to each other.
"Of course not!" Twilight sighed, exasperatedly, "I'm Dusk as a mare." The room fell silent. Twilight stared at them all for a moment before continuing. "I discovered a spell written by Starswirl the Bearded, who you know as Starspiral the Knowledgable. I didn't know what it did, and when I cast it, I found that it transported me to another universe. However, when a unicorn uses this spell, they find themselves in the other universe and lock onto their own magical signature. Because I am no longer in my own universe, I cannot lock onto my signature. In other words, I can't get home."
"She also has another problem," Dusk chimed in, "When she arrived here, Prince Solaris detected her magical signature and, thinking I was in danger, he tapped Twilight's magic. During that time, Twilight was experiencing an allergic reaction, which triggered a reaction with the tap. Even though the tap has been removed, she does not have the magical stamina to preform her spell until it wears off, which is going to be awhile. Twilight will be staying here with me for three months until the tap sickness goes away." He turned to his friends. "I hope you all can help me make her comfortable for the time she is staying here. Now, I think it would be in order for you all to introduce yourselves."
"I'm Rainbow Blitz," the colt-RD told her, "But everypony calls me Blitz."
"I'm Applejack," the burly Apple colt said, "It's nice to meet you." At least she wouldn't have any trouble with that name.
"My name in Elusive, my dear," the alabaster unicorn said, "It's lovely to meet you." He gave her a slight bow.
"I'm Butterscotch." Twilight gave the shy pegasus colt a reassuring smile. Butterscotch smiled back.
"And you know me! I'm Bubble Berry!" The energetic colt hopped about the room for a minute.
"I really appreciate you all being so nice to me. Thank you," Twilight said, "Heh, looking at you all, it's very odd from what I'm used to. I mean, you're all mares. Butterscotch, in my universe, you're name is Fluttershy. She's just as shy as you and she has a pet bunny named Angel. Blitz, your female counterpart's name is Rainbow Dash. She won the Best Young Flyers competition, as you probably did, and she is trying to get into the Wonderbolts group. She got into the camp not long ago. Applejack, your name isn't so confusing, because it's the same in my universe. I'm sure you're exactly as hard working and honest as the mare that I know, though I expect that your a tad bit stronger than her because you're a colt." She approached Elusive slowly, taking a slow walk around him as she spoke. "Elusive, your double is a beautiful fashionista named Rarity. She designed dresses for my friends in my universe for the Grand Galloping Gala. They were lovely, and I expect that your skills with the sewing machine are as astounding as her own." Twilight turned to the last colt in the room. "Bubble Berry," she began, a grin growing on her face, "You are the male version of my good friend Pinkie Pie. She loves to laugh and smile, but she is also very responsible. She is one of the best friends a pony could have, just as I am sure you are." Twilight smiled at all of them. "When I do find a way back I'll have to figure out a way to visit, and maybe brings my friends too. Until then, you're going to have me here full time, well, at least until my magic returns to its normal capacity."
"Wow, miss Twilight. Ah ain't never heard anything so nice," Applejack said, wrapping his forelegs around Twilight in a hug. The others joined in. "We're lucky to have another great friend."
"I'm lucky that you're all so nice and caring like my friends back in my universe." A few tears rolled down Twilight's checks. "Thank you all so much for accepting me."
"Why wouldn't we accept you, my dear? After all, if you are so similar to Dusk as you say, there is no reason for us not to."
"Thank you," Twilight said happily, "Thank you all so much."
I expected Bubble to react a bit more...Crazy
Shouldn't that be "accepting"?
1942171 "Muffins" instead of "Cupcakes".