• Published 20th Nov 2012
  • 6,279 Views, 758 Comments

Then Everyone was an Alicorn - CluelessBrony

A botched spell turns everypony in Equestria into Alicorns

  • ...

Ominous Warnings

"Then, Trixie cast the Amniomorphic spell, banishing the demon to the deepest pits of Tartarus!"

Luna clapped her hooves together. "Tell another story!", she shouted, nearing the volume of her Royal Canterlot Voice. Trixie grinned. This was going off without a hitch! If the princess had a crush on her, her social ranking would skyrocket! Ponies hundreds of miles away would travel to Canterlot to watch her magic shows! Yup, this was definitely an opportunity for Trixie.

Trixie started to tell the tale of the time she had fought a pride of manticores with nothing but her magic and her wits. Of course, it never actually happened, but the princess didn't need to know that.

Just then, a knock was heard from the door. Trixie and the princess looked over. "Come in!", called the princess of the night. The door swung open, revealing a messenger who obviously wasn't taking his job very seriously. Was everypony nowadays slacking off in their jobs now that they all had better things to do?

"I have a letter for you,", he said, tossing the letter to the princess. He didn't stick around to see her look of disbelief at his lack of manners. The princess regained her composure and opened the letter.

Dear Luna,

I'm sorry, but I won't be able to come and help you learn the spell today. Delegates from Saddle Arabia have finally made their was here. They must be confused as to why they suddenly grew wings and horns! Can you manage on your own today?



She wouldn't be able to come today? But she already came today, Luna thought. She glanced over at the clock. She had been speaking with Trixie all night, and the hour hand was pointing firmly at the eight.

"Well, Trixie, I think it's time to get down to business.", she stated. The azure Alicorn across from her nodded. Using her magic, Luna lifted a spellbook from across the room and floated it over towards Trixie.

Trixie looked down at the book. It was old, incredibly so, and the pages were yellowing. The cover was made of leather, and Trixie didn't even want to think about where that leather must have been acquired. Using her magic, she opened up the book. Complex spells and notes were jotted all over the pages, giving the book a well used look.

Luna pointed at the book. "There is a bookmark in it, open up to the marked page.". Trixie did as she was told. The page in question was covered in the most complex spell she had ever seen. Trixie doesn't know if even she can do this!

"I won't even bother asking you if you've noticed anything different with eveypony,", she said, "but I will ask you this- Have you noticed that the sun hasn't fallen for days now?"

Trixie looked outside. Now that she thought about it, she couldn't remember the last time she saw the stars shining in the sky. Was it a side effect of whatever happened to change everypony? She voiced her question to the princess, who only lowered her head and sighed.

"You could say that. Everypony turned into an Alicorn like me and my sister as a result of a spell. The spell originated in Ponyville and travelled outward, affecting the whole world. Now, I won't tell you who cast the spell-"

"Was it Sparkle?"

Luna was silent for a moment. "Yes. It was Sparkle."

Trixie nodded. "That explains why everypony is an Alicorn now. Tell Trixie why the sun hasn't lowered."

As Luna relayed the tale of what had happened the last few days, Trixie started to grow more and more uneasy. She could tell where this was going, and she didn't like it. Not one bit. She didn't even care if the princess had a crush on her anymore, she just wanted to get out of here before the princess asked her the inevitable question.

"...and that's why I need you to turn everypony back to normal."

There it was. The question. She didn't want to turn everypony back to normal, she was happy the way she was! Everypony was happy! She voiced her opinion.

"Tell me this, Trixie-", the princess said. "Will everypony still be happy when all the crops burn and we starve? When all the water evaporates? When all the ice from the Crystal Empire melts and floods the coastline?". The princess leaned towards Trixie.

"Will they all be happy when they're all dead?"