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Chapter four : Meet the runner

// Story: PROTOTYPE Equestria
// Chapter four : Meet the runner
// Author: Azzazel

Authors note: Many thanks to both Greasebrony and Zephyr who pre-read this ! If you haven't read their stories you should definitely do so their very good, I'm just saying. Hope this longer chapter will make up for such a long delay. I still don't know how much it will take to upload the next but it will be shorter thus sooner.Enjoy!

Chapter four

*The group finally got out of the forest and were surprised to see the two royal sisters waiting at the edge of the forest. The group gave a bow and Twilight was the first to speak:*

"Princess what are you doing here?''

"Oh I just came to see if my faithful student and her friends were alright. Now, Twilight where is your new friend? Alex, was it?'' She spoke in a motherly voice as Twilight got up and replied.

''Oh yes, maybe he needed to 'relieve' himself.'' Twilight blushed a little.

Behind the princesses and the guards the runner spoke:

''Far from it.''

Gasps from the guards and the princesses made Alex smile.

"I wasn't sure if this was an ambush or a friendly meeting.'' He said nonchalantly.

Twilight was a bit shocked but said: ''Y-you knew they were here? H-how?''

His eyes glowed a faint blue and he said: ''I have good eyes .'' (Still smirking.) ''And I assume these are your leaders?''

He said examining the two alicorns. "I'm not impressed.''

' *sigh* They are talking horses, well ponies. I really have to stop overestimating my opponents its not like they could pull a strike team from thin air...' He thought.
His last comment snapped Golden Beam back to reality who chose to stand up for the princess.

''S-show some respect you're in the presence of the highest authority in Equestria!" He said his voice shaking a little.

Alex examined the frightened pony and laughed.

''W-whats so funny?'' Golden Beam asked slightly irritated.

''You can't expect me to take you seriously with that armor hahahaha!'' He continued.

''*Grrr* What's wrong with my armor?'' Golden Beam was starting to get angry.

''Well the design is horrible and flawed, and it says that the most serious mission you ever had was guarding the entrance to a tea party!'' He said matter-of-factually.

Golden Beam was about to go on a rampage when the runner's words hit him like a ton of bricks.
The worst he actually saw WAS guarding the princesses' tea party so instead of raging he became embarrassed.

Rainbow Dash seemed to remember that and started laughing her flank off. Alex took notice of this and decided to add insult to injury.

''I take it that means I was right. Man I needed a good laugh, I feel for you. Whatever it is their paying, it's not enough!''
Alex was doing his best to enrage the stallion, and it worked. Golden Beam couldn't take any more and snapped.


''Oh, gag me.'' Alex said as he jumped ten feet backwards. He took stance and said. ''Well I'm in a good mood, so do your worst.''

Golden Beam pawed at the ground in anger, steam coming from his nostrils and pure rage in his eyes.
Alex continued to smile as he waited for the stallion to attack, this would be his first fight were he didn't have to kill his opponent. Golden Beam launched himself forward using his wings to gain speed and surprise Alex. But he quickly realized, it wasn't the best idea to attack an alien creature that supposedly defeated a Hydra.
Once he reached striking distance he found himself stammering backwards looking at the sky, his helmet at least 20 feet above his head.
The runner had one finger up in the air, he leaned forward as the guard regained his balance. The guard's eyes widened when he saw Alex's hand in front of him , a flip of a finger later the guard found himself flying. Luckily he was caught by captain Silvermane. He felt as if a mountain collided with his head and then he blacked out.

''Hardly a challenge.'' Said Alex in an emotionless voice.

The princesses managed to keep a straight face, but just barely. As for the mane six : Rarity fainted in a dramatic way, Pinkie Pie was grinning, Applejack had her jaw hit the floor, Fluttershy was hiding behind Applejack, Twilight was awed and Rainbow Dash almost let out a fan-girl squeal.

For the most time on the way towards Ponyville she constantly talked about Alex's fight with the Hydra and how awesome it was, it was flattering but annoying as well.

Silvermane looked at his unconscious friend and then glared at Alex. He simply shrugged it off and smiled.

''Hey, he attacked first, tell you what, I will give you a free shot, no retaliation so make it count.''

He patted his chest and a crazy smile broke on Silvermane's face .

''You're going to regret that offer.'' He said in a psychotic tone.

''*sigh*Just get on with it I don't have all day.''Alex said clearly not impressed.

Silvermane recalled what happened when his friend got to close and decided that a ranged attack was a better alternative. He spoke.

''I will turn you into ASH!''

Alex simply motioned for him to carry on. The unicorn wasn't thinking straight and channeled all his energy into a single spell. He cast the spell and Alex was engulfed by a giant firestorm. The guard had a twisted smile on his face and was on the verge of collapsing from the effort. An entire minute passed until a cyan mare realized what just happened, tears starting to flow down her cheeks as she screamed in horror.

''Alex NOOOOOO!''

She yelled at the top of her lungs and tried to fly towards the blazing inferno. She was covered by a purple aura pinning her down. She looked over and saw an upset Twilight with tears in her eyes, but before she could say anything a familiar voice responded.

''Yes Rainbow, what do you want?''

All the heads turned to the pillar of flames and saw a hand effortlessly reach out and disperse the fire in one swift move. Alex stepped out of the fire not in the least affected by the flames.

''I'm right here you don't need to shout.''

He said it like nothing happened.

'This was nothing compared to the modified napalm those Black-watch assholes used, and even that wasn't very effective in the end.'

He smiled as he remembered. He received shocked looks from the ponies who were watching, since two were unconscious and another was to afraid to look .

''What?'' He asked as if he wasn't expecting those reactions.

Silvermane (barely awake) managed to mutter ''H-how...'' Before falling into unconsciousness.

Alex looked at the guard and threw his hands behind his head.

''Well this is the first fight I ever won by doing absolutely nothing.''

He said still smiling. Princess Luna was shocked and impressed at the same time but kept a straight face, her sister on the other hand(hoof?) had a weird grin on her face.

''That was impressive, you've managed to take down two of my best guards with ease, I would like to know more about your kind and what you can do. I would like you to come with me to Canterlot to answer a few questions and to make sure you are not a threat to my little ponies.'' She said in a calm voice.

Alex looked at her and cocked an eyebrow.

''Twilight can give any information you might need and as for going with you... I will have to decline.''A smug grin creped on his face.

''If you don't come willingly I will be forced to take action, I know it's confusing but I must make sure you won't cause any disturbance.''

''What is confusing is that you believe I actually give a crap. You can take your demand and shove it up your royal ass. I will not go with you and really there isn't much you can do about it.''

He said in a slightly annoyed tone. He never liked arrogant or conceited people like Black-Watch who kept coming even though they didn't stand a chance.

Everypony except Celestia cringed at the statement. He was politely requested to come with her and he just had the nerve to tell her away like that.

''I cannot allow you to roam free until I'm certain you won't harm anypony.''

Alex ignored her and began walking towards the town when he felt a small tap on his back accompanied by a bright flash of white.
Celestia had sent a spell at Alex who shrugged it off and turned around saying:

''So you wish to go against me? You have no idea who you're up against.''

Alex bowed his head just enough so that his hood would cover his eyes, a sick, evil grin appearing on his face. Looking at him the ponies noticed his mood has changed, it was like an aura of fear and death was forming around him.

''I'm not your average carbon-based biped.'' He said as he took stance.

''Luna get the guards and the girls to a safe spot, it would seem our new friend needs to be taught some manners!''

Celestia said smirking. Luna did as her sister asked and carried the three unconscious ponies to the edge of the forest.
Once the ponies were safe Celestia's horn grew bright and a ball of light was sent flying towards Alex, He hit the ball with the back of his palm, easily sending it into a random direction. After reaching a safe distance Rarity had managed to wake up, confusion in her eyes as she noticed the fight going on.

''W-what did I miss?'' She asked with concern in her voice.

''Your new friend Alex failed to comply with our request and is now fighting my sister.'' Answered Luna.

''B-but why, he didn't harm any of us and protected us from that horrible beast!''

''I know, but after the performance with the guards and his rudeness I believe my sister wants to teach him a lesson.''

Rarity went silent and all the ponies went back to watching the fight.
A giant rock pillar rose underneath Alex who skillfully avoided it with a back-flip. As he landed a white light began engulfing his body. The pillar was merely a distraction. Celestia summoned a powerful binding spell, it would seem victory was at hoof but Alex wasn't done yet.

Alex burst trough the force-field with ease shattering it, like it was made of glass. Celestia predicted this, her horn glowing brighter as a wave of electricity was sent towards him, gaining speed and power as it neared the runner.
Alex stood there not moving, preparing for impact. The ponies and princess Celestia were confused as to why Alex was just standing there.
He knew it wouldn't be enough to kill him and the virus was slowly modifying his body to be more resistant to magic. As the strike connected with his body, a pillar of light exploded, surrounding the area with a blinding flash.

As the light dispersed, the familiar sounds of jaws dropping could be heard.
Alex was sitting there hands in his pockets smirking at their reactions.
The blast affected him sure, but the virus instantly regenerated any damage he sustained.
He was building up resistance.

''Are you even trying? You'll have to do better than that.'' He said in a smug tone.

'It seems he is very resistant to magic I guess this leaves me little choice.' Celestia thought as a dark-purple aura began forming around her body, her eye glowing bright white, a purple flame forming on her wings and horn.

''Cool trick, do you perform at party's too?'' He said smirking.

''If you're treating this like a game! It's time to get serious, I will not let anypony be harmed because your nonchalantness!''

Everypony was in awe as they saw Celestia's battle aura take shape and maxing her powers.

''Yeah, I dare you, rage quit make us both happy.'' He mocked. ''Show me what you got Pixie Dust.''

'This should be interesting. '

Celestia rushed at Alex a blast spell was at the tip of her horn. He flipped to the side as the spell was sent, it left a crater where Alex was standing, a wave of dust was everywhere.
She looked around spotting Alex as he rushed to her side rearing his fist. Celestia dodged in the nick of time, Alex had his fist charged and after she dodged it a crater erupted from where she had been a moment ago, the small shock from the impact gathering dust as it went.
She then turned to Alex sending a barrage of energy blasts towards him, but all projectiles were batted away by his swift moves. She was also holding a charged fire spell, her horn burning stronger from it.

''I will give you one last chance.'' She said in a calm, yet demanding voice. ''Come quietly and you won't be harmed.''

''Loosing confidence princess? Do YOUR WORST.'' He challenged.

"I hate using violence, but if it is the only way you will comprehend, then you give me no choice in the matter."

Celestia said as she sent the spell, the flaming tornado leaving a burnt path in its wake. It was a lot more potent than Silvermane's.
Celestia gave a grin. She knew it was over and everything would calm down but, she didn't know Alex.
Needless to say he knew how to react to the spell, merely seconds after the purple inferno hit Alex, a swift move broke it with ease and dispersed the spell.
Celestia was shocked and turned her head towards the mane six, her horn glowing and the elements of Harmony appeared by her side.

''P-princess are you sure?'' Twilight asked as she looked at her mentor.

''Yes hurry now.'' Celestia said in a calm voice. The mane six turned to Alex who smiled and motioned for them to continue full of confidence. They all got behind Twilight and they suddenly started to float in midair, a lavender bubble surrounded them.
This caught Alex's attention as Celestia was in her combat position. All of the mane six's eyes started to glow and their element's started to glow white, each beam looped to another from Rainbow Dash to Applejack then to Rarity, to Pinkie Pie and to Fluttershy, and finally to Twilight whose eye's glowed white like her mentor's.
The energy of the Elements of Harmony instead of going to Alex, was headed towards a charged spell at the tip of Celestia's horn, into a magic ball. the ball was white instead of purple, it seemed to be beating, like a heart beat, calm, slow and warming.
Alex backed a few feet and went into a defensive position. Celestia then threw the combined energy blast at him, giving a victorious grin.

Alex simply waited for the energy to hit his body. The spell connected, the elements turned away from the scene except Celestia. The energy swallowed Alex completely seeming to disintegrate the runner's body. A moment later it exploded and a wall of light pierced the very sky from the amount of power used in the spell. The mane six looked sad and on the verge of tears as Celestia turned to speak to comfort them.

Her battle aura no longer active and the sad look on her face spoke that she never wanted this to happen. She was about to speak when a metallic sound interrupted her action.

*CLAP* Then another sound. *CLAP* And another. *CLAP* Almost rhythmic.
The light from the spell faded and a creature walked out from the wall of light. *CLAP*.

The ponies were horrified as the creature took another step *CLAP*. The runner stopped and clapped again the armor began receding from his hands and then his entire body.

*clap clap clap*

The creature now known to be Alex was applauding while smiling.

'Genetics 1 Magic 0' He thought to himself. The ponies didn't know how to react.

''An admirable effort princess, had it been any other human it would have been vaporized.'' He said with pride.'' But I'm not your average human and I don't take kindly to arrogance.''

Before they could react he shifted his arms into claws and began sprinting towards Celestia, the ground bellow him exploding from the pressure as he reached incredible speeds leaving little to no time to react.
He had reached the princess and the only thing she could do was pray for it being quick. She closed her eyes and waited for the blow as Alex reared his right arm ready to slice her head off.
The group's eyes widened as time seemed to slow down, his claw moving in a sweeping motion.


Alex just stood there his gaze locked with that of a yellow pegasus, he couldn't move.
He felt something poking on the back of his mind like it was trying to overlap his control over his body. He began searching for answers examining the pegasus a bit more closely.

'Hmm interesting ability, probably activated in dire situations, forcing the target into a mental breakdown and into submission. Nice, these ponies are full of surprises.'

The virus began working, setting dividing barriers in the back of his mind, dispersing the effect of the stare.It didn't took long, a minute at best and Alex could move again.

He smiled and said.

''Fluttershy, it's rude to stare.''

This snapped the yellow pegasus out of her trance and with a yelp she went back to her old shy self. Alex chuckled at the cuteness, he remembered where he was and retracted his claws.
With normal hands he snapped his fingers a couple of times to awake the princess. She fearfully opened her eyes to meet the gaze of the runner. She was happy to still have her head attached to her body, yet she wondered why he didn't end the battle.
Alex decided to break the silence.

''What?No sense of humor?'' The ponies were dumbstruck at the statement. ''Oh c'mon I wouldn't take an innocent life no matter how annoying it is.''

He of course had taken innocent lives, many, but that was when he was blinded by rage and driven by revenge. He was on the path to redemption.

''What?'' He asked as he looked in disbelief at the glances he was receiving, like he just blasphemed the worst profanity.

Luna began trotting over to her sister and the runner, leaving the guards to rest under a tree. Her hooves were slightly shaking and she was incredibly nervous.
Alex just waited there for a kind of response but backed away a bit, considering personal space and leaving them room to think.
Luna slowly made her way towards the runner. He noticed her and gave a warm smile waving at her.
She stopped at a 'safe' distance and wanted to speak but was interrupted when he spoke before her.

''Well hello, nice of you to join the party.'' She wanted to speak but was interrupted again, this time by a pink, suddenly excited pony.

''Oh there's a party? Where? Oh I love party's, with balloons, confetti and streamers, and songs, and punch, and Cupcakes, I LOVE CUPCAKES!'' Pinkie said in her normal bubbly voice. Alex laughed a bit before saying.

''Good to see that at least one of you is passed the initial shock.'' Alex smiled. ''You can go ahead and ask whatever you want, I'm sure you have a lot of questions so it's better if we get rid of them early.''

He waited for somepony to break the silence. Luna decided to try and speak again since she was the least shocked.

''W-why did you attacked us?'' She asked her voice shaking a little.

''I didn't. It was self-defense.''

''I see...Why didn't you come peacefully?'' She continued.

''I was having fun. The walk to town was boring and I tried to lighten the mood.''

'That and the arrogance you ponies portrayed annoyed me to no end, I just had to do something.'

''FUN? LIGHT THE MOOD?I THOUGHT YOU WERE GOING TO KILL MY SISTER!'' She yelled using the Royal Canterlot voice.


Alex thought almost getting blasted from the volume.

''Oi, mind turning the volume down? I'm five feet away for Christ's sake!''

The voice was deafening and could probably break windows or even walls. This seemed to snap Luna out of her outburst.

''And you attacked me I'm not one to go down without a fight.''

''Only because you didn't comply with...''

''Your laws, not mine. I don't have a lot of faith in 'high authority'.''

''How so?''

''The obvious, if you didn't notice I'm a bit different.''

''So...not every human has those powers?''

Alex opened his mouth but words didn't come out instead an audible *smack* could be heard as his hand connected with his face.

''You're joking, right? I'm pretty sure Twilight sent a report detailing humans pretty well!''

The group began to come to their sense listening to the casual conversation between Luna and Alex.

''*sigh* Listen, humans aren't strong, and don't posses powers or magic. But they are very smart and capable of creating very advanced tools and machines, I detailed them pretty well so the report should be enough for now.''

''You speak as though you are not one of them.''

''Well I'm not, at least not entirely.''

''T-then what are you?'' Twilight finally spoke her voice shaking as she approached the runner.

''Official term is 'runner' unofficial term is shape-shifter. I think you need to hear my story to fully comprehend what I am. So get comfortable this is gonna take a while.''

He walked to a conveniently placed rock and planted himself on it. He motioned for the group to come closer.
They gathered round and listened intensely, fear being replaced by curiosity. He pulled down his hood and looked up at the sun to feel the warmth on his face, then he looked at the ponies and smiled.

''My story begins 25 days ago but the events that triggered it started even earlier. A company called GenTek were working on modifying a new virus for several purposes, if successful, they would have created a cure for every illness known to man. As you can guess it didn't turn out to well. The virus was called BLACKLIGHT and it was kept hidden from public eyes. One employee figured out something was wrong and decided to uncover what was really happening. He discovered the conspiracy and managed to get a hold of a vial containing the virus. He was discovered and was forced to flee. Reaching a metro station, he was cornered and in a last attempt he smashed the vial releasing the virus. He and several others were killed on the spot.'' He paused for air.

''What does that have to do with you?'' Luna asked intrigued by the story.

''That employee was me.'' The ponies were shocked.

''B-but you said they were killed!'' Luna cringed at the last word.

''They were, I woke up at the morgue in the GenTek building with no memory of who I was. The scientists who were about to carve me up mentioned my name and after I woke up, they fled and sounded the alarm. I had no idea where to go and what to do. They mentioned I had a sister and I went to look for her.''

He kept his story smooth and simple the ponies being more and more shocked as he went.
He explained the two factions out to get him: the United States Marines Corps and Blackwatch. He told them what happened after making contact with his sister, he told them about Elizabeth Greene. He explained her role,he told them about PARIAH and mentioned how all this could have been avoided if they weren't so arrogant and selfish.

He continued his story mentioning when he received some of his powers. He told them how he was betrayed by Karen Parker, telling them about CURE and how he tried to use it against Elizabeth which didn't end well. How he had found an ally in Dr.Ragland and how he helped Alex to neutralize the infection. He mentioned how Blackwatch upped the ante with the BLOODTOX and how they managed to modify certain strands of the virus to create super-soldiers.
He explained their role and how much he hated them because of their ability to spot him and because of how hard they were to kill. He told them about his sister and how she was captured by Greene, in the end 'neutralizing' her, saving his sister and learning of the threat heading towards the city.

He was pausing from time to time to let the ponies catch their breath, they were listening intently. He reached the part where he fought the Supreme hunter on the USS Ronald Reagan and how he saved the city from both infected and the military.
Alex wasn't responsible for this they could have stopped it but chose not to, he left out the parts where he consumed beings to reach his goals also leaving out the gory details. He was forced into this.

''Hive after Hive, Base after Base slowly cleaning up the city because of someone else's mistake.''

He continued telling them about 'The last resort' and how it threatened the city, forcing him to send Ragland with his sister out of the city. After about four hours he reached the end of his story saying:

''And thats how I ended up here. Now if you have any questions please raise your ha...hoof and I will answer as best as I can.''

The mane six and both Princesses raised one of their hooves simultaneously leaving Alex to choose.

''Ok...Princess Celestia I know you will ask if I will harm anypony, the answer is no I won't, please lower your hoof if you don't have any other questions.''

She lowered her hoof slowly thinking about what to ask.

''Luna, go ahead.''

''You said you were 'infected' does this mean the virus will affect anypony?''

''No I'm perfectly safe, the virus is contained within my body and since I don't bleed, it can't get out, its a bit more complicated than that but explaining it would be to much of a bother right now.'' Another hoof lowered.

''Applejack ask away.''

''You mentioned super-soldiers, how strong are they?''

''Hmm compared to me...Well when they first arrived they were as strong as me, before I came here they had gone down to only a third of my strength. After waking up here they go down to one forth, Why?.''

' This reminds me it seems the virus is still working, like its remodeling some of my back bones I wonder why.'

''In case they come here like you did, we would need to prepare for the worst.''

''Well don't worry about that, I came here by accident and the only thing that they cared was getting rid of me. So with that accomplished they probably got back to their usual business.'' She nodded satisfied with the response.

"Fluttershy go ahead.''

''Um...you won't harm any animals will you...If you don't mind me asking.'' She said barely audible, it was quite adorable.

''No Fluttershy I won't.''

'Alright next one.'

''Rarity go ahead.''

''Oh darling I simply must know where you got your clothes the design is excellent and it blends together wonderfully.''

'Really a fashion question?*sigh* might as well get this out of the way.'

"Rarity I'm a shape-shifter. These clothes are genetically made at molecular level so I can simply put, change my clothes and style whenever I want, see?''

He then changed his clothes to black long-coat, black leather pants and jacket, black boots and even sunglasses. He remained that way a few seconds before changing back.

''I will tell you later about styles and such from my world. But for now Twilight please ask. ''

''What will you do now?''

''I guess I will stick around, go sightseeing and helping I guess. I will figure it out as I go, I expect the princesses over there will work day and night to send back the genetic weapon of mass destruction.''

He smiled pointing at himself, the princesses looked embarrassed as if it was suppose to be hard to figure out what they were thinking.

''Don't worry I don't blame you, I'm still getting used to what I can do. Rainbow go ahead.''

''Ugh, finally! So, besides those claws and armor what other powers do you have?'' This sparkled the curiosity in the other ponies as well. Alex explained the two visions and what they did.

''Not that, something cooler, and don't just tell us, show us too!''

''You seriously want to see me change my arms into dangerous weapons?''

He asked cocking an eyebrow. Sure everypony was still scared but curiosity got the better of them and they all nodded in agreement.

''Fine.'' He jumped off the rock a feet backwards. ''My second defensive ability that doesn't sacrifice speed is the shield.'' A huge shield formed around his arm.

''Ok thats impressive, but you can't attack with a shield can you?'' Rainbow smiled triumphantly.

''Thats the fun part about being me. I can mix different powers as I need observe.''

His other arm turned into a giant blade at which everypony dropped their jaw. It was massive and looked like it would go trough anything. He the turned his shield arm into a claw and he looked like the last thing you would want to run into at night.

''One of my favorite combos.'' He decided against showing Musclemass and Hammerfists since they were irrelevant.

''That's all?'' Rainbow asked though clearly containing her excitement.

''Just one more.'' He smiled proudly as his left arm returned to normal and his right arm turning into his Whipfist.

''I was expecting something cooler.'' She said sounding a bit disappointed.

Alex backed a few more feet rearing his right arm. He threw his fist forward, a chain like weapon extending towards the rock he was sitting on a few minutes earlier. The rock was pulled from the ground revealing to be slightly larger, it went towards Alex who flung it into the air. It was about to descend on top of the runner when his whipfist cut the rock in half with ease.
His fist returned to normal as the two pieces fell to the ground on both sides of the runner's body.

''Impressive enough?''

He smirked, it was fun showing off his powers without having to use them to fight, it was a nice change of pace. As for the group, their jaws went down even more dangling like they were disconnected.

''THAT.WAS.AWESOME!'' Rainbow yelled in excitement.

''Really? I thought it would certainly freak you out and you'd run in horror.'' He said almost sarcastically.

''Are you kidding? That was great. With that kind of powers I doubt even dragons would be a challenge.''

''Thanks for the vote of confidence kid. Now I think it would be a good idea to leave.''

Celestia shook her head.

''Very well we shall head to Ponyville and reassure the residents. I hope you understand when I ask you not cause trouble.'' Her tone was rather strict considering she was about to be decapitated a few hours earlier.

''Don't worry if Blackwatch don't magically pop out of the woods, then everything will be fine.'' He said reassuringly. ''What about them?'' He asked pointing towards the unconscious guards.With everything that had happened they were kind of forgotten.

''Oh, yes, I almost forgot, Luna please take Golden Beam and Silvermane back to the Palace and explain the situation when they wake up.'' Celestia told her sister in a calm yet firm tone.

''Alright, I will be back as soon as possible.''

She trotted to the guards and a dark-blue light engulfed all three ponies then they disappeared without trace. Alex was impressed and a bit shocked but shook it off and said.

''Shall we go?''

They all nodded and began walking towards the town.

'Talking ponies, magic, mythical creatures I still wonder if I'm going insane!'

End chapter four.


Author's note: This will never go on hiatus if your wondering. Even though the next chapter will be smaller it will still be top quality [ <--- as good as I can possibly make it].

Editor's note: it took almost 1.5 hours to do this... Please, make shorter chapters!
Anyway, I hope my proofreading was enough and i found all of the problems.
