• Published 27th Oct 2012
  • 11,120 Views, 603 Comments

My Little Halo: Survival is Magic - Dusk Writer

Master Chief on Equestria. What will happen?

  • ...

10....There's a Way

After a moment of silence in which Celestia did a quick spell to view the outside world, her face hardened into that of a seasoned leader. "Lyra, I need you to return to the city. Rally the troops and get as many of them to defend the castle," she looked to the A.I. chip in Luna's hoof, "We'll need them to buy as much time as possible."

John cut in at this moment, "Shouldn't your priority be to defend your people? The defense of this city matters more than Cortana." Seeing the ponies look at him in shock, he realized that they were wondering how he could care so little about his friend. "Cortana and I are both made to put the defense of civilians before ourselves."

The disappointment in John Celestia felt faded as understanding spread through her. "I understand how you feel, but completing this is so important, it may even help us repel this second changeling invasion." She walked over to John's armored form and lay a hoof on his giant arm. "I need you to help us, Master Chief. I know that we are not in any position to make requests of you, but please, for Cortana's sake."

John looked around to each member of the group that had brought him here. On each of their faces, all he saw were looks of encouragement, even on Rainbow Dash's. Cortana appeared in the projector, flickering, but much better. "I'll be okay, John," she said in a soft but urgent voice, "Now, go save the day again," she finished with a small smile, disappearing into the small device.

Giving out a small sigh, he reluctantly turned to the mint-green unicorn standing next him, "We'll need to get there as quickly as possible; I'll need to carry you." As he finished his sentence, Lyra jumped up and down with excitement before nodding her head so enthusiastically that it seemed as though it would fall off. He grabbed her with one hand, then tucking her underneath his arm.

After checking that his passenger was secure, he ran back to the entrance as fast as he could. He barely heard the ponies behind him gasp as they were shocked at how fast he was. Celestia simply smiled as she lit up her horn; replacing the illusion of Legend at Master Chief's position. She turned back to the group and opened the Forerunner doors, "Well, let's get this over with ponies."

As John ran through the Crystal Caverns, he heard Lyra give out a shout of joy. He felt a small smile twitch his lips at how innocent she was, before returning to the task at hand. He bolted up the stairs, reaching the top in a fourth of the time it took going down. When he got there, the two found the door to already be open.

As they burst through the portal, they caught glimpses of light; green, purple, blue, almost every color in the rainbow. He set Lyra down as they reached the throne room doors. He placed his hands onto the doors, looking to Lyra, "When I open these doors, be prepared for anything. We’re going directly into a battle zone, so keep your head down while you rally the troops.”

Seeing her nod of acknowledgement, the Chief pushed open the doors to the full-blown chaos he had predicted. Left and right, ponies of the Royal Guard, both Day and Lunar, fought insect-like equines that John took to be changelings. As he observed the battle, he saw the changelings dive from the sky, creating a shield of green fire around themselves before crashing into the ground, effectively making bombs.

Suddenly, one such “bomb” came racing towards him. He reached for his assault rifle, grabbing nothing as he realized he had left all of his weapons at the phantom crash site. However, he still had the most powerful weapon in his arsenal; the Mjolnir armor.

He side-stepped the fiery adversary, causing it to crash into the doors behind him. He turned, ready to begin his first fight of the day, only to see two panic-stricken faces of Lyra. Now understanding why they were called changelings, he examined both for any differences, finding none.

He racked his brain for an answer, suddenly thinking of another possible solution. He changed his visor to thermal, and it worked. What he had worked out was that these changelings’ armor had to be incredibly hard, almost like stone, for them to survive both the fire that surrounded them and the impact with the ground, therefore, their thermal signatures would appear as blue compared to a normal pony’s being the regular orange and red.

He began his assault on the left Lyra, shooting forward and grabbing the fake by the throat, he lifted the creature into the air with ease. Before it could screech for reinforcements, John dropped it, bringing his other hand around in a right hook. His hand, still looking like a hoof, impacted into the side of changeling with the force of a warthog at maximum speed.

The creature’s armor shattered instantly, dropping the illusion, showing all that remained of the changeling’s abdomen were crushed organs. John dropped the corpse and looked at Lyra, who had a horrified look on her face. Not having time for her recovery, John picked her up and carried her to the closest cover.

“I’m going to assist where needed around the city. You grab as many guards as you can, tell them that with thermal sight, changelings appear cold, and bring them back here to get the Princess more time.” John’s voice was, as usual, with close to no emotion at all. Lyra nodded her shaky head and turned to set out, when John slightly touched her shoulder, “Be careful Lyra.”

Suddenly, the human was gone, leaving Lyra to gather guards in front of the castle. She looked at the new craters in the street and said to herself, “Well, buck.”

The entire city was in mass chaos. Swarms of changelings descended upon civilians, carrying them off to who knows where. Guards were surrounded and neutralized. It was almost certainly a lost battle. Until John came in that is.

He burst seemingly out of nowhere, crushing changelings left and right with his fists. To the guards, they saw a giant pony that was unstoppable. He rushed over to the guards, quickly breaking up the gel around their feet. “Move to the palace and defend it no matter what. You must buy the Princess more time.”

And with that, he was gone, off to save more guards. The two that had just been saved looked at each other, shrugged, and headed off to the palace.

There are so many! John was incredibly powerful with a large amount of endurance, but even he was beginning to tire from the constant fighting. He was beginning to become surrounded by changelings; the entire population of changelings in the city knew who the real threat was.

They stopped engaging in physical combat, forming an open ring around the Spartan. John, realizing that they were no longer within reach, stopped his attacks to conserve energy. Their spiked horns began to glow a collective eerie green, signifying that they were about to send a large magical blast his way.

They fired, and John brought his arms up to his face, trying to shield himself from the oncoming fire. It never hit. John looked up to see a spherical red shield surrounding him and another pony; a unicorn dressed in the golden armor of a Royal Day guard.

His cutie mark was that of a spell book with archaic writings upon the pages; obviously much more complex than that of the few books John had seen in Twilight's saddle bags. He had a grey coat and black mane and tail. There was also a strange hat on his head, but John decided not to question it. The pony turned towards him, looking at his visor rather than Legend's face. "I can see right through that silly little illusion of yours human. The magic Celestia used to cover you was a tiny amount, not enough to hide you from me." The pony looked at John again and sighed, "Where are my manners," he began, extending a hoof, "My name is Book Master, but you may just call me Book; ponies don't seem to like it when I say they can call me Master," he said with a chuckle.

John reached down and shook the hoof, noticing that behind Book Master, a changeling had gotten brave and was about to touch the crimson shield. Book whirled around, a growl emanating from his throat and black mist appearing to have started flowing from the whites of his eyes. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING?!" He yelled at the poor changeling. A claw made of pure darkness erupted from the ground, grabbed the creature by the middle, and flung it against a wall, breaking its armor. Book recomposed himself and spoke to John without looking, "I am going to drop the shield in three seconds, prepare to fight."

John nodded in acknowledgement, but when the shield flickered, showing it was about to drop, a loud scream of pure insanity was heard from across the courtyard, "BURN, BABY BURN!"

John, Book, and the changelings surrounding them turned their attention to the north end of the courtyard, where a pillar of neon green fire erupted, incinerating about half of the changelings there. In the center of the inferno, there stood a lone Lunar guard with a neon green mane and tail, a dark grey coat, a long jagged scar down the left side of her neck, and a cutie mark the shape of a green fireball.

The flames surrounded her, abiding to the will of her horn; eyes glowing green, she formed the fire into whips, smacking and incinerating anything that wasn’t a pony. She cackled in her pyromaniac induced state, reveling in the joy of flames.

Book paled a little as he watched the Lunar guard, “I’ve never seen Neon Fire so crazy. She might even attack us.” Neon Fire continued attacking in front of her, failing to notice the company of changelings sneaking around to her flank.

They attacked, ready to draw blood, but they were stopped. By stopped, I mean they were crushed in between two large slabs of iron. “That was way too close! Thanks Iron Shot! I’d hate to see anything happen to Neon’s wonderful flank!” shouted a orange-coated and golden-maned pegasus. He wore a baseball cap that was mostly black, but painted camouflage on the front. He had a cutie mark that represented protection of others. He jumped on the back of another changeling, pulling out two small daggers, and began stabbing into its back.

The giant unicorn named Iron Shot simply grunted, pulled out a crossbow, and shot a bolt clean through a changeling at about one hundred yards. Putting away his crossbow, he pulled out two short swords and leapt straight into the middle of the battle; the Lunar guard dispatching anything in his way with a quiet determination.

Neon Fire, now seeming to be more in control of herself, yelled out to the orange pegasus, “How nice of you to join the party, Camo Flash! I was sure you’d gone with the rest of the Day guard to hide in front of the palace!”

The two obviously knew each other, but Camo Flash simply smiled and continued fighting. He cut through the throat of a changeling in front of him, only to have another jump above its fallen comrade. It stretched out its teeth, reaching out to attack the defenseless pony in front of him.

Camo ducked, prepared for his imminent doom, and found it all to be for naught; just as the changeling reached him, a gunshot rang out, impacting into the changelings temple. Its head burst open in a spray of green blood. He turned towards one certain tower, "Seriously?! You had to shoot him in the head?! Now you've ruined my beautiful coat!" Camo finished with sarcasm.

John looked in the direction the shot had come from, spotting the likely tower. Using his helmet's zoom function, he magnified the tower and found another pony (a pegasus), this one much like what a UNSC marine would look like, with his hair shorn close to the skin. He wore the armor of a Lunar guard, but the weirdest part, was that he had the teeth of a human, saying he's an omnivore. The next odd part was his weapon, definitely a human sniper rifle.

"Ah, I see you've found Silent Scout hm? He is quite the mystery; you two should get along smashingly. Now, we should get into fun while there is still some to be had. I'm dropping the shield." True to his word, Book let the shield fade, and the two jumped into the battle.

Reinforcements came in for the changelings, making the sea of black more dense. No matter how many John crushed with his fists, Book Master threw with his dark magic, Neon Fire incinerated with fire, Iron Shot crushed with metal, Camo Flash stabbed with daggers, and Silent Scout shot, there were always more. At one point, John caught a glimpse of a changeling larger than the rest, with blood-red bordering his armor. Then, he was gone.

Eventually, John was separated from the others. He continued fighting, trying to make his way back, when the changelings just stopped attacking him. Confused, John looked around at the changelings. A voice crackled in on his radio, "Human, this is Silent Scout. I can see your actual form on thermal, so don't freak out. Now, the others have been defeated. They've been placed in the center of the courtyard with five changelings preparing a magic blast; all of the other changelings have stopped fighting to give those five all their energy. It's gonna be one hell of a blast."

John weighed the options in his mind as the signal was cut off due to the rising amount of radiation of magic. He looked around, quickly spotting the open area containing his new comrades. He pushed through the crowd as the five continued building power.

Time began to slow. John pushed past the final line of changelings. The five released their spell. He ran at two times his normal speed. The green line (similar to a hunter's) inched forward. At the last moment, John placed himself between the beam and his comrades.

The pain was unlike any he had ever felt. It felt as though first, it invaded his body, forced all organs to temporarily shut down, then starteed burning a hole in his body. It had impacted a couple of inches to the left of the small of his back. He was barely aware that as his shields took most of the impact, the magic bolt seemed to come under more stress.

The hologram known as Legend failed because of the overload of magic, leaving him in his actual form. His shields continued to hold off the onslaught of magic, until the stress of it all broke under pressure.

A blast the likes of a bomb able to level an entire city block erupted from the point of contact; every changeling present was thrown off their feet. John slowly opened his to see Camo Flash shaking him awake. "C'mon! Wake up! I don't know what you are, but I'm not gonna let you die while I still owe you a favor!"

John groaned and sat up, much to Camo's delight. He tried to stand but was knocked back down as pain erupted in his side. He looked down to see the damage; a three inch wide hole had been punched straight through his abdomen, missing anything too vital, but he needed help fast.

He pushed the pain to somewhere he could ignore it, and stood. Many of the changelings backed away in fear. Suddenly, the ocean of black split apart to reveal the red-accented changeling.

In a deep gravelly voice like an Elite's he spoke to John, "Congratulations, creature. You are the first to survive a combined blast from the hive. My name is General Trickery, here in the queen's stead. But now, I'm afraid I must kill you; a creature so dangerous that he could slay hundreds of our kin in a single battle!" He finished with rage laced throughout his voice. He began charging his own magic to finish the Spartan, when the unexpected happened for the tenth time that day.

The skies began to darken, and the sound of stone moving against stone was heard throughout the city. A bluish magic began coalescing into one spot, and female voice rang out among the changelings, starting low, and ending in a scream, "I will not, allow you, to kill. My. HUMAN!" At the end of the shout, a shockwave erupted from the gathered energy, shattering every window in the courtyard.

At ground zero, stood a bright light too bright to make out anything contained within. A column of blue magic shot into the sky above Canterlot, forming what was recognizable only to a few ponies (and human); a slipspace portal. One by one, the changelings, being the only ones affected, were swept into the tornado formed by the column of magic; each being sucked into blackness of slip-space. Several, such as General Trickery, were lucky and flung out of Canterlot towards the Badlands once again.

The portal closed, erupting in a spherical, white, shockwave. After it passed, John looked towards the source of the light to see an alicorn. Her coat was blue, with her mane and tail being navy. Light pulsed in small waves down her body in orderly lines, starting at the base of her horn and ending at her back hooves. On her flank was a forerunner glyph, of what, he had no idea. Her eyes stared into John's with a brilliant blue divinity.

She stepped forward with nearly infinite grace, the air around her radiating with power. "The battle is won, warriors. Rest now."

John watched her with careful eyes, managing to force out one word before collapsing to the ground unconscious.


Author's Note:

Please don't hate me for turning Cortana into an alicorn; to me, it was the most logical answer to help cure Cortana's rampancy. I've actually had this planned for awhile. I was hoping to stray from the path of typical with this story, which I do hope I have done successfully with you guys still enjoying it. However, Cortana will have, certain powers. Stay tuned to find out!

Owners of OC
Book Master: Bookmaster
Neon Fire: BronzeFog
Iron Shot: bladespinner4
Camo Flash: Camo Flash