• Published 15th Nov 2012
  • 7,290 Views, 380 Comments

Love Keeps Dragon On: The Return of Sapphire - The Lord Thunder

Ten years ago, two dragons said their goodbyes. What if they met again, under dire circumstances?

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Chapter 1

The golden light of morning shone through the shattered stained glass window of a quiet cathedral’s attic, rousing the creature who made her home there from her sleep. She stretched her front legs, yawned and beat her wings to stretch them as well, then looked to the sunrise out her window, which had been broken in such a way it looked like a mouthful of long, jagged glass teeth. The reds, blues and purples of that window glittered in the morning sunlight, a beautiful spectacle that was one of the many reasons she’d chosen to hide away in the attic of that church ever since the… accident… six years ago.

The creature tuned her ears to the murmur of voices below, another reason she enjoyed living in the attic of the cathedral. Once a week, the ponies would gather there to worship the higher beings. When she heard those voices and the gentle hymns they sang, she didn’t feel so alone.

Dragons never provided worship to anyone or anything but themselves. They didn’t care about beauty, unless it was a nest of sparkling gems. Dragons never gave her the sense of faith and hope that the equines did, which was one of the reasons she avoided going to the Dragonlands bordering Equestria. No, compared to ponies, dragons were a nasty sort.

The only problem was, the creature residing in that dusty old attic was a dragon herself. A dragon who, long ago, before her parents’ tragic accident, spent time in Equestria. The ponies welcomed her into one of their towns as if she was one of them, threw her an amazing party and offered her their friendship. Dragons never made friends unless they wanted something from another dragon, be it material things like a slab of gold or a flawless gem, or the peace of mind safety in numbers gave them.

The dragon looked out the window with her icy blue eyes and took in the scent of morning dew, but kept her ears on the sounds of worship below. She loved to watch the sunrise. This was her favorite part of the day. It was so beautiful. The attic offered a perfect view of the east horizon. In the sunrise it looked like the skyline had been set ablaze. The reptile let a sigh out through her nostrils as she watched. Someone… from long ago had once told her that Princess Celestia controlled the sun. No dragon she’d ever met could accomplish such a feat, so why were they so arrogant? A pony with that kind of power could make dragons bow before her. Not that it mattered; they all lived outside Celestia’s jurisdiction.

She remembered that individual. Even now, ten years later, the thought of him made her happy. There was one dragon other than her parents that ever made her happy. Spike. The dragon who lived among ponies and adopted their ideals of honesty and friendship. He was the only dragon who ever shared anything with her, the only dragon who ever told her he loved her.

Her body had changed since then. Would he recognize her if they ever met again? Her body had grown four times as tall since then, her legs longer and her wings wider. She was still just a child before her parents died; now she was in her teens. How she managed to survive on her own for that long at such a young age still amazed her. Maybe it was the thought of seeing Spike again that kept her alive, or maybe it was the ponies. Their kindness fascinated her. Why couldn’t dragons be more like them? Maybe she was a pony in her previous life.

With a sigh, the blue dragon beat her wings and flew out the huge shattered window in search of breakfast. This was usually a combination of mice, insects and a bunch of tree leaves. Sometimes she’d be lucky enough to snag a small bird out of midflight. On such a pleasant, cool morning, the pickings were bound to be good. The cathedral grew smaller as she approached the forest a couple acres away.

“Hey, miss Sapphire!”

The dragoness smiled as a child’s voice from below struck a familiar chord. She did a backwards loop in midair and descended under the trees to her feet. A pegasus filly with yellow fur and a sky-blue mane smiled innocently up at Sapphire. A rope draped across her back connected two wicker baskets to either side of the filly’s body. Round berries in every color of the rainbow lined the bottoms of both baskets.

“Good morning, Sunset Breeze!” Sapphire said in her most cheerful tone. “Out picking berries for your mom again?”

“Yeah.” Sunset gazed at the ground instead of her friend, scratching her hoof into the dirt. “It’s about all I can do, since I can’t fly and help with the clouds.”

Sensing Sunset’s shame, Sapphire knelt down to bring herself to eye level with the filly and placed her claw on her shoulder. The little pegasus brought her head back up so Sapphire could look her in her innocent blue eyes. “Hey, you’ll be a great flier someday, I know it! You just can’t give up hope.”

“You really think so, miss Sapphire?”


Sunset Breeze smiled at her reptilian friend. “Do you think you could teach me a few tricks someday? Like that backflip you just did, that was cool!”

“You bet I could, Sunset! You know, you might even be as good as the leader of the Rainbowlts someday.”

The filly’s smile widened. “Really? You think I could be as good as THE Rainbow Dash?!”

Sapphire brought Sunset closer in a small hug. “Kiddo, you can do anything you set your mind on.”

“Thanks, miss Sapphire!” Sunset hugged the dragon tight as if she were a big scaly teddy bear. “I’m so glad I know a nice dragon like you. Mommy says the dragons across the border are all really mean.”

“They can be, yes, and we’re very close to the border of the Dragonlands. It’s very dangerous there." Sapphire pushed Sunset back so she could look the filly in the eyes. "I want you to promise me you won’t ever go there, no matter how curious you get, okay?”

Sunset cocked her head, her long blue mane dancing with the movement. “But miss Sapphire, you made me promise last week!”

“And I want you to promise me this week, too. I’m not a fully grown dragon yet; I might not be able to help you if anything bad happens.”

Those innocent blue eyes narrowed with a hint of annoyance and Sunset pulled herself away. “Mommy can, she’s in the Rainbowlts. She’s very tough! She’s not scared of anything!”

Sapphire lowered her voice to let the little filly know she was serious. “Sunset, have you ever seen a full grown dragon?”

The pegasus shook her head no.

“Ok, listen to me. They’re very, very big.”

“Bigger than you?”

“Much bigger.”

“Bigger than a tree?”


Sunset’s eyes darted for a few moments as her young mind searched for the largest object she could think of. “Bigger than… a house?”


“So how come you’re not mean like them?”

A chuckle escaped Sapphire’s maw. The innocence of young ponies endeared her. “Because I didn’t grow up around other dragons. I grew up in Equestria.”

“Why not? Don’t you have a mommy and daddy?”

“I did.” Sapphire gritted her teeth against the pain of the memory. “But they’re gone now. Never coming back.”

Once more, the young filly embraced her dragon friend. “I’m sorry, miss Sapphire. I didn’t mean to make you remember. I don’t know what I’d do without my mommy and daddy.”

Sapphire flashed a smile to let the filly know the mention of her parents was taken with good grace. “It’s ok. If you love your mommy, you should get back to picking berries for her.” The dragon stood up and patted Sunset on her head. “I gotta go catch me some breakfast. You keep that chin up, okay, kiddo?”

Sunset’s big blue eyes looked up at her friend with a smile. “Ok, miss Sapphire, I will!”

With a smile of her own, Sapphire turned the other way and took one step in her search for breakfast before Sunset’s voice stopped her again.

“Miss Sapphire!”

Sometimes Sapphire wondered why she bothered with fillies, but she turned around with a smile nonetheless. “Yes?”

“Can you do that ice trick?”

“I don’t know. I’m kinda hungry.”

“Come on, do the trick again!” Sunset stamped her hoof in protest.

After a sigh, Sapphire held out her paw, knowing that Sunset wouldn’t be satisfied until she saw her ice dragon powers for the hundredth time. Cold air swirled above the dragon’s paw, gradually transforming into frost until a ball of ice that sparkled in the morning sunlight formed into her paw. The dragon knelt down and handed it to the filly.

“Brrrr! It’s cold! Real ice! Until I met you, I thought only unicorns could do magic. Thanks, Sapphire!” The young filly gave Sapphire one last hug before running off in search of more berries.

Once Sunset Breeze was out of sight, Sapphire hung her head and sighed. She regretted mentioning Rainbow Dash. She’d met Rainbow all those years ago, before she became the most famous flier in Equestria and founded the Rainbowlts, the team of fliers who worked with the Wonderbolts. She was a good friend of Spike’s.

Of course, she could always go back to Ponyville and find Spike again, but fear and embarrassment held her back. When she left Ponyville with her parents, she thought she’d said her goodbyes with him. Would he even remember her, ten years later?

Sapphire, you big coward. You’re bringing this on yourself. Why are you hiding away like this? Why not just go back and see him again? Maybe because I haven’t figured out where I really belong yet. I don’t really fit in with either the ponies or the dragons. The ponies are scared of me and I don’t get along with other dragons.

Tears welled up in the dragon’s eyes. What should she do…?